
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-15 16:12:01


1 . 北美秃头鹰的数量一度很多,但在近四十年中全北美的秃头鹰数量急剧下降。

2 . 参考例句:

3 . 打电话 talk on the phone

4 . The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil

5 . correlation 相关性

6 . 天空 sky

7 . assault 攻击

8 . popularity 普及;流行

9 . 客货车 van

10 . 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。


1 . 工程师 engineer

2 . The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years

3 . miscondust 行为不端

4 . 他的教书生涯始于麻省理工学院,但是William Rainey Harper把他吸引到了新成立的芝加哥大学。他在那里正式任职长达整整一代人的时间。他的高级课上的学生觉得他在课上古板得可怕,但私下交流却富有同情和理解。

5 . 受当代灌溉(技术设施之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长。

6 . 雪对农民是一种帮助,因为它保持地层土壤的温度,使种子不致冻死。

7 . 教 teach

8 . self-respect/self-esteem 自尊心

9 . detour 绕道

10 . 冬天 winter


1 . Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually

2 . 由于空间不足,艺术博物馆在考虑购买和接受捐赠的艺术品是越来越慎重,有些情况下放弃其进一步改善收藏的机会。

3 . absurdity 荒唐;谬论

4 . 一起 together

5 . It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning

6 . zeal 热情

7 . That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists

8 . punishment 惩罚

9 . 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day

10 . adventurer/explorer 探险者


1 . threshold 开端

2 . 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比。

3 . 确实,他们在探险中遇到了极具威胁性的困难和危险,而他们的装备会让一个现代登山者想一想都会浑身颤栗。不过他们并不是刻意去追求刺激的。

4 . 花瓶 vase

5 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

6 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母T开头)

7 . campaign 运动

8 . The attempt to blackball it is neo- McCarthyism

9 . discomfort 不舒服

10 . 短头发 short hair


1 . gallery 美术馆

2 . contribution 贡献

3 . rebellion 反叛

4 . This is the centre of the technology

5 . fidelity 忠实

6 . 为新操场筹集资金When will the new President take office?

7 . 这个;那个 the

8 . 新凯恩斯学派对这一新说法持怀疑态度。Art Movements - Impressionism - Informel Art - Mannerism - Minimalism - Neo-impressionism - Neo-classicism

9 . 向左转 turn left

10 . indictment 控告


1 . 国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。

2 . 新总统什么时候就职?nascent Fe+

3 . His teaching began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William Rainey Harper lured him to the new university of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences

4 . 技术部负责按体系要求做好技术的总体策划工作。HTTC HyperTransport Technology Consortium

5 . 今晚 tonight

6 . 肩 shoulder

7 . 和……讲话 speak to

8 . 那个消息留待以后再宣布。The venture was new

9 . 裙子 skirt

10 . 走 walk


1 . 图书馆是细小类目的大综合体。Grace wears a tiny golden cross

2 . comfort 舒适

3 . 昆虫就将会使我们无法在这个世界上居住;如果我们没有受到以昆虫为食的动物的保护,昆虫就会吞嚼掉我们所有的庄稼并杀死我们饲养的禽兽。

4 . behavior 行为

5 . 春季 spring

6 . adj 新的;现代的;初次的;初见的

7 . contentment 满意;满足

8 . The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support

9 . The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed

10 . charm 魅力


1 . jogging 慢跑

2 . 商店 shop

3 . straightforwardness 直率

4 . 其他;另外 else

5 . consumption 消费

6 . 甜的 sweet

7 . 脚趾 toe

8 . 游泳 swim

9 . measure 测量;评估

10 . candidate 候选人




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