
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-06 19:33:25


1 . 一位活泼可爱的小女孩,白净的瓜子脸,弯弯的眉毛下一双水灵灵的眼睛。

2 . 那女孩的脑后拖着一根猪尾巴似的小辫。

3 . pron 她,它

4 . I proud, never make public, I want to, but never say, I just like to see cherry blossoms flutter sinks down, quietly watching the clouds drift in the feet, see the wind blowing hair, I want to sleep in parents&#; arms, in brother Xiao Sheng piano company, however, all this is nothing but just desire, they who also can not give, I can only be a person lonely wandering, like abandoned

5 . 一般女人说不用你管的时候,都是想叫你赶紧管管,晚了都不愿意。一般女人说谁稀罕的时候,都是表示,她十分稀罕。

6 . In the spring, the cherry blossoms in the north harbor are smiling How happy the cherry blossoms are! In the sun, the cherry blossoms shine like beautiful stars A gust of wind blowing, the cherry blossom fall, beautiful, really a beautiful cherry blossom rain ah!

7 . 抱怨没有一个好男人的女人,定吃过男人的苦头。

8 . Those pink white cherry blossoms, one tree next to a tree, each flower with the neighboring four or five clusters of clusters, quietly blooming their own beauty It was time for me to return to sakura Looking at the trees full of flowers, the heart of a sudden rise a thought: cherry blossoms, bring the smell of spring When the cherry blossoms bloom, spring comes quietly to the world

9 . 真正美丽的女人是可以超越年龄的鸿沟的。女人的美:在容貌,在气质;女人的可爱:在爱心,在智慧。这些东西中,小女孩真正有优势的只有容貌一项。

10 . 她是个漂亮妞。She was a subscriber


1 . 短短的扎着红色绸带的小辫,就像两只蝴蝶落在她的耳边。

2 . 在许多问题上我的说法跟前人大不相同,但是我的知识得归功于他们,也得归功于那些最先为这门学说开辟道路的人。哥白尼

3 . 闭月羞花,沉鱼落雁。天生丽质,国色天香,如花似玉。

4 . 有真诚的同情心,有自觉的责任感,这是不老女人的秉性。自私的女人即使只有十八岁,也会让人觉得她十分的老态龙钟,让人厌恶。一个博爱的女人,一个胸襟开阔的女人,一个热爱世界和自然的女人,一个拈花微笑笑看风云淡的女人,这样的女人越来越美丽。

5 . In the evening the rosy clouds dyed red window lattice, the evening breeze with a couple of YingHuaBan, children pick up petals, there took petals, gently toss up, cherry blossoms flying in the sky, like the beautiful butterflies, dancing in the bosom of nature The children&#;s laughter and the breeze, drifting far, far away

6 . 两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静似娇花照水,行动如弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。

7 . 一个女人就是一朵花。有的女人像腊梅,花中最有韧劲最坚强的要数腊梅。腊梅开得那么含蓄,颜色显得有些老土,可她却是真正懂花之人的最爱。如梅的女人是艰难困苦中的中流砥柱。如梅的女人是风雪袭来时的芬芳和温馨。

8 . 当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把自己看作为公众的财产。杰弗逊

9 . 做女人一定要经得起谎言,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘的了诺言,最后用笑来伪装掉下的泪宁愿相信世上有鬼,也不要相信男人那张破嘴!

10 . 这个女孩站在那里的感觉,象是有一股清新的芬芳在整个室内悄然的散开,慢慢的蔓延在每个人心头。


1 . 在爱情面前,女人的架子不要摆得太低,死缠着一个拒绝过你的男人,只会增加他心底对你的轻视。

2 . 千万不可以为了爱情,放弃事业,很简单,选择爱情,一旦爱情没有了,你就什么都没有了,选择事业,即使爱情没有了,可是你还有本事赚钱养活自己,还有属于自己的生活。

3 . When we go out, we have a thick spring We "traveled through the mountains and rivers" and came to yuyuantan As soon as you enter the door, there are countless petals fluttering in the air, flying in front of our eyes Standing in the thick shade of trees, the feeling of weariness of the day seemed to vanish, and the breeze lifted my heavy mouth Walking forward, there was open water The golden sun was shining on the water, as if it had covered the smooth surface of the lake with gold

