
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 13:48:19


1 . 你是我最感激的人,你总是在我最需要你的时候为我带来内心的慰藉,今天是感恩节,请允许我用真心向你说一声谢谢。

2 . believe me, i am truly grateful for

3 . If I am the girl in your dreams如果我是你梦里的女孩

4 . 我很欣赏您在信中描述各种事物的手法。您的妙笔使细小的事情都显得很有趣(重要)(动人)(神秘)。

5 . it is a hopeless(definite(positiveunderstatement to say that i am deeply (sincerely(trulygrateful

6 . Believe me, I am truly grateful for

7 . A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops 一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。

8 . 带着欣赏的眼光看人,带着包容的心做事,带着知足的`心生活,带着感恩的心看世界,你会发现世界因你更美好。感恩节,对曾经感动的每一个人,说声谢谢!

9 . 我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴(宽慰(觉得有趣(陶醉。

10 . 您那彬彬有礼(体贴入微(令人欣慰的来信……


1 . 要是您选上她,她就是个胜利者。

2 . it was nice(characteristically thoughtful (more than kind of you

3 . give me five~给你一点正能量!

4 . thank you very much ( very, very much (ever so much (most sincerely (indeed (f rom the bottom of my heart

5 . 心存一份感动,因为真诚;心存一份美好,因为欣赏;心存一份平和,因为宽容;心存一份幸福,因为感恩;感恩节,感恩更是一份传递。祝你感恩节快乐!

6 . You are I can not lose the future·~ 你是我不可失去的未来~

7 . 茫茫人海,最是你那回眸一笑的瞬间温柔,有如江边杨柳垂下的娇羞,让我尘封已久的心灵绽开!感谢上帝让我遇上你,我以感恩的心给你送去感恩节的祝福!

8 . 这就是说“我深深的(真挚的(真诚的感谢”远不足以(不能确切(不能明确表达我的谢意。

9 . 人须有感恩之心,而后乃心静,心静乃豁达,豁达乃知进退。感恩节,感激身边的每一个人,是他们陪你度过了这样的生活,心存感恩,幸福长久。

10 . 他是个非凡的(幸运的人(家伙(年青人(小伙子。


1 . No one can stop my feet!没人可以阻挡我前进的路

2 . accept my heartiest congratulations

3 . you have no idea what a thrill (kick (great pleasure i got when i heard

4 . 万分(非常)感谢。

5 . 她将成为您的出色的(极好的(可爱的妻子。她具有青年男子追求的品德(做事塌实(明智而有见解。

6 . My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view On this day I honour you sincerely 亲爱的老师,向您表达我最衷心的感谢。在人生旅途上,您为我点燃了希望之光,您所做的一切润泽了我的心灵,开阔了我的视野。今天我向您致以崇高的敬意。

7 . our very best wishes

8 . congratulations and all good (best wishes!

9 . loads and loads of good luck (good wishes(happiness

10 . We are indebted to you


1 . Happiness is from courage 幸福来自于勇气。

2 . You must be a mindreader

3 . Infact,sometimesIthinkitcanbeveryhealthyandhelpweappreciatewhatyouhaveandwhatyouaredoing

4 . 我们如此兴奋地(高兴地(激动地获悉(从这一消息中获悉……

5 . warm (sincere congratulations

6 . sidney and i join in sending our love (best wishes

7 . You are like a third parent We all love you and respect you 您就象我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。

8 . To make each day count要让每一天都有所值。

9 . we are indebted to you

10 . its good (great(sensationalnews(the most joyful i have heard for a long time




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