
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 02:28:09


1 . 男人与女人之间,总是先有暧昧,才会有爱情的……

2 . When I am cruel, I am destined not to be soft

3 . 二十三没有目标,没有方向,心中不是迷茫就是彷徨。

4 . HāPpч Иatioйal Dáy其 实 伱 沒 有 那 么 嗳 祂 ,

5 . 班荣我荣,班耻我耻。

6 . So what

7 . 九一个比一个普通,却一个比一个自以为是。

8 . The darkness is no darkness with thee 有了你,黑暗不在是黑暗,

9 . Don&#;t tell me who gave you so much courage

10 . 当现实抬手给你一巴掌的时候,你应该和它击个掌。


1 . 文明守纪,勤奋进取。

2 . I am god, the god of all eyes

3 . The road ahead is a dead end I hope it&#;s around the corner

4 . 和谐竞争,拼搏超越。

5 . Efficiency comes from diligence, shortage in the play; achivement comes from thinking, destroyed with lacking of restraint

6 . Don&#;t smile at me with your fake Mona Lisa smile, my stomach is not as strong as you think

7 . 用卑微的挽留换来的爱情,我宁可不要。

8 . You are OUT, my sister is priceless

9 . I have always been with you 我一直都在

10 . , everyone has their own destiny, what do they do with others?


1 . Love has nothing to do with tears, and a smile has nothing to do with happiness

2 . I can&#;t afford to be more flirtatious

3 . Ambition does not desire sharp, success is in a long time

4 . I really love the people that I really hurt 我真心心疼的人让我真心的疼。

5 . 八“雨停了,鸟叫了,”小学生文章里时常出现的文字,我们曾几何时也为这样的语言所打动。晨曦微露前,风儿就把雨拉来,下一秒你是否会忆起儿时欢呼的太阳雨;雨过天晴,小草长了出来,花儿开了,你是否回到了弥漫你童年时光的花园;我们在微风中望天,阳光洒在我们的脸上,你是否会透过阳光,找到眼前那份迷失的纯真

6 . 别人讨厌你时,你应该高傲的告诉他,你以为我喜欢你吗?

7 . Friendship is Love without his wings (友谊是没有翅膀的爱情)

8 . I do not know what it is to be young and frivolous, I only know that the winner is king

9 . flower fecundity, start a poem!

10 . 我不怕被男人背叛因为我会在他背叛之前背叛。


1 . When I find my boyfriend, I just slap him, I have to ask, where have you been hiding all these years

2 . I don&#;t swear, because I have strong practical ability

3 . 什么天荒地老,什么至死不渝。都只是锦上添花的借口

4 . I don&#;t even say that, you haven&#;t done a good job yet, I&#;ve sent it to you, and you&#;re looking at it

5 . Life makes us round, to make us go farther

6 . I want to be old with you when I&#;m not careful

7 . 二十四我想去拥抱你,即使间隔春秋山河阻拦,风雨交加,路遥马远我都可以跨越重重艰险去抱你,唯独你不爱我,我连迈起脚尖的勇气都没有

8 . Find out the problem immediately report, timely treatment to do well

9 . C Dont let others have you (不想让别人拥有你)

10 . 十二别人是因为优秀而孤独,你是因为自卑而孤独,千万不要把自卑造成的不合群,以为自己是优秀。


1 . 非学无以成才,非志无以成学。

2 . 玩我,耍我。

3 . 竞争互助,共同进步。

4 . 对不起,我不是故意让你暗恋我的。

5 . Put up or shut up 要么你就去做不然就给我闭嘴。

6 . Dont Leave Me Here

7 . I cannot choose the best, The best chooses me我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择了我。

8 . i need you i love you i can say goodbey

9 . 你敢让我姐妹伤心我就让你彻底心碎…

10 . Im counting on you / Youre my only hope。就指望你了。


1 . Any complaints / Do you have something to say你有何不满?/你有什么话要说吗?

2 . Girls, don&#;t be naive You&#;re nothing compared to the league of legends

3 . Life is so confused生活好迷茫。

4 . Do it yourself then。既然如此,你自己来吧。

5 . It&#;s not very beautiful, but you can&#;t catch up

6 . 我就是这样坦然,你舍得伤,就伤。

7 . 四你要学会做个大人了,不要逢人就诉苦,毕竟人心难测,要知道这个世界上看你笑话的人要比在乎你的人多。

8 . I am a does not contain any additives lunatic 我是一个不含任何添加剂的疯子。

9 . How many I love you, finally become I love you, this is a bitch!!!

10 . 爱不是目的,目的是疼你一辈子!


1 . Harmonious competition, struggle to transcend

2 . I&#;m not downtown Please don&#;t round me

3 . To blossom blue is to blossom without you

4 . I miss you not because of my loneliness

5 . If you look for flowers, I will ask them

6 . You and what army 你和哪一路人马啊

7 . It should be known that learning is difficult

8 . 言之无文,行而不远。

9 . 好方法事半功倍,好习惯受益终身。

10 . Your mother is a chicken, because only a stupid chicken is a fool


1 . The grievances that can be said are not grievous A lover who can take away is not a lover

2 . If you say something, you can change it

3 . If you think back to the past, why should you go to tomorrow?

4 . Struggle, self - love

5 . Don&#;t blame the city for the darkness, the winner is the rule!

6 . , love horse is irresistible, your mother is suitable for ten thousand riding

7 . 努力造就实力,态度决定高度。

8 . 那些让我发火的人,你永远不会知道我忍了你多少次。

9 . Look at the world with haughty, indifferent eyes

10 . I&#;d rather sleep with my memories and my thoughts than with a woman I don&#;t like


1 . Silent and rising

2 . Who do you think you are你以为你是谁啊?!毫不客气地说!

3 . 不用夸姐美,姐信卜过迩内张嘴。

4 . When you have experienced what I have experienced, you will judge me again

5 . See / I told you so

6 . 你要挑起争端吗。

7 . If I could hate you, I would not hesitate to hate you with all my strength

8 . Perseverance, gold and stone for the open

9 . Do something about it / Dont just sit there

10 . I thought I was me, but I have not我以为我还是那个我,可我已经不是了




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