
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-04 22:09:29


1 . The weather gets hot in summer夏天,天气变热了。

2 . The weather is getting colder and colder

3 . The egg smells bad这个鸡蛋难闻。

4 . Its favourite food is bread

5 . Robert Finn was dismissed by the boss of the factory

6 . Please don’t get angry

7 . He is really successful

8 . I am tired 我累了

9 . We were very happy我们很高兴。

10 . He went mad


1 . He stood quite still.他静静地站看。

2 . Our teachers are all hard-working

3 . "Would you like to be taught Latin?" - I asked

4 . My teachers are all very patient

5 . She is very strict

6 . Those roses smell beautiful

7 . Snow is white

8 . (可做谓语以外的所有成分)

9 . He is not too tall

10 . Snow is white雪是白色的。


1 . She asked to be sent to work in the countryside

2 . He got me a chair

3 . 名词性从句:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句, 同位语从句

4 . She looks beautiful她看起来很漂亮。

5 . 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 Grammar is hell

6 . His face turned red

7 . He seemed to be shut up in himself like a shellfish Is it to be sung or said?

8 . He 主语,代词 better 形容词,表语today时间状语

9 . She is an artist

10 . The chair is yours椅子是你的。


1 . 一简单句

2 . I feel terrible.

3 . His English is the best in our class

4 . 【讲透错题】

5 . To win the game is difficult

6 . We are really tired

7 . 主语+谓语(不及物动词

8 . 简单句,即只有一个主谓结构的句子。除了特殊情况,英语句子中都有主语谓语(或表语,有时候还有宾语;而且除了倒装句等特殊句型,一般情况下,主语谓语宾语的先后顺序是固定的,不可能宾语跑到谓语前面,或者谓语跑到主语前面。目前很多语法书都把英语的简单句归纳为五种基本句型。实际上,英语简单句还可以简化为三种形式:

9 . I stayed awake all the night

10 . 包括:that which who whom whose what ,why how when where 在这些词前切开,将其与后面的从句划在一起。


1 . She is only years old

2 . Your study is really great

3 . You are such a good child

4 . We are students我们是学生。

5 . 动词是句子的中心。包括行为动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词。划在一起。(一般做谓语

6 . 五种基本句型——主系表结构

7 . Is he an English teacher, Chinese teacher or Japanese teacher? 他是一个英语汉语还是日语老师?

8 . I swim

9 . This tastes nice What’s in it?

10 . The story is interesting这故事挺有趣。


1 . 所以,我们在阅读句子的时候,不管句子有多长,不管是并列句还是复合句,都必须首先分清各句中的主语谓语(或表语,有的句子中还包括宾语。因为主语谓语宾语中英语句子的主干,抓住了句子的主干,句子的基本意思就清楚了。

2 . We 主语,代词 students表语,名词

3 . Our favourite sports are basketball and football Our health is the most important

4 . One of them is English

5 . He is very clever

6 . The bag was lost

7 . They are really pianist

8 . They are very loving

9 . He remained silent

10 . She is in the room


1 . The trees turn yellow in the autumn

2 . The soup tastes delicious

3 . 内容协调一致,包含两层意思:一是仿句和被仿句(或称例句)的内容要有内在的联系,要能够互相搭配,互相衔接。二是仿句与被仿句的内容和精神实质要一致。(感情色彩正反对立关系富有哲理性和启迪性等方面。)一定要结合被仿句的具体情况具体分析。

4 . 在非谓语动词前切开,若后面不接名词,则单独划出。若后面有名词则将非谓语动词和后面名词一起划出,构成非谓语动词短语。

5 . She 主语,代词 in the room在屋里,介词短语,表语

6 . 引导方式状语从句的连词有:as,as if,as thugh,in the

7 . We are students

8 . It sounds nice这个听起来不错。

9 . The flower 主语,名词 good形容词,表语

10 . He is not likely to have been notified about it Cast iron is apt to be broken


1 . 形容词性从句(定语从句:限制性,非限制性

2 . 四 表示延续性的动词 :remain stay keep

3 . You主语,代词 right形容词,表语

4 . I feel good我感觉好。

5 . I am from China

6 . She is really my mother

7 . Your friends are all quite clever

8 . 主从复合句即是复杂句,它也是由两个以上的句子构成。与并列不同的是,各分句之间的意思是紧密相连的,所以我们不能简单地把各个句子拆开来看,而必须将各分句综合起来进行理解。有时候,分句里面有可能还包含分句。

9 . I 主语,代词 tired表语,形容词

10 . You are quite polite


1 . 主语 + 谓语(及物动词 + 宾语;I hate grammar

2 . You are great inventors

3 . They are extremely sleepy

4 . 状语:状语修饰动词形容词副词或全句,说明方式因果条件时间地点让步方向程度目的等状语在句子中的位置很灵活,常见情况为:通常在句子基本结构之后,强调时放在句首;修饰形容词或副词时,通常位于被修饰的词之前;表示时间地点目的的状语一般位于句子两头,强调时放在句首,地点状语一般须在时间状语之前;一些表示不确定时间(如:often或程度(如:almost的副词状语通常位于be动词助动词情态动词之后,动词之前。

5 . Its hobby is to eat fish

6 . Its name is Mi Mi

7 . Your teachers are serious

8 . We were very happy

9 . You are too confident

10 . I saw a girl




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