
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 00:48:15


1 . 愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。

2 . Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success

3 . 我居然去蹦极,真是太蠢了。

4 . 是不是没有了我,你会更好过。

5 . Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long

6 . A man can fail many times, but he isn&#;t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else -- J Burroughs一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。 -- 巴勒斯

7 . There are no secrets to success It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure成功没有诀窍,它是筹备,苦干以及在失败中汲取教训的结果。

8 . 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

9 . Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。

10 . A:That&#;smorelikeit。


1 . Love is the greatest refreshment in life 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

2 . 微笑的背后,伤心和痛苦,又有谁会了解?

3 . Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

4 . Gods determine what you&#;re going to be 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。

5 . B:So,don&#;tjustsitthere,godosomethingaboutit!

6 . 那又怎样?【疯狂想像:毫不在乎地说!】

7 . Christmas comes but once a year But when it comes it brings good cheer

8 . 在自己面前,应该一直留有一个地方,独自留在那里。然后去爱。不知道是什么,不知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人。可是,这种等待,就是爱情本身。

9 . 以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

10 . Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。


1 . Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season

2 . People are used to born in the stars They just temporarily live in the star which is called the earth Therefore, everyone has a star-like heart The life is limited, but they still shine with their smiles and love

3 . If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly coz only she has is misfortune

4 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live 生命不止,奋斗不息。

5 . 太好了,我就指望你了。

6 . Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。

7 . Do what you say,say what you do做你说过的,说你能做的。

8 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible "凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。

9 . 你来我信你不会走,你走我当你没来过。

10 . I need him like I need the air to breathe 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。


1 . It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨

2 . Distance makes the hearts grow fonder 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

3 . 你的酒窝没有酒而我醉得像条狗。

4 . Don&#;t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

5 . If you fail, don&#;t forget to learn your lesson如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

6 . The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。

7 . Love never dies 爱情永不死。

8 . 每个人心里都有一道伤,那是曾经天塌下来的地方。

9 . I don&#;t think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything Conversely, I think it&#;s a selecting process, knowing what&#;s the most important and what&#;s the least And then be a simple man

10 . 圣诞是这样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,美好回忆,恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。


1 . I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

2 . If you would go up high, then use your own legs! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people’s backs and heads 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。

3 . 愿你的圣诞光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐!

4 . A:Honey,wouldyoupleaseputthedishesinthedishwasher?

5 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。

6 . 有怎样的现在就有怎样的未来

7 . Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere Friend is who can give you strength at last 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

8 . A:Don&#;ttalktoyourbrotherthatway!

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10 . You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future Once time is wasted, life is wasted你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。


1 . One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love 一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。

2 . Constant dripping wears away the stone锲而不舍,金石可镂。

3 . We all live in the past We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone

4 . The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there车到山前必有路。

5 . 你以为你是谁啊?管好自己的事吧。

6 . 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的`我一走近,就会被深水淹死。

7 . A:Itwasstupidofmetogobungeejumping。

8 . The first blow is half the battle良好的开端是成功的一半。

9 . I need him like I need the air to breathe 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 经典语句

10 . 别跟你哥哥那么说话!


1 . 无尽的爱恋与祝福,献给我的爱妻,你永远是我珍贵的圣诞礼物和我的一切!

2 . Victory won&#;&#;t come to me unless I go to it胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

3 . A:You&#;renotwearingyourseatbelt。

4 . Forget, forgive, for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again Touch hands!

5 . 你以为你是谁啊?!【疯狂想像:毫不客气地说!】

6 . While there is life there is hope一息若存,希望不灭。

7 . When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn&#;t take away the world that belongs to you

8 . 愿你拥有圣诞节所有美好的祝福。

9 . I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure 我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西

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