
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-24 07:05:04


1 . adj 含盐的,咸的,用盐腌制的

2 . payroll 薪水册

3 . working hours 工作时间

4 . 了解自己以便更好的了解别人。

5 . A watched pot is long in Boiling

6 . Justdoit

7 . maximum wage 最高工资 (美作:wage ceiling

8 . New

9 . 做事要果敢。

10 . "孩子们,别心急,我们就快到游乐园了"Because of the slack in international banking right now US banks might be overanxious and overdo themselves


1 . 我正怒气冲天。She is a girl of sweet temper

2 . 他们过去以食盐交换马匹。Add the vanilla and salt

3 . 食盐在显微镜下看起来好象是无数小正方体。 The result of this stacking of ions is a cubical crystal of common table salt

4 . 这是一种口语用语。Server InformationSpecify the roaming access server information

5 . n 普通;平民;公共地

6 . 这是这项技术的核心。Technology Department is responsible for the overall planning of technology

7 . 用大豆生产冰淇淋技术

8 . wage index 工资指数

9 . payday 发工资日, 付薪日

10 . 信息科技创新,特别是互联网的应用,不停地为我们提供新的信息渠道。information是什么意思:


1 . 困难是我们缺少人手。The horse stopped short at the fence

2 . adj 普通的;一般的;通常的;通俗的;公共的,共有的;共同的

3 . Familyandfriendsarehiddentreasures,seekthemandenjoytheirriches

4 . 比较新的novice operator

5 . remuneration 报酬

6 . 加倍努力。

7 . impatient; short-tempered

8 . 【计】 最新式

9 . adj 不耐烦的;不能容忍的,恼火的;渴望的

10 . 这条新路上荆棘丛生。coxswain of the plow


1 . Understandyourselfinordertobetterunderstandothers

2 . adj 新的,新近的(物品);新鲜的;清新的;鲜艳的;精神饱满的(人)

3 . It is bright and fresh in early autumn

4 . 近地天体

5 . 决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易。

6 . neo-

7 . 同仇敌忾The series uses common components and common interior electronics

8 . common salt; salt

9 . 氯化锂盐具有吸湿性的。Salt is a crucial ingredient in cooking

10 . Xcellerate(accelerateyourefforts


1 . 国际公地 Commonness is happiness

2 . It is a neutral salt

3 . unemployment benefit 失业救济

4 . 平凡是福。A common danger causes common action

5 . 相信自己。

6 . mutualaffinity(相互吸引)

7 . 含盐的泉水[沼泽地](鹿常去舐食盐,故名When common salt is added to water, the salt is the solute

8 . 新生态Fe+fresh是什么意思:

9 . And with today’s relaxed silhouette, a new approach to sewing men’s wear is required

10 . Table salt是经过精细碾磨的用于烹饪和调味的食盐。common是什么意思:


1 . n 盐,食盐;

2 . Hope you enjoy your life

3 . 希望世界因你而美丽!

4 . 参考例句:

6 . 当食盐放在水里时,食盐就是溶质。They used to barter for horses with salt

7 . 他们过去以食盐交换马匹。They used to barter for horses with salt

8 . 杜比耳机技术 technology for producing icecream with soybean

9 . overtime 业余时间

10 . He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong




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