4 . 不怕被男人看扁,就怕被女人瞧不起这叫骨气,脆骨的骨,生气的气。

5 . v 给…提供动力

6 . 我好象一只牛,吃的是草,挤出的是奶血。鲁迅

7 . 这个社会变化太多,我们不要让自己的心也荒来荒去,懂得保持内心平和的女人,就象闹市中的一间静谧的茶馆,让人忍不住想歇足休息。

8 . 蓦见面前一张芙蓉秀脸,双颊晕红,星眼如波,眼光中又是怜惜,又是羞涩。

9 . 自由是做法律所许可的一切事情的权利。孟德斯鸠

10 . 不要为任何人放弃你的朋友,家人,要知道,如果有一天爱情不在了,真正支持你的不是那个曾经的山盟海誓,而是他们。


1 . 别和女人顶嘴,女人说的对,你就点头;女人说的不对,你也点头。

2 . 不要为任何男人放弃自己的个性,其实并不是你迁就他,就可以让他觉得你多好,恰恰相反,男人更喜欢有自己个性的女人。

3 . The cherry blossom is a beautiful flower Between open in the spring and summer, extremely beautiful flowers, the white petals slightly tinged pink, the golden flowers like gold in the clustered together, is so delicate that bursting lovely little face in the breeze, look lively

4 . When you walk to the square, the cherry blossoms come in two colors: one is white and the other is red It looks like a piece of flower sea, flower bud and leaf one to morning and put, think elder sister and younger sister, rush to come into this world Look, flower bud is five one, like a string of sweet and sweet cherry on the branch

5 . 我们从别人的发明中享受了很大的利益,我们也应该乐于有机会以我们的任何一种发明为别人服务;而这种事我们应该自愿的和慷慨地去作。富兰克林

6 . 你是一尊象牙雕刻的女神,大方端庄温柔姻静,无一不使男人深深崇拜。

7 . 人是要有帮助的。荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持。一个篱笆打三个桩,一个好汉要有三个帮。毛泽东一燕不能成春。克雷洛夫

8 . Cherry blossoms are beautiful and beautiful They are important ornamental plants for early spring They are often used in garden viewing, and they can be planted in groups or in front of roadside buildings in hillside courtyards Blooming time flowers are gorgeous, full of trees, like clouds, extremely spectacular The landscape of flowers and sea can be planted in large areas, and the three or five clusters of trees can be planted in the green space to form a brocade, which can also be isolated to form a little red color among the green clusters Cherry trees can also be used as path trees and hedges or bonsai In addition, bark and fresh tender leaves can be used medicinally Some people make jam and condiments in Japan by grinding the flowers of cherry blossoms into nectar

9 . 要永远觉得祖国的土地是稳固地在你脚下,要与集体一起生活,要记住,是集体教育了你。那一天你若和集体脱离,那便是末路的开始。奥斯特洛夫斯基

10 . 男人精巧地指出女人的好看之处,他便立刻受到她的欢迎。


1 . 好女人不漂亮。漂亮女人不好。又漂亮又好的女人一般都很愚蠢。又漂亮又好又不愚蠢的女人都结婚了。

2 . 你笑起来的样子最为动人,两片薄薄的嘴唇在笑,长长的眼睛在笑,腮上两个陷得很举动的酒窝也在笑。

3 . 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。孟轲

4 . 那小姐相貌娇美,肤色白腻,别说北地罕有如此佳丽,即令江南也极为少有,她身穿一件葱绿织锦的皮袄,颜色甚是鲜艳,但在她容光映照之下,再灿烂的锦缎也已显得黯然无色。

5 . 普遍来说,脱女生衣服,脱下来,女生一般想哭;脱不下来,男生女生一般尴尬特指第一次。

6 . 几转。这少女容貌秀丽之极,当真如明珠生晕,美玉莹光,眉目间隐然有一股书卷的清气。

7 . 人民是土壤,它含有一切事物发展所必须的生命汁液;而个人则是这土壤上的花朵与果实。别林斯基

8 . The morning dew glistened on the petals of a pearl; The smiling faces of dudu were looking at the people and laughing so brightly There are dozens of cherry blossoms on just one branch, and each cherry blossom has its own charming attitude: budding flowers, like a shy little girl; There are only two or three petals of flowers, which is really "a half mask"; There are all the big cherry blossoms, showing a warm smile to people Cherry blossom clusters, clusters, has a large and small, has a crooked and inclined, strong and weak, more colorful

9 . 忽然身后有人轻轻一笑,他转过头去,水声响动,一叶扁舟从树丛中飘了出来,只见船尾一个女子持桨荡舟,长发披肩,全身白衣,头发上束了条金带,白雪一映,更是灿然生光,他见这少女一身装束犹如仙女一般,不禁看得呆了,那船慢慢荡近,只见那女子方当韶龄,不过十五六岁年纪,肌肤胜雪,娇美无比,容色绝丽,不可逼视。

