
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-18 04:29:39


1 . May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do

2 . One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love

3 . More than anything in this world I want to spend the rest of my life with you

4 . Love me little and love me long

5 . 音乐节一直是新秀展示才华的宝贵机会。

6 . 我爱你不仅因为你是谁,还有你为我做的一切!

7 . 圣诞节是欢喜和快乐的时光,因为不用上课。

8 . There is a long-running debate as to whether…有一个长期运行的辩论,是否…

9 . Love without end hath no end

10 . Women were not supposed to parade their ambition nakedly


1 . However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is… 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 …

2 . 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……一方面……,另一方面,

3 . Some people think that … 有些人认为…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。

4 . Therefore, we have the reason to believe that…因此,我们有理由相信…

5 . 朋友请细心呵护,耐心调养,不要让岁月风干我们的灵魂,要让雨露把生活滋润的与鲜花一起怒放。祝生日快乐,万事如意!

6 . 不要非要等到一份最好的工作,才要开始工作。

7 . 愿你一年到头都有&& 充满友谊的欢欣日子, 充满愉快的明朗日子, 充满幸福的温馨日子! 祝你度过一个美妙的生日!

8 . 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

9 . Remember: Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older

10 . 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。


1 . 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

2 . Passionate love is a quenchless thirst

3 . 祝福加祝福是很多个祝福,祝福减祝福是祝福的起点,祝福乘祝福是无限个祝福,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你生日快乐!

4 . It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______However, from a personal point of view find______

5 . 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

6 . 那场展览真正令人激动的就是先锋派摄影的展示。

7 . , sincere blessing you, wish you happy forever, happy birthday, wish you happy no problem, every year this day bless you, hope you are healthy and beautiful, lucky will always follow you, happy birthday!

8 . May the wonderful smell be around you, make your life full of happiness and happiness, always in the endless happy years! Happy birthday to you!

9 . The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman&#;s heart

10 . 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……


1 . In this respect, we may as well (say 从这个角度上我们可以说

2 . I need you like I need the air to breathe

3 . Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

4 . 展示的英语单词

5 . Don&#;t wait to have time, to be able to serve

6 . 他不必为了我作这么详细的展示!

7 . Christmas greetings and best wishes!

8 . 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

9 . 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

10 . 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……


1 . Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long

2 . It is high time that something was done about itFor example_____In addition_____All these measures will certainly______

3 . 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……

4 . All things considered,总而言之 It may be safely said that…它可以有把握地说……

5 . In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair

6 . 空间展示 Space show ;

7 . 该国总统会向代表们展示他构想的国家未来发展的蓝图。

8 . 只要我们将彼此放在心中,我们的爱就永不分离。

9 . 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!

10 . Theres no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认


1 . A is completely / totally / entirely different from B

2 . Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

3 . According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ whileObviously,______,but why?

4 . Wishing you a wonderful birthday You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too

5 . Love&#;s tongue is in the eyes

6 . 新年过后,我们会再回来。

7 . To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existenceTake away love, and our earth is a tomb 爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

8 . A new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of lifeMay you brave the wind and waves in the sea of knowledge一本新书像一艘船,带领着我们从狭隘的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋,愿你能在知识的海洋中乘风破浪。

9 . 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

10 . When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。




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