
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 21:45:55


1 . After the holiday, learn god to brush difficult problem, the student with outstanding achievement is brushing the homework, the student with poor result is in brush dynamic

2 . Summer vacation, put down the pressure of study, easy a summer; Lay down the troubles of life, and be merry for a summer; Put down your tight mood and laugh for a summer May you have a happy summer vacation and a relaxing summer!

3 . The most joyful is the holiday, the summer holiday is long and happy Stay up late and get up early and live regularly, watch TV computer to rest, air conditioning room to ventilate, outdoor play to prevent sun protection, swimming is accompanied, safe and happy is the first Eat less cold drinks and drink more water Remember that friends are always in touch Wish you a happy summer holiday!

4 . 走遍千家万家,宜购超市最佳。

5 . 五一“钻石代表我的心”——超值回报消费者

6 . 烹調人員

7 . 走遍千家万家,购物还是新一佳。——新一佳

8 . 天天新鲜,日日平价!——大连友谊集团友嘉购物

9 . 给你心的满足。——惠福

10 . 黄金有价,真情无价。


1 . 开心购物享受生活。——金玛特生活广场

2 . 五一逛**,购物中大奖;低价降到底,好运转不停。

3 . 选择宜购,购物无忧。

4 . 八送你一棵发财树,财源滚滚挡不住;送你一朵好运花,财神天天来帮忙;送你一句祝福长,生意兴隆财气旺;祝开业大吉,财运不断!

5 . 服装行业五一促销广告语

6 . 相宅而居,骏业开张安乐土;多财善贾,鸿名共仰大商家。

7 . 桂花购物在身边,方便生活每一天

8 . 擂响五月放“价”送“礼”

9 . For us, a holiday is just another place to do your homework

10 . "Are you excited about the holiday?" "Well, you&#;ll be more excited about the exercise!


1 . 質地細緻胡蘿蔔

2 . The so-called holiday is, the family is suspected, go out without money, every day special leisure

3 . 送你一棵发财树,财源滚滚挡不住;送你一朵好运花,财神天天来帮忙;送你一句祝福长,生意兴隆财气旺;祝开业大吉,财运不断!

4 . 诚信服务记心间快乐工作每一天

5 . 与您携手改变生活!老朋友更真诚!——华润万家

6 . 新鲜购物每一天您身边的好邻居

7 . Once upon a time, there was a group holiday, and now these people have different holidays

8 . 來自雲林,非常甜美多汁的品種,良好栽培管理定期檢測收穫完成的胡蘿蔔,土壤和水。具有%的可追溯性。

9 . 家樂福品質控管

10 . 合法屠宰場


1 . 开心度长假低价总动员

2 . Summer vacation to, happy arrive Less stress, better mood Catch fish and shrimps Fly a kite, field run Learn to swim and bathe Be more careful and less dangerous Relax and smile Happy one summer vacation, happy childhood good!

3 . 物质文明称巨子,商情豁达属先生。

4 . 宜选宜买宜方便,购好购真购实惠。

5 . 图大展,裕业有孚。

6 . 送吉祥给你愿你开店顺利好运临门。,送福气给你愿你生意兴隆万事大吉,送健康给你愿你万事开心和气生财,送智慧给你愿你经营有道步步增进,送幸福给你愿你发财有道幸福天天。

7 . 衛生包裝

8 . 肉品運送過程均採冷藏°C冷凍-°C以下恆溫控制,全程保鮮不失溫。

9 . 友以义交情可久,财从道取利方长。

10 . 珠宝五一促销广告语


1 . 佳乐购物广场:引领消费时尚创造美好生活

2 . Homework failed to load, please have a school holiday again

3 . 五一“链”结顾客心

4 . 服务无处不在,品质超越期待。

5 . 二十七听说你开张了,很可惜我不能过去捧场。特派财神常驻你家,保你财源滚滚,天天数钱数到手抽筋。祝你事业顺利。

6 . The school holidays depended on the typhoon

7 . 快乐省钱,新星货真价廉。——新星

8 . Summer vacation to summer, you are lucky, the first prize in the welfare lottery; You did well in the heat, and koko won the first prize "Heat" you pressure is small, door door does not report class to take remedial course, "heat" you be happy thick, safe and happy you chase me to run; Wish you a very easy summer vacation!

9 . 消費者

10 . 站在街头看美女,不如走进店内陪美女(适合成都春熙路商家)外面太热,进来脱吧。我们拥有足够的试衣间!(适合大型商场)本店为旅游形象店,地居民请节后进入!(档次高的大店)淘巧网


1 . 二十九开业了朋友,愿你的事业枝繁叶茂,开出美丽的花朵,我多想亲自为你剪彩,无奈只能短信祝福传达我真挚的心意,祝你事业红红火火,家庭和和睦睦!

