
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 00:21:18


1 . Being single doesn’t mean no one wants you It means you’re taking your time deciding about your

2 . The journey of life is not perfect, the twists and turns is also scenery, think is perfect人生的旅途没有完美,曲折亦是风景,想通就是完美。

3 . 踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近点吗?

4 . There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears。

5 . You can finish the longest road step by step。But you may be unable to finish the shortest road if you have no action of striding。

6 . Fitness and reading, is the world&#;s lowest cost way of appreciation健身和读书,是世界上成本最低的升值方式。

7 . 我用画笔画出你的样子,却怎么也画不出你的心。

8 . try and fail, but don&#;t fail to try

9 . 就在此刻,我已经拥有了我需要的一切。

10 . 真正的朋友决不会挡住你的去路,除非你在走下坡路时。A friend is never known till a man has need


1 . 一道道甜蜜的轨迹,是我们绕不回的曾经。

2 . 要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。

3 . the rough road often leads to the top

4 . Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life。

5 . 奋战过失败,胜过不战而败。

6 . 不为模糊不清的未来过分担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在奋发图强。

7 . If there is an afterlife, love a person must be heartless

8 . 自从和你分手以后,我发现追我的人越来越多了。

9 . gets better as it grows older

10 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers


1 . Whatever happened in the past is gone, the best is always yet to come ------ 无论过去发生什么,最好的永远尚未到来。

2 . Sometimes you just miss it, but sometimes you lose it 有的时候你只是错过,可有的时候你却是失去。

3 . love makes people forget about time, while time makes people forget about love don’t let yesterday take up more of today

4 . 谈恋爱吧,男人都是一开始殷勤,越来越偷懒,到最后爱搭不理。而女人正相反,是一开始矜持,越来越黏人,到最后总想管人。所以啊,男人是爱在前面,享福在后面。而女人是享福在前面,辛苦在后面。做男人千万别怕被女人管。爱你才管你,什么时候不管你了,就是不爱了。

5 . 有钱不一定有道,敢摸不一定敢操。

6 . love i fell in love with it so lonely爱情。它让我爱上寂寞。

7 . 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。

8 . After the breakup, a person is very indifferent, then love happiness and bitterness with

9 . Reach high,for stars lie hidden in you Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal 到达高处吧,因为星星在你心中。梦想远大吧,因为每个梦想都先于你的目标。

10 . 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。


1 . 在伤与痛之间,惟你我彷徨。

2 . 最是人间留不住, 朱颜辞镜花辞树。

3 . 总想着会忘记,但眼泪告诉自己,怎么可以。

4 . Finally a word of greeting commom;cynical like disturb

5 . Some people would never be together But there&#;s a feeling hiding in their heart forever 有些人,一辈子都不会在一起。但是有一种感觉却可以藏在他们心里一辈子。

6 . 一句简单的问候,承载了多少不为人知的情感。

7 . 我再也不想见到你,是违心说的还是一时的气话呢。

8 . 笑过,闹过,吵过,哭过,如今我需要的是冷漠。

9 . 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

10 . 爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。不要让太多昨天占据你的今天!


1 . How can I best serve the Universe today?

2 . A pawn, who buried the love

3 . 感情,是用来维持的,不是用来考验的。爱人,是用来疼爱的,不是用来伤害的。

4 . Heartif there is no place to perch on, where all are wandering

5 . 有时候,你不得不在心如死灰一般之后,从灰烬中涅盘,相信自己,并成为一个全新的自己。

6 . 勇往直前, 决不放弃!

7 . 谢谢你是那位全世界都遗弃我时还在我身边的朋友。Never abandon an old friend You will never find one who can take his place Friendship is like wine, it

8 . Have a tripWhat the world can give you is always beyond what runs wild in your mind

9 . 我听到了花开的声音,也看到了花落的结局。

10 . I&#;m just a sunflower, waiting for belongs to my only sunshine 我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光




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