
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 23:02:09


1 . thinking of you night and day[日日夜夜我都在想你]

2 . Waste not want not 俭以防匮。

3 . Ingvar Kamprad, Founder of IKEA

4 . The truth is that you left。[事实是你已经离开了]

5 . 炫耀什么,缺少什么;掩饰什么,自卑什么。所谓正常人,只是自我防御比较好的人。真正的心理健康,是不设防而又不受害。

6 . "Lu is a foot out, history is written out, people every step of the action in writing their own history - Ji Hongchang "

7 . "人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限为人民服务之中去。——雷锋"

8 . ·失败乃成功之母。

9 . Virtue is fairer far than beauty 美德远比美丽更美好。

10 . 给人幸福的不是身体上的好处,也不是财富,而是正直和谨慎。——德谟可利特


1 . 人只有在睡觉时才不犯错。

2 . 我们通过战胜自己来改进自我。 那里一定有竞赛,我们一定要赢!

3 . 世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。

4 . 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

5 . I want to be your sun around you。[我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁]

6 . 奥普拉-温弗瑞,脱口秀女王

7 . 不要乱说话。话说出去之前你还是话的主人,话说出去之后你就成了话的奴隶。

8 . 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别。

9 . One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone

10 . face present with the least waste


1 . Laugh eyes and lie face [ 会笑的眼和说谎的脸]

2 . Mention that you how don&#;t smile。(提到他你怎么不笑了。)

3 . 奋斗是万物之父。——陶行知

4 . Is the wrong with deep feeling。(百无一用是深情)

5 . He&#;s not silent and shy, he doesn&#;t want to talk to you。(他不是沉默羞涩他是没话想跟你说。)

6 . Bravery never goes out of fashion

7 . 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

8 . "Winter has come, can spring be far behind? - Shelley "

9 . "There are people who pursue wealth gracious living, intelligent people to pursue quality of life "

10 . 人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰,另一是踌躇满志。——萧伯纳


1 . 幽默胜过直白,话少胜过多言;坦率胜过伪装,自然胜过狡辩;心静何来多梦,苦索不如随缘。

2 . Amended from time to time with wisdom deviation compassion people everywhere convenience

3 . "From day wear non-hero, not being jealous is mediocrity "

4 . When you are young, you may want several love experiences But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough You need time to know, to forgive and to loveAll this needs a very big mind

5 . You can&#;t eat your cake and have it 不能既要吃饼,又要把饼保存。

6 . If you fall in love with a person。[如果你爱了上一个人。]

7 . One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love

8 . Separate too much doubt how to hold you隔太多怀疑怎么能抱紧你

9 . A lasting relationship with you。[白头到老陪你走]

10 . Richard Branson, Chairman of Virgin Group


1 . Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell

2 . 爱因斯坦:逻辑会带你从A点到达B点,想象力将把你带到任何地方。

3 . The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man

4 . 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。

5 . "Today is life, is the only thing you can ascertain life - Leo Tolstoy "

6 . 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 -- 苏格拉底

7 . I could&#;t want anyone but you。[除了你我谁都不想要]

8 . Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion

9 . 一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。

10 . 伟大的精力只是为了伟大的目的而产生的。——斯大林




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