
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-15 21:31:29


1 . The chair is yours椅子是你的。

2 . He is very energetic

3 . 这篇文章结构谨严,一气呵成,令人激赏。

4 . I 主语,代词 tired表语,形容词

5 . 一.主语:是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词代词不定式或相当于名词的词或短语来充当。

6 . 状语:状语修饰动词形容词副词或全句,说明方式因果条件时间地点让步方向程度目的等状语在句子中的位置很灵活,常见情况为:通常在句子基本结构之后,强调时放在句首;修饰形容词或副词时,通常位于被修饰的词之前;表示时间地点目的的状语一般位于句子两头,强调时放在句首,地点状语一般须在时间状语之前;一些表示不确定时间(如:often或程度(如:almost的副词状语通常位于be动词助动词情态动词之后,动词之前。

7 . His father is a violinist

8 . The flower smells good

9 . The story 主语,名词 interesting形容词,表语

10 . ( hand前不能加his。


1 . Your English is very good

2 . 当表人体部位的词做逻辑主语时,及物动词用现在分 词,不及物动词用过去分词。

3 . 答案D with +名词(代词+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词手与分词绑是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D

4 . Is he an English teacher, Chinese teacher or Japanese teacher? 他是一个英语汉语还是日语老师?

5 . 说到从句,我们还要介绍一下英语中的三大从句:名词性从句,形容词性从句和副词性从句。三大从句之下又包括纷繁复杂的从句形式:

6 . 别看这小小的凉亭,它的结构紧凑,造型别致,令人情不自禁地啧啧称赞。

7 . The weather gets hot in summer

8 . She is a volleyball fan

9 . My classmates are all good at sports

10 . His English is the best in our class


1 . She looks like her mother

2 . Its hobby is to eat fish

3 . You are too confident

4 . 这两篇小说的情节和结构如出一辙,有互相抄袭的嫌疑,需要查明。

5 . Smoking is not permitted in this theatre How the steel was tempered?

6 . 系动词是联系动词的简称,顾名思义,它是起到联系作用的动词,是连接主语和表语的。系动词的数量是有限的,常见的只有十来个,我们把它们分成四组,这样有助于我们记忆系动词:

7 . He is not likely to have been notified about it Cast iron is apt to be broken

8 . You are visitors

9 . (方式状语从句

10 . You are very honest


1 . A mooncake is a delicious, round cake

2 . 当介词是in时,其前后的两个名词均不加任何成分(如物主代词或冠词,也不用复数。但 with 的复合结构不受此限制

3 . 引导方式状语从句的连词有:as,as if,as thugh,in the

4 . 二 表示变化类:become get turn grow go

5 . I am from China

6 . This story eventually got translated into English He got dismissed He got plucked He got drowned last year I don&#;t want to get mixed up with the police again

7 . It is an honor for me to be invited to take part in the meeting

8 . Your success is our hope

9 . The ne

10 . You look unhappy, what’s the matter?


1 . He 主语,代词 better 形容词,表语today时间状语

2 . The books are on the desk书在桌子上。

3 . She is very strict

4 . You are our best friends

5 . 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy,主格代词(如you,数词,动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。

6 . 定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰限定作用的词短语或句子定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。

7 . You have grown taller than before.你长得比以前高了。

8 . Weather___, well go out for a walk

9 . 五.S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构

10 . A robber burst into the room, knife in hand


1 . You are right

2 . 找出以下的宾语成分:

3 . He feels better today他今天感觉不错。

4 . Our teachers are all hard-working

5 . His job is taking care of the patient

6 . It is my pet dog

7 . They are extremely sleepy

8 . 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。

9 . We are your new friends

10 . 名词性从句:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句, 同位语从句




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