
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-17 21:40:56


1 . 不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。

2 . Youth is the only time that we have the right to weave the dream。

3 . 第条 让信念坚持下去,梦想就会实现。

4 . 第条 To be beautiful is the advantage, and it is the ability to live beautifully

5 . 精神成人,知识成才,态度成全。

6 . Haste trips over its own heels 忙易出错。

7 . 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

8 . 今天什么样,完全由我决定,今天怎样度过,由我选择。

9 . 第条 No failure, only a temporary stop of success!

10 . 年轻就是无限的可能。


1 . He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business自命大才小用,往往眼高手低。

2 . 生命力的意义在于拚搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。

3 . Reality is reality too。

4 . 人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。

5 . 第条 莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。

6 . 冬天,将自己从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。

7 . 现在决定未来,知识改变命运。

8 . Youth means limitless possibilities。

9 . 奋斗向上比。快乐向下比。

10 . (行动是通往知识的唯一道路。


1 . You will be seeing miracles as long as you take a deep breath。

2 . Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself。

3 . 第条 Do not find an excuse to fail, only to find a reason to succeed

4 . The more you care for someone,the less you understand him。

5 . 第条 If you want to change your destiny, you must change yourself first

6 . Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened。

7 . 第条 百句空言,不如一个行动。

8 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards

9 . I’m born to succeed。

10 . Laugh,and the world laughs with you;weep,and you weep alone。


1 . 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

2 . Success never like meeting a bum, but wake up lazy。

3 . 路是自己选的,后悔的话,也只能往自己的肚子里咽。

4 . Stupid people always regret yesterday, to pray for tomorrow, it&#;s a pity efforts of today。

5 . 第条 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

6 . Happy is the man who is living by his hobby醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。

7 . You can’t stop the waves,but you can learn how to surf。

8 . (成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。

9 . Anything one man can imagine,other men can make real

10 . Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。


1 . 如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败。

2 . I love you not for who you are,but for who I am before you。

3 . 第条 忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。

4 . I can live for two months on a good pliment Mark Twain , American writer 只凭一句赞美的话我就可以充实地活上两个月。

5 . Failure is the mother of success——Thomas Paine

6 . 杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。

7 . Remember: Whatever happens, happens for a reason

8 . Don&#;t move from the muddy trail, cannot step the road covered with flowers。

9 . 永不气馁!

10 . 我自信,我出色:我拼搏,我成功!


1 . Has been lost again,better than never wounding more。

2 . 第条 With heaven and earth life, with the sun and the moon

3 . 生活很艰难,但是宝贝,你也很坚强。

4 . I can because i think i can。

5 . 第条 人一看重机会,就难免被机会支配。

6 . Poverty is stranger to industry勤劳之人不受穷。

7 . 我的冷漠,是你读不懂的骄傲。

8 . 第条 不同的信念,决定不同的命运!

9 . When I close my eyes,I don’t see myself,but you。

10 . Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones


1 . Real dream is the other shore of reality。

2 . To overcome difficulties, the brave one thousand ways, coward just feel so helpless。

3 . Do you love life?Then do not squander time;for that&#;s the stuff life is made of。你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。

4 . 第条 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。

5 . 狠抓基础是成功的基础持之以恒是胜利的保证。

6 . 第条 On the earth, by the earth, and by oneself

7 . 金钱损失了还能挽回,一旦失去信誉就很难挽回。

8 . 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。

9 . (你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。

10 . Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival

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