
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-03 14:15:34


1 . come into action开始行动;

2 . drop to ones knees 跪下

3 . years, preparing the college entrance examination, be sure to Rimmon a foot The clothes and food are all right, calm and not impetuous Do not eat too much before the examination, absolutely not drink cold drinks Normal play is not sloppy, extrance ultimately Wish you a nurse nomination!

4 . , college entrance examination is not out, and like a fishing net, who is caught; has been worried about the exam on the brand, but the actual result is not come and rushed to the examination room; the college entrance examination has such as chicken ribs, tasteless gesture!

5 . 谢谢你的全家福。Thanks/Thankyouforthephotoofyourfamily

6 . , the college entrance examination, I wish you the best, be done in one vigorous effort, a workaholic, learning is May you bring Sifangzhizhi, get up early, with a reluctant thinking art of war and books on that I wish the success of the college entrance examination and all the success

7 . , peach fruit Yi Garden, the frequency of news news The teacher came to the cheers, and the wine was filled with emotion Not the elite education non good academic college Hongtudazhan glory, my China country weiyang Wish you great ambition

8 . look sb in the eye 正视, 打量

9 . Whatcolorisit?It’sblackandwhite

10 . be known as 以知名;被认为是


1 . 听起来不错。Thatsoundsgood

2 . , dear children, God, every day father is wholeheartedly for you Wish you a dream come true from your childhood! Dad, I believe you will succeed, I can visit you next fall to the university campus, we That&#;s settled then

3 . In June , the thick aroma, elegant news of another red Happiness spread tens of thousands of people, relatives and friends congratulations A cup of drinks is successful and the dream of learning is realized The future of the university is brilliant Wish you a bright future

4 . 她/他是你阿姨/叔叔吗?是的。

5 . Isthatyourcousin?NO,itisn’t

6 . What’syourtelephonenumber?It’s…

7 . What’sherfamilyname?HerfamilynameisZhang

8 . 请把我的帽子带到学校来。Pleasebringmyhattoschool

9 . close ones eyes to不理会,视而不见

10 . , water does not open to burn, people do not know how to teach Up and down is effective On the road of life, the teacher is a life-saving medicine agent, silver gold does not change, don&#;t for me to clear the way, as long as the teacher! Thank you, teacher


1 . 还有些在国外只有小孩子才用的过于孩子气的说法也应该避免使用,比如再见 用bye-bye 不好,直接用bye/see you/see you later/later比较合适。再比如面条,少用孩子气的noodles,而最好用pasta。

2 . 高考日到,祝福送你一“分”,智慧增加比分,做题不会减分,压力别人瓜分,成绩最高得分,快乐定要十分,经过真心打分,定能获得百分。

3 . , the day of college entrance examination is coming again When we have enough food, we will have enough sleep for a few days We should be fully aware of the importance of our college entrance examination Self-confidence is very important in our chest We should have a peace of mind and smile to prepare for the College entrance examination

4 . 骄阳拂照百花香,捷报似花绽芬芳。香气飘荡满心房,欢喜连连泪两行。不畏艰辛永攀登,年付出理想成。题名金榜好儿郎,再入名校书辉煌。

5 . Howareyou?I’mfine/I’mOk,thanks!

6 . come into blossom开花;

7 . 我们满载希望即将奔赴考场,我们厚积薄发展露锋芒,我们犹如初升的太阳迈向前方,只为自身的理想,翻开华丽的新篇章!祝即将高考的学子一切顺利!

8 . 我的手表和笔记本在梳妆台上。Mywatchandnotebookareonthedresser

9 . 他的钥匙(复数在哪里?---在椅子上。

10 . Areherbaseballsunderthebed?No,they’renot


1 . in the face of 面对着

2 . be keen on 喜爱;渴望

3 . come into effect开始运转;

4 . , those bitter and tears, those hardships and sweat, the pain and suffering, only for the war today, the victory is the Chang, the defeat is dead! Only the success is not allowed to fail! Go ahead and move forward to victory! Refuel for the college entrance examination!

5 . , I am afraid those who have not failed have never been successful

6 . 付出终有回报,信心绝对重要;明天还要考试,别忘面带微笑;有空睡个好觉,不必紧张煎熬;敞开鲲鹏怀抱,直上青云九霄。祝高考顺利!

7 . 她的棒球(复数在床底下吗?不是。

8 . , June, there will be a leaf will be green, a flower to be red, in June, there is a wish to be round, there is a kind of hope is not far That leaf, that flower, is you That wish, that expectation, for you Student, come on!

9 . , one point ploughing, a point harvest, not necessarily; nine points ploughing, will have a harvest, certain!

10 . 勤学苦练你有毅力,努力奋战不留余力,向前冲刺竭尽全力,决战高考带上实力,答题入流毫不费力。祝你高考给力,考出好成绩。


1 . , college entrance examination principle: heart decompression, more rest; brain worry, more happiness; carefully do, learn and easy to check; fewer mistakes, much more efforts, good grades I wish you all to open the college entrance examination, good luck to come!

2 . , that day, the best guesthouse in the county town was put on the same day At that time, they gathered together to chat about their worries; then they discussed each other&#;s last day&#;s tests; at that time, they couldn&#;t sleep well Recalling the college entrance examination, there are too many expectations, there are uneasy, more infinite beautiful!

3 . in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

4 . , June flowers butterflies, fall flower fragrance rui The flowers dieying tightly together, has drunk wild with joy Ten years of dream of this realization, friends and relatives to raise a glass Back next year self-taught, to serve the motherland heart does not change May you have a bright prospect

5 . , the days of the exam, the golden days, is the beginning of the success, because I have a clear conscience, a good heart

6 . beyond expression 无法形容, 说不出的

7 . 阳光灿烂当空照,捷报频传人欢笑。金榜题名梦已圆,再入学府去深造。人生辉煌待创造,学成归来成英豪。亲朋好友祝福到,愿你前程似锦更美好!

8 . , friends of the postgraduate entrance examination will be on the battlefield tomorrow Here&#;s the most sincere blessing to you: before dawn, darkness and light are coming soon Bless you!

9 . , after ten years of bitter music, xiangyanghua open today Thousands of candidates are hard, young people show style You mind like water, smile very easy answer At this time there is out of today become a great man The national college entrance examination, candidates may start off

10 . Wherearehiskeys?Theyareonthechair




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