10 . 你蹦蹦跳跳地走进来,一件红尼大衣,紧束着腰带,显得那么轻盈,那么矫健,简直就像天边飘来一朵红云。


1 . 魔鬼般惹火的身材,一头大波浪形金黄卷发发出耀眼的光芒,修长的大腿穿着一条鹅黄色的超短迷你裙,显出身材的完美绝伦。

2 . Cherry blossoms are a natural reward, but they are also a spectacle In the cherry blossom, even if it is not for the flowers, but also unconsciously do the flower

3 . 她的脸上有一双带着稚气的被长长的睫毛装饰起来的美丽的眼睛,就像两颗水晶葡萄。

4 . 那姑娘的脚瘦长略小,雪白雪白的,脚趾头像嫩藕芽儿似的。

5 . 不要过度的索取,如果你爱他,那么为了你们的将来,你应该珍惜他的收获,为你们的以后做好规划;如果你不爱他,迟早会离开他,那么不要在分手后,让他有机会在别人面前说你只是贪图他的钱。

6 . 手如柔荑,肤如凝脂,领如蝤蛴,齿如瓠犀,螓首蛾眉,巧笑倩兮,美目眇兮。

7 . 魔鬼般惹火的身材,一头大波浪形金黄卷发发出耀眼的光芒,修长的`大腿穿着一条鹅黄色的超短迷你裙,显出身材的完美绝伦。那女孩有一双晶亮的眸子,明净清澈,灿若繁星,不知她想到了什么,对着自己兴奋的一笑,眼睛弯的像月牙儿一样,仿佛那灵韵也溢了出来。一颦一笑之间,高贵的神色自然流露,让人不得不惊叹于她清雅灵秀的光芒。

8 . The cherry blossoms on campus are open, and the locked heart is still open, ringing the bell of march, the cherry blossoms smile and lock me in the spring rain season

9 . 柳叶眉,杏核眼,樱桃小口一点点,杨柳细腰赛笔管,说话燕语莺声。

10 . 一女子藏身人群中,白纱半掩面,杏眼圆睁,眸中仍映着惊愕。


1 . The teacher took us to the cherry garden, looking at the pink one, like a large pink cloud, floating, floating, tired, just stop there Close look, pink petals and green leaves all the oval, the blossom in yellow white, is white, under the above is yellow, very small, like a touch will be broken, so we just can&#;t touch The flowers are blooming in all shapes and shapes; Some of them are half open, trying hard; Some of them, like the shy little girl, dare not to appear But flowers or flowers, they are crowded, dense layers And the charming fragrance, refreshing and refreshing

2 . 女人有练轻功的天分,更有练魔术的天分,变得快。

3 . 每个人应该遵守生之法则,把个人的命运联系在民族的命运上,将个人的生存放在群体的生存里。巴金

4 . 那少女把刚折下的花朵放到鼻端,深深吸气,脸上浮现出陶醉的表情,更有一股惊心动魄的美丽。而那花朵在她秀美脸庞前,竟也似更加灿烂。

5 . 女人对男人的礼物一般都没抵抗力。流氓们都是靠这得手的。

6 . 那女郎秀美中透着一股英气,光采照人,当真是丽若春梅绽雪,神如秋蕙披霜,两颊融融,霞映澄塘,双目晶晶,月射寒江,大约也是十八九岁,腰插匕首,长辨垂肩,一身鹅黄衫子,头戴金丝绣的小帽,帽边插了一根长长的翠绿羽毛,革履青马,旖旎如画。

7 . 真正能使女人成为别人老婆的不是父母,而是年龄。

8 . 忽然身后有人轻轻一笑,郭靖转过头去,水声响动,一叶扁舟从树丛中飘了出来。只见船尾一个女子持桨荡舟,长发披肩,全身白衣,头发上束了条金带,白雪一映,更是灿然生光。郭靖见这少女一身装束犹如仙女一般,不禁看得呆了。那船慢慢荡近,只见那女子方当韶龄,不过十五六岁年纪,肌肤胜雪,娇美无比,容色绝丽,不可逼视。

9 . 她折纤腰以微步,呈皓腕于轻纱。眸含春水清波流盼,头上倭堕髻斜插碧玉龙凤钗。香娇玉嫩秀靥艳比花娇,指如削葱根口如含朱丹,一颦一笑动人心魂。




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