
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-02 21:24:28


1 . I go to sleep with my bedroom light on 我以前害怕黑暗 我开着卧室的灯睡觉

2 . I have to stay at home on school nights 在上学的日子里,我晚上必须呆在家。

3 . Therearesomeorangesintheglass(变否定句

4 . Yes, I/ we/they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

5 . Butnlhisnewtherculddthat

6 . He might be running to catch a bus他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。

7 . 睡醒;醒来

8 . _________________________________________________________

9 . You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep真人不露相。

10 . What color is …? It&#;s red/white


1 . The three students plan to set up a student volunteer project at heir school 这三个学生计划在 他们校开展一个学生志愿者项目。

2 . Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word 随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。

3 . I love singers who write their own music我喜欢自己创作曲子的歌手。

4 . Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do 帮助别人不但自己感到快乐,而且我开始花时间做自己喜欢做的事了。

5 . Everyone______adictionaryinmyclass

6 . No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood钟塔附近不再有神秘的事了。

7 . Isthereababyintheroom?(变复数

8 . n人物;角色

9 . Hold on. 等一等。

10 . 约翰斯诺马上叫宽街上惊惶失措的老百姓拆掉水泵的把手,这样水泵就用不成了。


1 . Does she /he have a/ an…?

2 . beabsrbedin专心

3 . becuriusabut对…好奇

4 . When I get home I always do my homework first我到家后,总是先做家庭作业。

5 . How do you spell map? M-A-P

6 . Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition无论怎样,你都不能错过这次展出。

7 . He could be running for exercise他可能是跑步锻炼身体。

8 . You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group 你喜欢和一个或两个人交谈,而不是一群人。

9 . What&#;s your/ his /her phone number?

10 . I have learned a lot that way 用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。


1 . No way! 不行!

2 . Thesecndsuggestedthatpepleabsrbedthisdiseaseinttheirbdieswiththeireals

3 . blaesbfrsth因某事责备某人

4 . Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark 明抢易挡,暗箭难防。

5 . ①②③④

6 . Yes, they are No, they aren&#;t

7 . I don’t have a partner to practice English with 我没有搭档一起练习英语。

8 . So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you 因此,除非你自己会讲法语,否则最好与一个能为你翻译的人一起去。

9 . There___twobowlsofriceonthetableAisBhaveChasDare

10 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?


1 . v发现

2 . 。①mother②is③my④she

3 . Asome,someBany,someCany,anyDsome,any

4 . Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little记流行歌曲的词也起作用。

5 . If you have any idea where might be please call me如果你知道它可能在哪,请打电话给我。

6 . Therearen’t___treesnearthehouseThereisonlyoneAanyBsomeCmanyDmuch

7 . n交换生

8 . Peter should be allowed to take the test later 应该允许彼得晚些参加考试。

9 . It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest宁穷勿贱。

10 . Have some French fries 请吃一引起薯条。


1 . My/His/Her first/ last name is…

2 . ad醒着的

3 . Arethereanymapsonthewall?___

4 . I’m a little under the weather 我有点不舒服。

5 . ad外国的;外来的

6 . 他相信第二种说法,但是需要证明他是正确的。

7 . ad印度的;印度人的

8 . n四分之三

9 . I’m as sick as a dog 我病的很重。

10 . 看是只有他的新理论才能作出解释。


1 . He finds watching movies frustrating 他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧

2 . Do you want to go to a movie?

3 . I like to go somewhere relaxing 我喜欢去休闲的地方

4 . pintfview态度,观点,看法

5 . curesbfillness治好某人…病

6 . be/getundercntrl在……控制下

7 . I’m serious about running 但我对跑步极感兴趣。/ 热衷于跑步。

8 . n四分之一;一刻钟

9 . ________________bigtreesbehindmyhouse?

10 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏。




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