
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-21 22:09:31


1 . 我们以青春的名义宣誓:珍惜每一天,苦练一百天,拼搏一百天,挑战一百天,决胜高考,笑傲六月。

2 . 洗礼,我们更加从容。

3 . 考前不慌不乱,考时沉着应对,考后杜绝议论。

4 . 熬一个春夏秋冬,享一生荣华富贵。

5 . 想要有什么样的明天,今天就要付出什么样的努力。

6 . , sending out the rich fragrance of books, classroom embodies the happy notes, class to the clever philosophizing, campus pervaded the youth breath, first day arrived, you would like to say goodbye to the holidays, the sails

7 . 百炼成钢,百日流芳

8 . 把汗水变成珍珠,把梦想变成现实!

9 . 一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨,所有的美好从清晨开始,希望你携带着快乐幸运健康顺利如意出发开始新的一天,保持一整天的好心情,早安!

10 . Ride the cheerful train to the learning institution Carry the package of knowledge to the ideal campus Singing a happy song, into the palace of happiness The school starts, the diligent study of the mountains to learn the sea, the knowledge to fly the dream


1 . .对命运承诺,对承诺负责

2 . 今天多一份拼搏明天多几份欢笑。

3 . 不苦不累,高三无味;不拼不搏,高三白活。

4 . 破釜沉舟搏他个日出日落,背水一战拼他个无怨无悔。

5 . 拧成一股绳,搏尽一份力,狠下一条心,共圆一个梦。

6 . 脚踏实地,心无旁骛,珍惜分分秒秒。紧跟老师,夯实基础。

7 . 会当凌绝顶,一览众山水。

8 . Every day, every day, every day after the traffic light, I smile with confidence, proud of myself ahead of the car In fact, I am trying to find a starting point and find a new beginning

9 . 学习不一定成功,不学习一定不能成功。

10 . 态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。


1 . Start school, say goodbye to the summer vacation, and say goodbye to idleness; And school to say the sound of return, and learn to say the reunion; Say hello to your knowledge and cheer yourself up May you be in a good mood and get better grades!

2 . 冲锋的号角在耳边响彻,波澜壮丽的画卷已经尽情铺展。今天,我们高三××班全体同学在此宣誓,再搏百天,让汗水哺育不凡,再搏百天,用智慧丰富内涵,再搏百天,凭激情创造灿烂,最后,让我们振臂高呼,六月,我们一定能懑载归航!

3 . 山外有山,楼外有楼,没有最好,只有更好。

4 . 每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。

5 . , take a confident smile, filled with determination, hard back schoolbag, into the sea of knowledge, for tomorrow&#;s good reading, cheer for life is brilliant, opening day, and go to school, strive for dream, come on!

6 . 奋战一百天,让飞翔的梦的在六月张开翅膀,让雄心和智慧在六月闪光,让微笑写满父母疲惫的面庞,让微笑挂在老师欣慰的脸上。

7 . 十二月快乐,年最后一个月,希望你爱的到想爱的人,赚的到想赚的钱,脚踏实地的去努力完成目标。即使很累也不轻易放弃,一直相信自己可以。

8 . 激情燃烧,决战高考;

9 . , dispatch belief as a diligent channel, for the dream fight reception, embedded learning mode in my mind, the life to brilliant avenue, first day, back up the bag, to the dream, good good study, day day up, come on!

10 . 请老师放心,我们是有志气的人,一定不会让你们失望;


1 . 心专才能绣得花,心静才能织得麻。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

2 . 人活着要呼吸。呼者,出一口气;吸者,争一口气

3 . 只要我们——尽力拼搏!

4 . 师生同志,协力攻关,笑看燕赵魁首谁人得。

5 . It is the beginning of the school day With ideal wings, soar on the sea of knowledge; Explore the way forward, create future glory School day, back school bag, with a successful handshake Come on!

6 . 在改变命运的关健时刻

7 . 学习如钻探石油,钻得愈深,愈能找到知识的精髓。先学爬,然后学走。

8 . 脚踏实地,奋勇拼搏,题海驰骋,杀入清北。

9 . 今天多一份拼搏明天多几份欢笑

10 . 拥有知识改变命运,拥有理想改变态度。


1 . 清晨起床对着镜子说:早上好;上班工作时对每个人微笑说:早上好。自己问候,传递问候,感受快乐,你会更美好快乐!

2 . 我宣誓:

3 . 山高不厌攀,水深不厌潜,学精不厌苦:追求!

4 . 没有一种不通过蔑视忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。

5 . 我们拥有蟾宫折桂的信心

6 . In the elementary school, I accepted the nine-year obligation of education, and raised the basic culture to a high level I learned the knowledge of various cultures to broaden my horizon and lay the foundation for my dream School starts, wish you have a good result, study day day up

7 . 自我调整,身心健康;全力以赴,创造辉煌;

8 . 勤劳的蜜蜂没有时间悲哀!

9 . 旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的计分板上。

10 . 有大目标,须有大动作;有大追求,须有大改变。


1 . 眼泪不是我们的答案,拼搏才是我们的选择。

2 . 努力造就实力,态度决定高度。

3 . Start school, step on the fertile soil of knowledge, and draw on it; Set foot on the ark of learning; Open the antennae of wisdom and explore Go to school and study hard Wish you good luck in the New Year!

4 . 如果你要等有了实验室才来做实验的话,那么有了实验室你也不会做实验。

5 . 请父母放心,我们是有理想的人,一定不会让你们伤心;

6 . , the holiday is coming to an end, the school term is in sight Adjust the state of mind, change the schedule Set big dreams and stay determined The diligent climbs the book mountain, the happiness drifts to study the sea In the end, you will achieve your dream School day is here May you be happy

7 . 严守纪律,顽强拼搏,争分夺秒,全力以赴,调整心态,超越自我。

8 . 就算撞得头破血流,也要冲进一本线大楼。

9 . 迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命地努力。年最后一个月了,大家早啊~

10 . 请父母放心,我们是有良知的人,一定不让你们伤心!




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