
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-31 23:02:59


1 . 百日拼搏,一朝圆梦。捷报飞传,名题金榜。

2 . 知识改变命运,奋斗成绩未来。

3 . 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。

4 . If the heart is in, dream is in, as long as do, can do, sprint days, days sprints, on the sky laugh out to go, my generation is the unkempt person

5 . Many people did not realize the importance

6 . Its not good to wait for opportunities, but to create them

7 . 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。

8 . Try, anything is possible

9 . Lost time is never found again

10 . 坚持努力,才能获得成功。


1 . Intentional thinking leads to intentional life, while negative thinking leads to negative life

2 . 一朝习惯,万事易办。

3 . 珍惜时间创造奇迹不经风雨怎见彩虹。

4 . The result of the match is safety first

5 . 光阴易逝,岂容我待。

6 . One mistake, more than a year of hard work Hard year, ushered in a wonderful life

7 . If you learn to live, you will win

8 . 这是一个放松的好地方。

9 . 百日誓师,青春似火,誓夺中考红旗——壮志冲云。

10 . 心气和平,事理通达。


1 . It is our duty to protect environment

2 . Unity and struggle, go up

3 . Nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin Unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus

4 . Thematchattractedalargecrowd

5 . 决胜中考,改变人生。

6 . Nothavingmethim,Icannottellyouwhatheislike

7 . Seeninthislight,thematterisnotasseriousaspeoplegenerallysuppose

8 . For three years, I have tried my best to pay for it One hundred days of hard work on the oath

9 . 从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。

10 . 天行健君子当自强不息。


1 . 他把蛋糕分成块。

2 . 挥洒今朝汗水创造明日辉煌。

3 . Behind every effort, there must be a double reward

4 . 志,气之帅也。

5 . 直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福。

6 . 注:whotoldmethis为修饰theman的定语从句,应置于其后。

7 . Go in and make resplendence

8 . If the heart is in, the dream is in, my future I decide

9 . 今日疯狂,明日辉煌。

10 . In view of the seriousness of this problem ,effective measures should be taken before things get worse




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