
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-29 19:22:36


1 . I can&#;t believe it! His only son was hurt in an accident and he told his wife he couldn&#;t go to the hospital until later because he had other fish to fry -- a million-dollar deal he was closing。

2 . I had a good time practicing playing baseball just now

3 . C when did the first bus arrive Dwhen will the first bus arrive

4 . (一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,

5 . ( This is the only book ___I am looking for A that B which C who D whom

6 . What happened to you? 你怎么了?

7 . With apologies, you admit to doing something to upset another person 如果你做出道歉,那就表示你承认自己做了某些打搅到别人的事。

8 . “I will go with you” he said ---He said he would go with me

9 . Donny: FF, I heard you went to a ballroom dance competition yesterday How did it go?

10 . 查理,对于要不要参与这笔生意你斟酌了有两星期了。现在你必须做出抉择了。我必须在今晚六点前得到你的答复,否则我们就把你排除在外。


1 . Therearemanybeautifulflowersinthegarden(变一般问句

2 . ( ) You can’t image ___ when the pupils received these nice presents on Children’s Day

3 . 练习:I am waiting for my friend____________, I’ll do shopping alone

4 . ( I’m new here Could you tell me__, please?A when does the first bus arrive B when the first bus arrives

5 . A what to use B how to use C how can I use D where can I use

6 . FF: 不是,“牛”就是特别厉害,very good!

7 . Aarrives; will arrive Bwill arrive; arrives Carrives; arrives Dwill arrive; will arrive

8 . First come first served 先到先得。

9 . 二十 Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。

10 . I shouldn&#;t have done that Sorry, I&#;ll never do it again 我不该做出那种事的。对不起,以后不会了。


1 . 例如,在今天要学的第一个习惯用语里shakes就是名词,而且根据习惯这个短语里的shake还带有复数词尾-s。这个习惯用语是:no great shakes。No great shakes这个习惯用语听来意思是没引起多大的震动。换句话说也就是平凡普通中不溜秋的东西或者事情。

2 . 他使劲叫醒Bob,因为已经到九点半了,而Bob十点有数学大测验。时间紧迫,所以他要Bob必须立刻行动起来。

3 . Is this/ that/it your/ his/ her pencil?

4 . .I can&#;t understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean

5 . )Have you found the book ________I paid dollars?

6 . ( --Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher--Sorry, I’ve no ideaBut he _ here just now.

7 . 二 Every day without you is like a book without pages 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

8 . :the shortest answer is doing最简单的回答就是干。

9 . Tom will call me as soon as he ___home Agets Bhas got Cgot Dwill get

10 . 这里的no great shakes意思是成绩平平,并不出人头地。听来这个失望的球迷只能耐心地再等上一年了。


1 . 还有,如果你真的碰到了外国人,刚开始紧张也很自然,外国人也是知道这点的。他们也会放慢语速和你交流的,说上几句适应了,你也就不紧张了,然后你告诉他(她)平时很少能和外国人交流,所以说英语势必会紧张一些,甚至有的不会说。他们能够理解。如果说他们不理解,你就直接说你那最纯正最流利的汉语,说得他们晕头转向,照样很了不起!

2 . _________________________________________________________________________

3 . I love people ____ are friendly to others A which B whose C what D who

4 . Aif, Whether Bwhether, Whether Cif, That Dif, If

5 . The policeman showed me where I could get books 可以说成The policeman showed me where to get books

6 . When the job______, let me know A do B done C is done D finished

7 . 另外可以用please来加强语气,例如:

8 . 十三 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

9 . 十二 It is never too late to fall in love 爱永远不会嫌晚。

10 . ( --Could you tell me____?--Sorry, I don’t know I was not at the meeting A what does he say at the meeting B what did he say at the meeting C what he says at the meeting D what he said at the meeting


1 . 例句-:Honey, we’d better shake a leg The wedding is at eleven and it takes an hour to drive there It’s already : so we better get moving because we’re already late!

2 . 如果说让所有人按李阳的方法去练习口语,我估计那是不可能了。毕竟很多女性更含蓄一些。我觉得,包括男性在内,不敢说的恐惧心理有这么几点:

3 . :the soul cannot live without love 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。

4 . B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings

5 . Money is not everything 金钱不是一切。

6 . AI can keep Bcan I borrow CI can borrow D can I keep

7 . ( –Do you know _______ the Capital Museum? –Next Friday

8 . A how they were excited B how excited they were C how excited were they D they were how excited

9 . He’s so strong that he can carry the box=___________________________________________________

10 . :lichou away gradually, such as at continuously infinite离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。




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