
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-14 01:34:04


1 . (四)发现一种特别舒服的关系并不是你一言我一句的秒回有时候我愿意把我看到的想到的事一股脑的发给你不用组织语言也不用担心说错话发完也不用等回复因为我知道你会看见是信任和不会被丢下的安定感

2 . 我留不住时光,也留不住你。

3 . 分手之后就别留恋用漂亮的转身来诠释…

4 . 如果没有你,我的日子该怎么办。

5 . , the so-called love is just love it, love is nandaonvchang but I wish you love

6 . 你要走就走,我又不会挽留。

7 . 你其实可以不用这么冷淡,我也没有想过再纠缠。

8 . (三十)把花朵给你把夏日的深远全给你,把语言给你把所有的美好全给你,我愿意把我身边所有的光全都给你,从现在开始什么都不留下,再见了我亲爱的朋友

9 . 感觉走起来特别艰难就对了,说明你正在走上坡路。

10 . 当我们懂得爱一个人时,是情感的成熟,而当我们懂得另一个人的爱时,是爱的成熟。


1 . (一)假如我们不是天蝎座,一定比现在快乐许多;假如我们不是天蝎座,不会那么执着,爱情到来的时候不用倾尽所有的去付出,爱情走的时候也不会像死般痛过;假如我们不是天蝎座,朋友也会有很多,就不会像现在这么孤独。但,我愿意,我是天蝎座。

2 . We have no hope of life Many times in life, we have written the original appearance of the years, but we do not want to admit it all In the end, deceit is the most helpless self - esteem Perhaps, in the smile toward once all the years that life is the failure wave, extreme

3 . 带着温暖的心情离开,要比苍白的真相要好,纯粹的东西死的太快了。

4 . 你终究还是放弃了这段我自以为会有未来的感情。

5 . 悲观主义者抱怨有风,乐观主义者期待变天,现实主义者调整船帆。

6 . 舍得不曾舍得的舍得会舍得。习惯不曾习惯的习惯会习惯。

7 . 野蛮的女人很任性,他们倔强不失可爱,野蛮不失温柔,他们认定的东西,就算不要也不能让别人拥有,她们是贪心的,因为她们害怕寂寞。

8 . 学会用理解的,欣赏的眼光去看对方,而不是以自以为是的关心去管对方。

9 . , deliberately to find happiness, often can not find, but bring empty and annoyance But sometimes, in an unintentionally or unintentionally, the pleasurable thing is an unexpected guest, suddenly coming, unpredictable The satisfaction of doing a good thing and completing the work that has contributed to the work will make people happy naturally

10 . 绝口不提爱你,不是不爱,而是很爱,却不能再爱。


1 . , master asked, "if you want to boil a pot of boiled water and make a fire until half a year, if you find it is not enough, what should you do?" The master said, why don&#;t you drop some of the water in the pot? The world can not be all the same

2 . 做一个花开不败旳女人,像仙人掌一样旳坚强。

3 . (十一)假如爱有天意,我果断决绝,是不是事情就会比现在好的多的多,为什么这样?命运对我,真是因果,我会努力,这个男人真是让我又爱又恨,而此刻,我只想停下来歇一歇,什么都不去想,什么都不去做。累,心累,但我知道他比我更累,我愿意分担你的累。好好活着,努力快乐。

4 . 你用心,他无心,爱着不爱自己的人,本身就是没有回报的。

5 . 没有什么真不能忘记,除非是你自己不想忘记也没有什么需要去忘记,除非是你真的想要逃避。

6 . (十六)夏至未至开播季,你想拥有陈学冬这样高颜值的傅小司带你去逃课么---我愿意

7 . 只要是个喜剧结局,过程你让我怎么哭都行。

8 . 分手快乐,祝我快乐,我可以找到更好的。

9 . 还你自由,还你空间,还你放荡不羁,我全都还给你。

10 . 人生中大多数的痛苦不是别人给你造成的,而是自己跟自己过不去。


1 . 我们就这样淡化一段情你选择新欢我选择时间

2 . see, life is a complete we are unable to reach greatly discerning and apprehending, that state Life is impossible to see through It&#;s just a mark on the list At the same time, we are still busy and self righteous

3 . (七)陪伴是最长情的告白,与晋相伴此生不换

4 . , everyone has its own difficulties, but some people are not easy to be found Life can not be all the same Life is a kind of rhythm We must have light and shadow, rain and shine Everyone wants to live happier and better in this world The clever way is to change ourselves instead of changing the outside world To know, life is created by yourself

5 . 我设计了一万种方式遇见你,却没设计一种方法留住你,最后成为你的风景。

6 . 牵手是一个很伤感的过程,因为牵手过后是放手。

7 . , as long as there is a person&#;s place is not; as long as people have a mouth, there will be opinions and criticism Moreover, people who are too concerned about the ideas of others are not only unable to be happy, but also easy to lose their own characteristics and personality, but also have no way to develop their potential

8 . , the most unforgettable time, some soft words, those tender, any lasting, it is difficult to forget The end of life, you and I have the time At this moment, I want to pour a cup of sweet wine Smiling, like silent silence waiting on the field

9 . (二十五)这个世界上没有什么事是放不下的,痛了,你自然就会放下。你有没有曾经想念一个人痛到不行,不是我的世界里非要有你存在,而是我的心告诉我必须用这种痛到不行的方式才能慢慢把你忘记。很多次告诉我自己,别想了,别想了,可是如果能控制的住我愿意喝杯忘情水!这样或许不那么纠结,膀胱和坐立不安。我是不是应该清醒。

10 . (十三)我想当我离开这个世界的时候,我问问自己后悔让你离开我吗?我认真的考虑了一下,放弃一个不爱我出在乎我的人,我愿意离开他。不后悔,如果没有放弃你我会后悔,因为我的自私让一个人一生没有享受到爱情的幸福。所以我们分手吧,为了我不后悔,好吗?我很感谢你从结婚到现在没有主动提出离婚,谢谢




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