
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-16 05:20:07


1 . A man is not old as long as he is seeking something A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

2 . 彪悍的人生不需要解释。

3 . i know that my future is not just a dream我知道我的未来不是梦。

4 . Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides

5 . 爱的时候,让他自由;不爱的时候,让爱自由。

6 . Happiness is a way station between too much and too little。

7 . 爱不是什么可能大概也许,一旦爱上了,自己是十分清楚的。

8 . Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards

9 . A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world

10 . The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。


1 . Happiness is a way station between too much and too little

2 . Spell a fall winter spring and summer! Win life no regrets!

3 . Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have

5 . Don&#;t give up when you are able to fly,to dream and to love

6 . The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would doHenry David Thoreau尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。;梭罗

7 . The ideals which have lighted my way , and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfullyhave been kindness , beauty and truth Albert Einstein , American scientist有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是--真善美。;美国科学家爱因斯坦 A

8 . Two heads are better than one一人不及二人智;三个臭皮匠,胜个过一个诸葛亮。

9 . For short, do not remember every detail, every mood

10 . The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and thedetermination to attain it人生之要事在于确立伟大的目标与实现这目标的决心。


1 . Don&#;t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend

2 . Without enthusiasm, there will be no progress in the world。

3 . Victory won&#;t come to me unless I go to it--

4 . There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power;Baac没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。巴尔扎克

5 . 当你懈怠的时候,请想想你父母期待的眼神。

6 . It&#;s never too late to mend

7 . 任何值得做的,就把它做好。

8 . Good coffee with friends to taste, a good opportunity to share with friends。

9 . Asking costs nothing;问人不费分文。

10 . You may have a day of love to bring a lifetime of gratitude。


1 . 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。——梭罗

2 . Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness;RM Nixon命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运。;尼克松

3 . man can conquer nature人定胜天。

4 . look before you leap first think, then act 三思而后行。

5 . 人生难得几回搏,此时不搏,什么时搏。

6 . The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。

7 . 有泪就流。在忍耐和伤心过后,要继续前行。陪伴我们度过此生的只有一人--那就是我们自己。让生命鲜活起来。

8 . Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you

9 . a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真交。

10 . How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?


1 . 在找到合适的人之前,唯一需要做的,就是让自己足够的优秀。

2 . You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。

3 . I try, I insist, I can succeed。

4 . Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well。

5 . 因为短暂,不记得每一个细节,每一个情绪。

6 . If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

7 . 到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是,你是如何度过这些岁月的。

8 . In fact,each of the road leading to the sun,are full of frustrations。

9 . 成为伟人固然伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大。

10 . 不要为别人怎么看你而烦恼。别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎么看待你自己。




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