2 . Summer vacation comes, I invite you to travel, you pay; Watching a movie together, you buy a ticket; Buy a gift, you give me, what do I give you? I write a message to you, bless you happy to spend the summer holiday every day, laugh often, I just make you smile

3 . 十二在开业的今天,祝贺的话语都斟满酒杯,溢出来了,醉了前程什锦。真情实意都融进我们一起的的日子里,伸到远处,跟着财源滚滚。

4 . 送上花篮,愿你金银钱财滚滚前来;送上鞭炮,愿你开张大吉一鸣惊天;送上贺词,愿你生意红火四方盛传;朋友开张顺利,祝你生意兴隆乐无边,钱财不断把你缠!

5 . 天天爱丽丝,日日新生活。——爱丽丝

6 . 十六东风利市春来有象,生意兴隆日进无疆。一马百符,商人爱福;七厅六耦,君手维新。经之,营之,财恒足矣;悠也,久也,利莫大焉。秉管鲍精神,因商作战;富陶朱学术,到处皆春。相宅而居,骏业开张安乐土;多财善贾,鸿名共仰大商家。

7 . I was not very good at studying when I was reading, and I found that I was not very good at it after the holidays

8 . The exam is over, and the old smoke is gone The weather is too small and rainy The shepherd boy refers to the happy village Just hang up the sea of clouds, I will send you care today, wish this summer holiday happy!

9 . 店独家推出五一七彩套装,用色彩渲染你五一七天!(色调丰富的女店)卫浴五一促销广告语大全

10 . 宜人生活,购物天堂。


1 . This is my life this year summer vacation, a colorful and meaningful summer vacation, but I more hope I can this summer and winter vacation, let&#;s primary school students really fell after the "burden"

2 . Class is for the end of class, school is for the holiday I can&#;t imagine how I could have the courage to come to school without such a great heart

3 . If your military training is a sunny day, if you have a holiday, you will have a lot of homework

4 . 购物好当家方便你我他-----好当家购物广场

5 . 我淡妆打扮,因为是基本礼貌。

6 . As the name implies the summer vacation to heat is false, but not all person&#;s holiday, is only the proletariat and the day of the carnival, we adults can only silently standing by and by, look at these naive face the carefree play everywhere, also, those who long to see her stay home with children all the day to catch a son everywhere, art, science, such as English around, deprived of the originally let children freedom to make decision of power

7 . 四送吉祥给你愿你开店顺利好运临门。,送福气给你愿你生意兴隆万事大吉,送健康给你愿你万事开心和气生财,送智慧给你愿你经营有道步步增进,送幸福给你愿你发财有道幸福天天。

8 . 宜而惠:便宜又实惠!购物就要宜而惠

9 . 由家樂福專業烘培師傅特別研製調理,用品質優良的原料全日烘培口感絕佳的產品,提供多元化口味與選擇,以滿足全家人的喜好!

10 . 長期委任SGS到店內做全面檢測,並要求員工定期健檢,維持高標準的品質。


1 . 三十三送你青花瓷,愿你发达始于此,送你唐三彩,祝你接纳八方财,送你小短信,希望你的用心赢得崭新,给明天的自己更多信心,兄弟,生意兴隆。

2 . 提供來自世界各地及優質的在地農產品,經過嚴格標準篩選;豐富且多樣的選擇盡在家樂福!?鮮魚區

3 . The summer vacation comes, please: pick up the day as "dance" passion, relax "insides" nervous, "eclectic" activities, enjoy the "colorful" happy, feel the happiness of the "colorful"! Happy holidays!

4 . 十九一声祝福,代表的是真心,一声问候,代表的是诚心,一份信念,愿的是你开心,一条短信,衷心的表达祝愿,开业大吉,生意兴隆。

5 . 三十四贵店今日开张,送上一副对联表达我的祝贺,上联:展望老板事业火火富贵长;下联:预祝贵店财源滚滚生意旺;横批:势不可挡!

6 . 宜购超市,不只是便宜。

7 . 昨天祝贺早了点,夜不能寐只为你;明天祝贺晚了点,捶胸顿足还为你;今天祝贺是正点,迫不及待祝贺你:祝你开业兴隆天天旺,财源茂盛到八方!

8 . Put on summer vacation to say the mood phrase about the summer vacation of the QQ to say the mood full of mood - sad talk - love to talk - funny talk - - motivational talk - mood phrase big all

9 . 專業生鮮人員每天收貨時到冷藏庫,檢測肉品溫度,並進行官能檢查,確保肉類品質。

10 . 新店开张送祝福,发副对联表心意,上联:生意兴隆,财似海;下联:宾客如流,钱如潮。横批:开业大吉。




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