
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-06 20:07:19


1 . Today is international labor day men,I wish the women festival happiness,beautiful every day!

2 . be genuine and conceal notingi write every wiod i wand to say on this small cardi wish my honey a happy valentine’s day

3 . 愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦想甜美,愿你这一年称心如意!

4 . 妈妈们应该得到的不只是一个节日,她们该获得荣誉勋章。

5 . Lost, very missed In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years

6 . In honour of your moving out of the twenties, we are giving you a marvelous birthday party

7 . Wake up in the morning, you give me the warmest kiss, I give you a breakfast, afternoon you pick me off work, we go home together

8 . 这张卡片是我们全家合送的。祝您母亲节快乐。

9 . 祝你生日快乐,给你我们所有的祝福!

10 . Let me join all your other friends in wishing you a happy birthday Today specially belongs to you Take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do


1 . 情人节快乐:happy valentine&#;s day!!

2 . 当我生病时,您总是陪伴着我。

3 . 祝你生日快乐,你的善良使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带给你快乐,愿未来的

4 . After the labor of rest is the most comfortable,ha ha,lets enjoy the wonderful holiday!

5 . 你敢不敢在那天早晨,给TA一个承诺:我会爱你一生一世。

6 . 五一到来之际,为你送上一份衷心的祈祷与祝福,祝你与家人过一个愉快而祥和的劳动节!

7 . happy National Day! Health!

8 . Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you

9 . 每到你的生日,我都十分快乐。送上一张生日卡和一件礼物,略表心意。祝事业成功生活幸福!

10 . 愿你享尽今日之欢乐,祝你的生日百事顺心!


1 . 我想在情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

2 . May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday

3 . 新年新气象: as the New Year begins, let us also start a new

4 . Can control the morning of the people, to control their lives If a man can&#;t do early in the morning, what do you expect him to do?

5 . My greetings come with affection for the nicest kind of birthday that could be wished for you When this day comes to an end and you lie down to rest, may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness

6 . 请好好地照顾自己。我们都爱您,妈妈。

7 . 如果父亲是一棵沧桑的老树,那么,我愿是那会唱歌的百灵,日夜栖在父亲的枝头鸣叫,换回父亲的年轻,让父亲永远青翠。父亲节到了,祝节日快乐!

8 . national day, we qi joy, a total of national jubilation, i wish our motherland is thriving! 庆国庆,大家齐欢乐,五十六个民族共欢腾,祝我们的祖国欣欣向荣!

9 . 不论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失。

10 . 生日来临,带给你无数的快乐日子,一年中天天都会想起,生日的快乐温馨。


1 . Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky! 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!

2 . 每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。

3 . “五一”到来之际,为您送上一份忠心的祝福:诚祝您与您的家人渡过一个愉快的节日!

4 . I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness

5 . 我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。

6 . 吉星高照!

7 . 你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。情人节快乐。

8 . I leave you in the morning and dusk; I leave half my half to you 我把早晨和黄昏留给你;我把我的一半留给你。

9 . filled the air in this ribbon, into concerns sent to your remote hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer coming national day holiday period 把这满街飞舞的彩带,化作关切,遥寄给你。但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。


1 . 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace

2 . Warmest wishes that your birthday holds nothing but the best The finest things in life today and every day!

3 . 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,无谓压抑自己。

4 . 您辛勤的劳动为我们传递着温情,衷心的问候一声您辛苦了!劳动节快乐!

5 . In a sunny morning, in the morning, we found that the white hair, long at the head of our father and mother, so bright I could feel the a site, was hard prick

6 . 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福

7 . 母亲节是妈妈们发现她们的小孩会把早餐做得很好的时刻。

8 . 您的付出您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。谢谢您,爸爸。

9 . My heartiest birthday greetings to you, a feeling much warmer than anybody can know Best wishes for everything your heart desire in the year

10 . May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way!


1 . states have a home, you can have a home, you have me, i wish my dear parents happy national day! health! 有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!

2 . 在您六十大寿之际,请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康长寿生活愉快!

3 . 用自已的双手创造辉煌,给最亲爱的人以幸福!

4 . 能控制早晨的人,方可控制自己的人生。一个人如果连早起都做不到,你还指望他 这一天能做些什么呢?

5 . Live for the moments, not for the memories Live for your present and your future, not for the past!

6 . 劳动创造了历史,劳动创造了未来。五一节快乐。

7 . when you all into the society,all around are ordinary labor to give

8 . 如果你明确自己的方向,世界也会为你让路。

9 . labor is the father of wealth,land is the mother of wealth

10 . 全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。


1 . It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!

2 . 一年一度您的日子,在没有我在身边的时候希望也能快快乐乐过每一分每一秒。老爸,辛苦

3 . 日子锦上添花!

4 . 劳动节愿我们的劳动带给大家春天的回报,祝您全家幸福愉快。

5 . in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking sincerely wish you a happy national day 在这馥郁芬芳的季节,举国欢腾的日子,有一种心情叫牵挂,有一种思维叫想念。衷心祝你,国庆快乐。

6 . Still at work,labor day should labor,not to have a complaint!I wish you a happy holiday!


8 . 希望你的心上人早日出现。

9 . 让我与你的朋友们一道共庆你生日快乐,今天属于你,祝你欢欢喜喜!

10 . To mother on Mother’s Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me


1 . 有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。

2 . 付出辛劳,挥洒汗水,成功的果实即将收获。

3 . 亲爱的妈妈,我们向您致敬。

4 . 父亲节快乐,亲爱的爸爸!谢谢您为我所做的一切!

5 . 时值父亲节,致以最真挚的祝福!

6 . Dont labor labor day!So Im just tired fingers move,give you clockwork SMS to wish you a happy labor day!

7 . This is for all the things that you have done for me

8 . Happy International WorkersDay!

9 . By the morning, everything will be clean, and even the most troubling stains will be gone

10 . 有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。




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