
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-28 23:11:07


1 . 因为有你,我改变过,我尝试过,我哭过。

2 . The wrong time, met the right person, right time, met the wrong people

3 . , there is a dead angle in the heart, others can not walk in, he can not go out

4 . 那些所谓的誓言,不过是用来敷衍人的谎言。

5 . Will there be so a person, put me in a group alone

6 . 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。

7 . 每一分每一秒直到一天结束。

8 . 如果爱你是错,我情愿一错再错,选择你所爱的然后爱你所选择的。

9 . 心里没有仇恨的人,日子总是过得好些的。

10 . Clocks and watches, can return to the starting point, but it is not yesterday


1 . 梦想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地迈出第一步。

2 . When the sunflower belongs to us, then we will smile

3 . my river runs to thee blue sea, wilt thou welcome me my river awaits replyoh! sea, look graciously emily dickinson

4 . Holding the firefly under the moon, lighting up a lonely paper

5 . Acacia, Du was fleeting, unprovoked westerly error

6 . 我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我。

7 . 迷雾散尽,一切终于变清晰。

8 . 每首歌都有一个故事,我想用我的方式,来诠释每个故事

9 . Don&#;t say, and so onor no, either all; Either now or forever

10 . 不要说你对不起我,我和你没关系。


1 . 没有多余的力气去挥霍任何一段感情。

2 . 人永远看不破镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年,如我一瞬。

3 . , there is no good to break up, but I can no longer see him every day

4 . 路过风景有没有人为你好好收藏。

5 . 即使想你想到哭,我也不打扰你,这是我的原则。

6 . 我不想做你生命的插曲。只想做你生命最完美的结局。

7 . See his red paper, felt very uncomfortable

8 . The morning sun never lasts a day好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。

9 . Any thing, the answer, in a hurry to find, missing is the quiet time of the years

10 . Pain is only aware of their own has not changed only you know痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有你知道。


1 . There is no extra energy to squander any relationship

2 . 还是一个人继续孤单下去,不需要任何人怜唳。

3 . 当初若只是心跳与悸动,又何必夸张成爱呢。

4 . Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples

5 . I would rather cry with a smile than regret with a cry

6 . Wandering in the edge of renunciation cannot, if not self-esteem from I won&#;&#;t just go

7 . , give me a song time, let me say goodbye first

8 . 迩知道的,我的缺点之一就是脾气坏。

9 . 你会爱自己就够了,那和爱我是一件事。

10 . Graduated, over! But in the end is the end, or another new beginning?


1 . The wound is a shame to others, the illusion of their own

2 . , you can live in a world without me, but I live in a sky with only you

3 . 使人成熟是经历,而不是岁月。

4 . Broken line kite, although freely, but must be planted fields to soon

5 . And who will take care of all his life, it is more than a heavy burden So it&#;s not self reliant

6 . 人生若只如初见,我情愿那个人不是你,我苦等那个人还在来路上。

7 . 成功门往往虚掩着,只要你勇敢去推,它就会豁然洞开。

8 . At night, we sing together at home ill, the general feeling of flying

9 . You will never give up, in exchange for life and death

10 . 爱情演变的如此失败,只留下那深深的无奈


1 . If you understand the value of love and love you have given me I have to wait for the future

2 . 朋友朋友,我们最后定位,疏离得我都好想流泪。

3 . Do not easily say love, a promise is a debt owed!

4 . Belong to own, don&#;t give up; Has been lost, reserved for memories

5 . 我对爱你的那种感觉,仍然心有余悸。

6 . People need to sink up pride in prosperity, in adversity to resist fire

7 . Loneliness is like the air The breath of it makes you feel alive。

8 . Your space, why should I use Dudangyimian lonely

9 . The way we travel in the best of spirits to visit, when sunset, was unable to part from

10 . , through the summer, also through the winter, is not through your heart




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