
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-15 11:41:37


1 . You are good students

2 . His father is a violinist

3 . They are in trouble

4 . Its hobby is to eat fish

5 . a一般疑问句(GeneralQuestions):

6 . My parents are proud of me

7 . Your teachers are serious

8 . She is only years old

9 . )疑问句(InterrogativeSentences):提出问题。有以下四种:

10 . )主+动+间宾+直宾(SVOiOd)例如:


1 . AthisBthat

2 . We are your new friends

3 . They&#;veneitherofthemsucceededinwinningherconfidence他们两人谁也没能赢得她的信任。

4 . 动词是句子的中心。包括行为动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词。划在一起。(一般做谓语

5 . He gaveme a book

6 . He lay there, his teeth set, his hand clenched, his eyes looking straight up

7 . He becomes a teacher.

8 . The bag 主语,名词 lost丢,形容词,表语

9 . Your success is our hope

10 . Hedoesn&#;tknowher,doeshe?


1 . 主语 + 谓语(及物动词 + 宾语;I hate grammar

2 . Iamjustleavingschool,andameighteenyearsofage

3 . AdoBare

4 . The chair is yours

5 . The bag was lost包丢了。

6 . 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy,主格代词(如you,数词,动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。

7 . HefollowedtheinstructiontowalkalongacertainstreetwhereIpickedhimup他照吩咐沿某一条街走,我在那里接他上了车。(towalkalong…与theinstruction同位

8 . CthatDwhat

9 . Heaskedyouboystobequiet他要你们男孩子安静些。

10 . 老师们,同学们晚上好。


1 . 答案选C,为强调句型,被强调成分为hisnervousnessintheinterview,句意为“很可能是面试时表现出紧张,使他失去

2 . She is a volleyball fan

3 . (方式状语从句

4 . I am tired

5 . He looks well他面色好。

6 . The children are asleep孩子们睡着了。

7 . 大家早上好。

8 . My father became a teacher in 我爸爸在年成为一名教师。My father 主语,名词 a teacher名词,表语 in 时间状语

9 . Cshewillmarry,shemarriesDshemarries,shewillmarry

10 . 此题的答案是C不是A,其中的现在分词短语hopingtocatchtheearlybus用作伴随状语。


1 . You are my best friend

2 . DIwonderwhyheisalwaysdoingso

3 . They are really pianist

4 . They主语,代词 kind亲切的,和蔼的,形容词,表语

5 . She is at home.

6 . She looks beautiful她看起来很漂亮。

7 . 主语 + 谓语(不及物动词; Grammar sucks

8 . I am proud of my parents

9 . She 主语,代词 in the room在屋里,介词短语,表语

10 . It’smypleasuretointroducemyselftoyouhere


1 . Theythreejoinedtheschoolteam他们人参加了校队。

2 . AbeforeBwhoCthatDwhen

3 . (Theydidwhattheycouldtocomforther他们尽量安慰她。

4 . CitwhenDhewhich

5 . 答案选C,被强调成分为what,该句实为类似Itisabikethathisdaughterneedsmost这类强调句的特殊疑问句形式(即对其中的abike提问而得。

6 . AwhichBsinceCthatDwhat

7 . 最佳答案选D。假若选A或B,那么转换成陈述句即为:Thisisyouwanttosay/Thatisyouwanttosay显然句中的两个谓语动词is与want相冲突。选D组成的句子是Isthatallyouwanttosay?其中的that为句子主语,all为表语,youwanttosay为定语从句,用以修饰all。

8 . 其实,此题是一个强调句,其非强调形式为LittleJimwrotetheletterverycarefully若用itis…that…的强调句式强调其中的状语verycarefully即为上面一题的题干,所以答案应选B。请看下面几例,也属强调结构:

9 . He brought me a pen

10 . 定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰限定作用的词短语或句子定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。


1 . 此题最佳答案为D。首先可以排除A和C,因为空格处实为一个宾语从句,所以不能用疑问句词序。另一方面,但按英语习惯,当用于指代身份不明的人时,要用代词it,而不用he或she等。比较以下两句:

2 . 并列句就是两个或以上的简单句,由表示并列关系的连词或标点符号连接而成。常见的连词:and, not onlybut also, neithernor or, eitheror otherwise,but, yet, while, so, for等。阅读中遇到并列关系的句子,一般情况下是以连词为界限,将句子分成前后几个部分,并分别来分析,各句的意思一般可以单独理解,最后将各句合并即可。

3 . Hepointedto______lookedlikeatombandsaid,“Ghost”

4 . BHeshouldn’thavedrunksomuch

5 . ChopingDhoped

6 . Cshallwe,weshallDweshall,shallwe

7 . Thecurrentaffair,thebiggestinitshistory,isbeingheldinGuangzhou

8 . 独立主格结构使用介词的问题:

9 . 我想知道她现在在哪儿?

10 . 【分析】此题为一个强调句型,空格处应填that(即选D,被强调成分为whathemeantratherthanwhathesaid。句意


1 . The children are asleep

2 . Mymothermademeanewdress我母亲给我做了一件新衣裳。

3 . We are your fans

4 . 宾语:宾语位于及物动词之后,一般同主语构成一样,不同的是构成宾语的代词必须是‘代词宾格’

5 . 答案选C,被强调成分为who,该句实为类似ItwasTomthatsavedthedrowninggirl这类强调句的特殊疑问句形式(即对其中的Tom提问而得。

6 . We are students我们是学生。

7 . 举例: He stood there, his hand raised

8 . He is fat

9 . CthatDwhen

10 . The school building is very high


1 . Goodmorning,everyone!Iamgladtobeheretointroducemyself各位早上好,很高兴在这里介绍自己。AlthoughthisismyfirsttimetointroducemyselfinEnglish,butIbelievethatIcanmakeagood

2 . He is very lucky

3 . Areyoutworeading?你们二人在看书吗?

4 . 主语+谓语(不及物动词

5 . You are our best friends

6 . He has suddenly fallen ill.他突然病倒了。

7 . “Howwas______theydiscoveredtheentrancetotheundergroundpalace?”“Totallybychance”

8 . I am from China

9 . His English is the best in our class

10 . It sounds nice这个听起来不错。




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