
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-10-28 23:01:00


1 . 素色如锦。待到时光静好,与你相忘于天涯。

2 . A Im sorry, let our love lost time, lost to the distance 一句对不起,让我们的爱败给了时间,输给了距离。

3 . Life is a test, and this world is the examination room

4 . 任何值得做的,就把它做好。

5 . 例如:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us

6 . 在人生的道路上,从来没有全身而退,坐享其成,不劳而获一说。你不努力,就得出局。

7 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live -- Thomas Carlyle

8 . 余生还很长,别把一切都提前交代了,一边走一边欣赏风景,一切都要慢慢来。

9 . 只是又回到一个人的时候,没有什么大不了。

10 . Every move, is a promise, will be another person to see in the eyes, remember in the heart of the


1 . 该坚持的时候,却放开了你的手。

2 . 用善意的目光去看待别人,用乐观的心态去面对困难。你会发现,这世界都是美好的。

3 . Mad laughter follows the drought of tearsWho is willing to be independent if there is someone to rely on透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑,如果有人可以依靠,谁会愿意独立。

4 . Thinking focus: life is a test, but also a trustee

5 . 愿你三冬暖,愿你春不寒,愿你天黑有灯,下雨有伞,愿你路上有良人相伴。

6 . 嘲情义淡,样样不顺眼。

7 . Since + 主语 + 过去式,主语 + 现在完成式

8 . 谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。

9 . 成为伟人固然伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大

10 . Maybe life is just a glass of water


1 . Life is a series of Hello, goodbye!

2 . spent as much time as he could doing sth(花尽可能的时间做某事

3 . 世间情动,不过盛夏白瓷梅子汤,碎冰碰壁当啷响。

4 . 一定要好好吃饭,好好睡觉,不管当下多难过,吃饱了睡足了,才有精神反抗一切糟糕。

5 . There is no need for sb to do sth for sth(某人没有必要做……

6 . Often TouLu you every bit of life, can you the same for me 每每偷录你生活的点滴,你可否一样对于我。

7 . 春深花浅笑,秋浓叶忧伤,夜月一帘梦,春风十里情。

8 . The reason why + 从句 is that + 从句 (……的原因是……

9 . "Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。"

10 . Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you 在你想了解别人也想让别人了解你之前,先完善并了解自己。


1 . 以后的小事你可以随便闹,大事往我身后靠。

2 . Peel a fig for a friend and toss a bad peach to a bad guy

3 . 我宁愿在最美的的年华,死在幸福的时光里。

4 . Owing to/Thanks to sth, … (因为……

5 . 你的状态,就是你最好的风水,简单点善良点努力点,惊喜就会多一点。

6 . 例如:As is known to us/As we all know, knowledge is power

7 . 例如: What an important thing it is to keep our promise!= How important a thing it is to keep our promise!

8 . Maybe you&#;ll beat it all, but you&#;re still at the foot of the time

9 . 例如:All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims

10 . Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill


1 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden

2 . I&#;ll think of you every step of the way

3 . 因为人生就是一种写意,随意就好。

4 . 生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。

5 . 一起走过的岁月里,因为有了感动才会变得更加迷人。

6 . 生活是蜿蜒在山中的小径,坎坷不平。

7 . 帮助别人是值得的。

8 . 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

9 . What a + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + be!= How +形容词+ a +名词+ be!(多么……!

10 . 万事胜意的意思就是,一切结果,都比你当初想象的,还要好一点点。


1 . Thinking of the memory of the past, with the current sadness, read with future bumpy

2 . Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

3 . 星河滚烫你是人间理想,夜风寒凉你是人间火光,万世沉浮你是人间归途。

4 . A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous 每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。

5 . 不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。

6 . lifeless, faultless 只有死人才不犯错误。

7 . 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of … too much(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。

8 . 例如:No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it不管英语有多么难,你都应该尽你最大的努力来学它。

9 . 人生就是线段,交集后分离。

10 . Victory won&#;&#;t come to me unless I go to it -- MMoore


1 . It took them a long time to realize they had made a mistake

2 . 只有一个人在旅行时,才听得到自己的声音,它会告诉你,这世界比想象中的宽阔。

3 . Nothing for nothing

4 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

5 . Life was a funny thing that occurred on the way to the grave生命是在通往坟墓之路上发生的一件趣事儿。

6 . 当你情绪低落,感觉四周灰暗时,你就要梳理一下自己,别忘了你还是自己的太阳。

7 . 愿你被这个世界温柔以待,躲不过的惊吓都只是虚惊一场,收到的欢喜从无空喜。

8 . If I know what love is, it is because of you

9 . Its amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces 不可思议的是,即使他令你心碎,你却依然用破碎的心爱着他。

10 . I want someone whos afraid of losing me 我希望找到一个担心失去我的人。


1 . 主语+ is + the +形容词最高级+名词+(that+主语+ have ever + seen(known / heard / had / read,etc

2 . One today is worth two tomorrow

3 . 注意:比较级也可以用来表达最高级的意思。

4 . We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope -- Mattin Luther King

5 . 吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。

6 . 月亮偷喝朗姆酒酩酊大醉,对着湖面的倒影说爱的滋味。

7 . Experience is the father of knowledge and memory is the mother of knowledge

8 . 爱情虽然是最痛苦的,但是只要不去想念,慢慢着过好每一天,终究都是会放下的。

9 . Memory is heel, lonesome is dent, I a person coexistence 回忆是脚跟,寂寞是凹痕,我一个人共存。

10 . 注意:此句型一般可以改为疑问词+ever引导的从句,+主句




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