
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-13 21:55:16


1 . 我们通过战胜自己来改进自我。 那里一定有竞赛,我们一定要赢!

2 . Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I&#;ve send you朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

3 . "Your time is limited, so don&#;t waste it living someone else&#;s life 人生有限,不要为别人而活。"

4 . 一个精神生活很充实的人,一定是一个很有理想的人,一定是一个很高尚的人,一定是一个只做物质的主人而不做物质的奴隶的人。——陶铸

5 . 平淡的时光,平淡的故事,只是不知这雨夜又该有多少紫色的落寞闪现于你的梦中。

6 . 商业的秘密就是知道别人不知道的事情。

7 . Ingvar Kamprad, Founder of IKEA

8 . 幽默胜过直白,话少胜过多言;坦率胜过伪装,自然胜过狡辩;心静何来多梦,苦索不如随缘。

9 . 炫耀什么,缺少什么;掩饰什么,自卑什么。所谓正常人,只是自我防御比较好的人。真正的心理健康,是不设防而又不受害。

10 . 勇敢永远不过时!


1 . "The two of us watched the snow fall gently around the penguin in the snow globe The penguin was alone in there, I thought, and I worried for him When I told my father this, he" "said," ” Don&#;t w or "ry, Susie; he has a nice life He&#;s trapped in a perfect world” ——Alice Sebold 《The Lovely Bones》"

2 . 今天就是生命,是唯一你能确知的生命。——列夫·托尔斯泰

3 . :the more you care, the more you have to lose在意的越多,失去的就越多。

4 . :love means never having to say you are sorry爱,意味着永不说后悔。

5 . 八 Life is like an onio You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep ——Cart Sandburg 人生像个洋葱:你只能一层层地把它剥开,有时你还得流泪。 ——桑得伯格 Life always goes on 生活总会继续。

6 . 男孩,是雄心勃勃的

7 . 我会将我们的美好回忆永远珍藏

8 . 史蒂夫-乔布斯,苹果公司联合创始人

9 . 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

10 . "The most beautiful is not the future, but today 最美好的不是未来,而是今天。"


1 . 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。

2 . 蔚蓝的天空虽然是美丽,经常风云莫测的人切是起落无从。但他往往会成为风云人物,因为他经得起大风大浪的考验。——方海权

3 . :when love is not madness, it is not love 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

4 . "人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限为人民服务之中去。——雷锋"

5 . "Life is only inevitable, there is no chance "

6 . 二 Every day without you is like a book without pages 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

7 . Winners do what losers don&#;t want to do

8 . 如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败。

9 . 让人失去理智的,常常是外界的诱惑;让人耗尽心力的,往往是自己的欲望。

10 . 人只有在睡觉时才不犯错。


1 . :she who has never loved, has never lived人活着总要爱一回。

2 . "手莫伸,伸手必被捉。党与人民在监督,万目睽睽难逃脱。汝言惧捉手不伸,他道不伸能自觉,其实想伸不敢伸,人民咫尺手自缩。——陈毅"

3 . 永远不要不要不要不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔

4 . 奋斗是万物之父。——陶行知

5 . 亚里士多德-奥纳西斯,希腊船王

6 . When you are young, you may want several love experiences But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough You need time to know, to forgive and to loveAll this needs a very big mind

7 . "To show off what he needed anything; hide anything, what self-esteem The so-called normal people, good people just self-defense The real mental health, is defenseless without victimization "

8 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live

9 . Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement of today永远别让明天的期待,影响你享受今天的时光。

10 . 人生是伟大的宝藏,我晓得从这个宝藏里选取最珍贵的珠宝。


1 . 读不尽者书,造诣不尽者人品。

2 . "Life does not sell return tickets, once the leave, never return "

3 . 祝你前程似锦,一生快乐

4 . "There are people who pursue wealth gracious living, intelligent people to pursue quality of life "

5 . I really hate sleeping without you 《six word story》

6 . To love means loving the unlovable To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable Faith means believing the unbelievable Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless 爱的意义 是爱那 些 不可爱 的 ; 宽恕的意义是宽恕那些不可宽恕的;信仰的意义是信仰那些不可置信的;希望的意义是当一切看上去毫无希望的时候仍心有希望。 ——G·K· Chesterton

7 . Ted Turner, Founder of CNN

8 . 六 You make my heart smile 我的心因你而笑。

9 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers

10 . :passionate love is aquenchless thirst 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望优美的英语句子带翻译 句优美的英语句子带翻译 句。


1 . The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man

2 . I will cherish all tne memories of us together!

3 . "生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样一来可口!——郭小川"

4 . Man can survive, only when he has the substance, man can live only when he has ideal

5 . :coffee is lonely without cups i am lonely without you没有杯子,咖啡是寂寞的,没有你,是孤独的。

6 . Aristotle Onassis, Greek Shipping Magnate

7 . "It maybe on a train, It maybe near seaside, It maybe a painful memory, It maybe a distant way, You don&#;t know why you leave, For heart break?frightend?or something else? Or maybe" you w an t to f in d "someone, Even though there isn&#;t the one any more, But you just know, that&#;s all"

8 . "I heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on 据说,幸福简单到用时间就可冲淡。"

9 . 如今又要离去的友人,至诚地祝福你拥有更美好的前程,以及光辉灿烂的人生。

10 . 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑 B




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