
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-06 11:14:47


1 . 妈妈没想到的你却想到了。

2 . The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams 未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。----埃莉诺·罗斯福

3 . I will be in constant search for my soulmate in the endless sea of crowd Fortune favors me if I could find her and destiny plays its part if I couldn&#;t

4 . 生活就是这样,你会跌倒,挣扎,崩溃,你只能接受事实,以诚相对。

5 . 公事公办。

6 . Never tell anybody outside the family what you&#;re thinking // A friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults // Never hate your enemies It clouds your judgment // A man who doesn&#;t spend time with his family can never be a real man

7 . 今天,我们是亲密的同学;明天,我们将是竞争的对手。愿友谊在竞争中更加深厚。

8 . 妈妈需要休息一会儿,你要好好照顾好自己哦。

9 . Your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep ------ 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

10 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。


1 . Business may be troublesome, but idleness is pernicious事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。

2 . 一次只做一件事,做到最好!

3 . Whatever happened in the past is gone, the best is always yet to come ------ 无论过去发生什么,最好的永远尚未到来。

4 . I don’t think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything Conversely, I think it’s selecting process, knowing what’s the most important and what’s the least And then be a simple man 我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。

5 . Love understands love; it needs no talk相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。

6 . 感,就要感性;如果没有感性,就要理性;如果没有理性,就要有自知之明;如果连这个都没有了,她只有不幸。

7 . Meet and bid farewell to the sail and offshore, is the end of the past happy, the beginning of the future of happiness

8 . Where there is love, there are always wishes哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

9 . 友谊是一首无字的歌,在你淡淡的季节里开一树美丽的花,在深深浅浅的脚印里,为你不退的步伐奏一曲动人的华尔兹。年年岁岁,岁岁年年。

10 . 请带着父母的一份叮嘱,女友的一份思念,兄弟的一份牵挂,以积极向上的态度面对新的求学路程,坚持不懈的努力将会给你的未来增添自信的力量,在新的大学生活里,祝你事事顺心,天天开心。


1 . In life divided into two episodes, the first is "hesitance-free", while the second is "regret-free"——若将人生一分为二,前半段叫“不犹豫”,后半段叫“不后悔”。

2 . , lofty ideals is a person&#;s mind the sun, it can illuminate every step of life in the road

3 . , the fruits of the fall does not belong to the spring flowers, and belong to the spring of cultivators You sow in the spring of life to create the seeds, will usher in the golden life of the fall!

4 . Do not have too many irons in the fire

5 . 我不想流泪,并非我不哀伤

6 . All time is no time when it is past

7 . Take away love, and our earth is a tomb没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

8 . 大家非常喜欢听你讲的故事。

9 . Business makes a man as well as tries him事业可以考验人,也可以造就人。

10 . 我对自己要求很低:我活在世上,无非要明白些道理,遇见些有趣的事。倘能如愿,一生就算成功(王小波 I don&#;t demand too much of myself: life is little more than figuring out a few philosophies and coming across something interesting If that desire is fulfilled, my life will be a triumph


1 . 下一个夏天,教室里又会坐满了,可惜再也不是我们了。

2 . 谁的快乐最廉价,谁就是最富有的人。

3 . 不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天

4 . When you’re around someone so much for so long, they become a part of you 当你和一个人长时间地在一起后,ta就变成了你的一部分了。

5 . Looking at the empty dormitory and the cabinet, always feel left behind, I left my missing for you

6 . 再见了,学生证。

7 . That day we graduated, each to their own goals and efforts to develop, and make us like the parallel lines will not be the intersection of the

8 . Life&#;s like this,and you fall and you crawl and you break,and you take what you getAnd you turn it into honesty

9 . If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with you is the award of the lord… In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you 哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。

10 . We shake hands firmly with both hands, let the feeling in the hands gently brushed, sharing an unforgettable warmth


1 . 祝你在每个成长的日子里都开开心心。生日快乐。

2 . Experience is the best teacher经验是最好的教师。

3 . Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

4 . Between each other do not need more words, this moment, as long as the tight hug is enough

5 . 我渴望的幸福是:读许多书,养几只猫狗,种很多花,和父母在一起,陪孩子们长大。

6 . In for a penny, in for a pound做事一开头,就要做到底;一不做,二不休。

7 . Goodbye, student ID card

8 . 在毕业照上面,我们笑的多美好。

9 . 诗人北岛获布朗大学荣誉文学博士学位(Doctor of Letters / 北岛:卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭 Baseness is the passport of the base; nobility is the epitaph of the noble

10 . 和我一起走过四年的同窗如今就要分别了,想想心里就无比伤痛。




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