
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-22 08:40:33


1 . 我来洗碗,你来擦/烘干。I’ll wash and you dry。

2 . 不论结果如何,风度不可失。

3 . 她伸手抓过一张面皮,用竹片儿抹了一点肉馅,刮在面皮上,然后,纤纤细指灵巧地合在一起,用力一擞,往桌子边上一扔,便出现了一个圆鼓鼓的像猫耳朵似的小饺子,翘着两只尖尖的翘儿。

4 . If I have leftover food (food that I prepared previously and saved, then I heat it up using the microwave, stove, or oven To heat up food means to raise the temperature, to make it hot

5 . 我把每一样餐具都整理得井井有条。I keep every dishware organized。

6 . Merry Christmas to you all!祝你们都耶诞快乐!

7 . 当代办公室流行的方式就是自己带饭拉。每当到中午的时候,微波炉君们总是很忙。 因为大家要heat up/ microwave 食物呀。 话题Topic 也是可以被热的,topic begins to heat up指的就是某个话题近期很火。

8 . Give my best to your family 代我向你们全家问好。

9 . B:everything&#;s greatI&#;ve just returned from my office

10 . Happy New Year!新年快乐!


1 . S: you could say soI&#;ll work hard in that company and try to understand as much as possible about how to run an enterprise

2 . 言归正传。

3 . Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress?

4 . K: when you buy clothes, you must think about the material, quality and price

5 . 你清理炉灶时用点力。Use a little muscle when you clean the stove。

6 . Don&#;t think ill of me

7 . Susan:I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet How do I look? Is my make-up OK?

8 . R: yes

9 . 这些污渍怎么洗都洗不掉。These stains just won’t come out。

10 . 别逼我。


1 . K: that&#;s true, but you already have two balck coats and one black sweater

2 . 吵什么?

3 . Have him return my call让他给我回电话。

4 . One should love animals They are so tasty

5 . Once upon a time, there was a boy He looked after sheep从前有个小男孩,他照看羊(放羊。

6 . Jane:I prefer the opposite The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

7 . Hope so

8 . 在我看来,洗碗很无聊。The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

9 . # I Flesh Out My Ideas

10 . Can I take a message? 要我传话吗?


1 . How do you do!你好用于初次见面。

2 . 措辞得当,态度诚恳是问候的基本要求。

3 . 这令我兴奋。

4 . Are you married? 你结婚了吗?

5 . He is in conference 他正在开会。

6 . First come,first served捷足先登。

7 . The appropriate use of polite words is necessary for an interview

8 . 他是个老油条。

9 . Who knows!

10 . I&#;m really in a bind


1 . 如果我有剩饭剩菜,那么我就可以用微波炉/炉灶/加热。加热食物就是说升高温度来让它们变热啦。

2 . O: absolutely That&#;s why when he entered the final, I was so excited

3 . He got under the boss?s skin

4 . Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗?

5 . Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?

6 . Dont take any chances不要心存侥幸。

7 . Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点吗?

8 . Dont jump to conclusions 不要急于下结论。

9 . 片刻,我们俩就把几样菜如风卷残云似地吃了个干干净净。他在脏衣服上打上肥皂,就“哼味”“哼味”地搓了起来,一个个小肥皂泡儿从衣服上冒出来,一会儿就变成一大堆白沫子。

10 . Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?


1 . Jane:Will you do the dishes after the meal?

2 . 我工作的主要内容就是要挖掘新的点子出来。短语动词come up with这里指的是产生和发明的意思。

3 . 友好的微笑会帮助你赢得面试官的青睐。

4 . Forget it 算了吧。

5 . No way!

6 . Absolutely (用于答话是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此。

7 . It doesn’t make any difference没什么差别/无所谓。

8 . 别让我失望。

9 . # I Look Through My E-Mails And Dash Off Quick Replies

10 . 别生我气。


1 . 我左右为难。

2 . Be my guest 请便/别客气。

3 . 一人做事一人当。

4 . Dont bother 不用麻烦了。

5 . I have a runny nose我流鼻涕。

6 . E: a virtual office?

7 . How are you/What’sup 你好吗?

8 . O: before he made the top three, I was so nervous I just fear that he might be knocked out

9 . In an interview, you should look the interviewer in the eye in order to leave a good impression

10 . Perk up 表示让你元气满满,精神振奋的意思。我熬夜了,所以需要个coffee来perk me up




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