
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 04:02:12


1 . 在竹子的近七百个品种中,有的全长成还不到一英尺,有的却能在二十四小时内长出三英尺。

2 . According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows

3 . Aretheseyourgrandparents?Yes,theyareNo,they’renot

4 . 人类骨骼有二百多块骨头组成,住些骨头石油坚韧而相对缺乏弹性的,被称为韧带的结蒂组连在一起。

5 . 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比。

6 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

7 . The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support

8 . Unit这是你的铅笔吗?----是的`。

9 . The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences

10 . 对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。


1 . 他们有一台电脑。Theyhaveacomputer

2 . 由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。

3 . 它是什么颜色?---是黑白相间。

4 . 农业栽培能力不难培养。

5 . In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology

6 . 来自:关于工作父母

7 . Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion

8 . Bythecrook,thecooklookedthroughacookbookbeforemakinghookedcookies

9 . Since the consumer considers the best fruit to be that which is the most attractive, the grower must provide products that satisfy the discerning eye

10 . 因为顾客认为最好的水果应该看起来也是最漂亮的,所以种植者必须提供能满足挑剔眼光的产品。


1 . 坚持复背,及时检查复习背诵的时间用得越多,记忆的效果就越佳。例如,早晨背诵过的课文在晚上睡前以及第二天起床后应进行一次复背,并在每周六或周日再作适当的温习,以后过一个月再复背一次,这样可保证很长一段时期不会遗忘。

2 . Thewittywitnesswithdrawshiswordswithinminuteswithoutanyreason

3 . 尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和。

4 . 越来越多的公司通过团购网站,更好地为精通上网的顾客服务。

5 . When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous

6 . 计算机储存和由于电子微处理机得以实现的电控运用成倍的增加了现代打字机的功能。

7 . 大约从公元前七千年开始,在四千年当中,北半球的温度比现在高。

8 . 根据默默无闻的小说制作优秀影片在美国由来已久,已经成为传统。

9 . Asix-figureincomeaffordsamanypleasures--amoreluxurioushome,perhapsatriptoDisneylandorafanciercar

10 . Thestrivercontrivestoderivethatprivacycantbedeprived


1 . Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

2 . 请拼写它。Spellit,pleaseO-R-A-N-G-E

3 . 事实上,有工作的母亲们可以帮忙改善家庭经济状况。

4 . Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others

5 . 音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音量经久不衰。

6 . Thedrifterswiftlyshiftedthegifttotheleftofthelift

7 . Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets

8 . 加强默写,强化训练正所谓“眼过千遍不如手抄一遍”。采取默写的手段可有效地巩固已经背诵了的课文和知识,而且对加深记忆大有好处。因为文字本身就是一种图形和符号,经常默写可帮助我们促进右脑的开发。如果能切实做到循序渐进,长期进行默写训练,那么一定会有助于背诵的质量和效果。

9 . The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken

10 . 北美秃头鹰的数量一度很多,但在近四十年中全北美的秃头鹰数量急剧下降。


1 . Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs

2 . Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land 鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短距离移动。

3 . 社会心理学的主要焦点是人与人之间的交往,而不是他们各自生活中的事件。

4 . 确定任务,寻找窍门背诵一篇短文仅仅读几遍是行不通的,一定要读到滚瓜烂熟的程度才行。开始时文章可短一些,容易一些,然后作一定幅度的`调整。此外,背诵时还要讲究一定的技巧,熟读课文内容,理解课文大意。这样不仅不会记错和混淆,而且效率会很高。

5 . 明确目的,集中精力背诵一篇课文或者一段必须掌握的语句时,最忌东张西望,漫不经心,注意力分散。如果一篇很简单的课文在背了几天后还是出错,这肯定是用心不专的缘故。至于出现“前记后忘”的现象,则是正常的,这时千万不要向这种暂时困难屈服而打退堂鼓。

6 . 典型的鹌鹑都长有短而圆的翅膀,凭此他们可以在受惊时一跃而起,飞离它们的躲藏地。

7 . No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States

8 . 由于空间不足,艺术博物馆在考虑购买和接受捐赠的艺术品是越来越慎重,有些情况下放弃其进一步改善收藏的机会。

9 . Thecakemakershakesanakedsnakewiththequakingrakewithoutsake

10 . 她每天做运动。Sheplayssportseveryday


1 . The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them

2 . 当有关西部铁路的说服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作。

3 . 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私不可剥夺。

4 . 谢谢你的全家福。Thanks/Thankyouforthephotoofyourfamily

5 . 人造花卉即可用于科学目的,也可用于装饰目的,它们可以用各种各样的材料制成,臂如蜡和玻璃;其制作如此精巧,几乎可以以假乱真。

6 . Supposeyouwereexposedintheoppositepositionbyyouropponent

7 . ---你好吗?--我很好,谢谢!

8 . Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter

9 . Isthisyourpencil?Yes,itis

10 . 如果每个家庭都有一辆汽车,就会浪费掉大量的能源,而且空气污染会越来越严重。


1 . 没有可能仅仅为了娱乐或锻炼而运动:一旦有了问题,一旦你觉得你输了你和你所属团体会有失体面时,你最野蛮的好斗本能就会被激发出来。

2 . The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition

3 . Unit这是我姐姐。Thisismysister

4 . 那个失败者把自己严密地封闭在小室内。

5 . Isshe/heyouraunt/uncle?Yes,she/heis

6 . The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed

7 . Unit你有篮球吗?是的。/不是。

8 . Unit我的背包在哪里?---在桌子底下。

9 . 六位数的收入能给一个家庭很多乐趣-更豪华的家庭,也许是迪斯尼乐园旅行或更美观的汽车。

10 . Snow aids farmers by keeping heart in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing


1 . 那位纺织工将要到阴沉的天国里去。

2 . Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen is collections

3 . 我需要一支笔和一个橡皮擦。Ineedapenandaneraser

4 . 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。

5 . Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises

6 . 珍珠的色泽受到作为其母体牡蛎种类及牡蛎生活水域的深度,温度和含盐度的制约。

7 . 科学家曾相信:氙气是不能形成化合物的。

8 . Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois

9 . 随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元,工程师们可能很快可以任他们的想象驰骋而不会被昂贵的失败所惩罚。

10 . dinner


1 . 模仿录音法学习语言,模仿是关键,所以在背之前要先听。建议学生听原装正版的录音,最好是外籍教师的录音,这样才能够学到非常地道的发音。可要生先反复听课文录音,进行模仿跟读,然后将完整的模仿朗读录入录音机,再回放自己的录音,对不满意的地方重点模仿,然后再尝试背诵。这一方法虽比较枯燥,但非常有效。

2 . 墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。

3 . What’shisfirstname?HisfirstnameisTom

4 . Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris

5 . 水獭啃倒树木,以便取食物并获得造窝的材料。

6 . The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops, but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy

7 . I find young people exciting They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things

8 . 听起来不错。Thatsoundsgood

9 . 他的教书生涯始于麻省理工学院,但是William Rainey Harper把他吸引到了新成立的芝加哥大学。他在那里正式任职长达整整一代人的时间。他的高级课上的学生觉得他在课上古板得可怕,但私下交流却富有同情和理解。

10 . 预留保护区内的水库对固执的观察者是一个障碍。




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