
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-12 12:06:37


1 . 遇见你,我身中魔咒。——TaylorSwift《Enchanted》

2 . 一对情侣在海边漫步,那女的问:你有多喜欢我?男的说:我对你的喜欢有一角钱那么多,女的生气的说,才一角钱这么少。男的又说:一角不就是十分吗!

3 . , love the smell of you, you will not know!

4 . 湘湘:如果是三年前,我会跟你争辩,因为我想让你知道我聪明,伶牙俐齿,我想让你注意到我!――却却《战长沙》

5 . 当我的笑容在等待中慢慢变成泪水,我想我该离开你了。然而,你是那么的动人使我还在爱里停留。

6 . 相逢却似曾相识,未曾相识已相思。

7 . You are the only one{你是我的`唯一。}

8 . , the secret love needs to bear ten times in the first love fantasy, times more lonely than the love of love

9 . Is there anyone like me? Sometimes a joke is a true idea in the subconscious mind

10 . 和他初遇在小城的车站,我进站他出站,擦肩而过时轻轻的呼唤,一见钟情却发生在我身上


1 . 特别的爱献你,愿我的祝福缠绕着你,真诚地祝愿健康和快乐永远伴随你,一束鲜花+轻轻的祝福,祝你:“生日快乐!”

2 . , quietly I fell in love with you, but I only dare to hide this feeling in the bottom of the heart, even if it is to be a friend as long as you are happy

3 . 在你生日的这一天,将快乐的音符,作为礼物送给你,愿您拥有个美丽的日子,衷心地祝福你,生日快乐!

4 . Who has not been suffering for the secret love? We always thought the infatuation was heavy and heavy, the heaviest weight in the world

5 . , every time you look at me, I pretend to look elsewhere, and when you look elsewhere, I&#;ve been looking at you

6 . I don&#;t know if I&#;m still waiting for the next year

7 . , I spent my life for a change of your turn

8 . 爱你一万年,是我的追求;恋你一千年,是我的渴望;而吻你一次,则是我一生中最快乐的时光;答应我,当我女朋友吧!

9 . I love you more than you&#;ll veer know 我比你想象中的更爱你。

10 . 也许是缘分,命运安排你我相遇!你是让我欣赏的那种人,似乎很久以前,我就已熟识你了你。也许这一生,你就是我的钟爱。


1 . “你喜欢他时做过的最认真的事情是什么?”“从头到尾地感动自己。”

2 . , every word you said to me seemed to be said to another woman to hear, but I just play with

3 . , between us, you are the sun, I am the moon, a little light of your light can illuminate all of me

4 . 想你在每一个有星星的夜晚,念你在每一刻欢乐的时光,盼你在每一次想你的瞬间,爱你在每一秒呼吸的间隙。

5 . , love a person needs courage, more need luck

6 . , talking about the object does not affect learning, and the real influence of learning is the secret love

7 . , if you can, can not stay for more than one second, even if, you are just a long time traveler

8 . 第一眼就喜欢的人还怎么做朋友?

9 . You and I separatend is inevilable 你我的走散是必然的

10 . 我回身,望入你的眼,刹那间,我看见你眼中蓝玫瑰你回身,望入我的眼,刹那间,我看见你眼中只余我


1 . Unfortunately, there is no you in the time

2 . You let me lose a lot你让我失去了好多

3 . 送你一阵轻风,带着我的祝福;送你一缕月光,映着我的影像;送你一片白云,让你感到温馨;送你一条短信,点缀我们的爱情!

4 . 现在生日不送礼,写句祝福送给你,如果你嫌礼不够,再把我也往上凑,祝你生日快乐!

5 . 因为你的降临,这一天成了一个美丽的日子,从此世界便多了一抹诱人的色彩。祝你生日快乐!

6 . My Guess Is That It&#;s Naive 我的猜是这是天真

7 . 天上一众神仙斗地主,上家见月老手里还剩两张,就机敏地一张张出牌。眼瞅着对方快要打完,月老不得不拆牌去管。那会儿他手里还剩一对我和你。

8 . 爱情,有些旋律根本没有被唱响过,有些蜡烛根本没有被点燃过。可是,世界突然有了音乐有了亮光。我甚至都还不认识你,那心,却已经像一张被揉皱的纸。

9 . , when, you will think of me, like, I think of you like this

10 . , how to explain, the draft paper is your name


1 . The cruelest thing in the world is that you know I like you, but pretend I don&#;t know!

2 . You are my sunshine你是我的太阳

3 . 难以忘记初次见你,那双迷人的眼睛,那一刻我发现才知道什么是一见钟情。

4 . 好想把你的心预约一万年,了却我不变的思念。好想把我的心放在你心田,地老天荒真心永不变!

5 . , I will not love, but for you, I have changed in the heart

6 . Time cut scar is called growth时间划破的伤疤叫做成长

7 . , blue curtains, glass like heart, transparent to you, but easy to be sad

8 . You are the prince in the fairy tale I made, and I&#;m just a passing traveler in your life

9 . Look back at me I&#;ve been behind you all the time

10 . , I am waiting for life, not for the moment you ningmou




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