
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-07 17:36:58


1 . 第条 人各有志,自己的路自己走。

2 . 谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases

3 . 就算是Lover 最后还是会 oveR,ヽ。

4 . Li Tao As if occupies my entire heart to your love

5 . 百日拼搏,一朝圆梦。捷报飞传,名题金榜。

6 . (★)flower fecundity, start a poem!

7 . Love is a kind of poison(爱情,是一种毒药。)

8 . 芳草自随征路远,游丝不及客愁长。

9 . 第条 I have the good heart of the Xi, although nine still not regret

10 . 理解英语中每一个习语的含义并不是件容易事。Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse


1 . 第条 The perfect thing is art

2 . The buyer of a CNC turning center may or may not have the warranty to consider in the purchase but will make other considerations

3 . 第条 盛年不重来,一日难再晨。

4 . .开心多一点,心情好一点,心态宽一点,欲望少一点,名利淡一点,幸福多一点,一点一点积累人生靓点:人生不过起点到终点,何不开心快乐点?

5 . .待人,要诚心,要关心,还要有真心,有善心;工作,要细心,要专心,还要有恒心,有耐心;生活,要开心,要舒心,还要有信心,有爱心。愿你对待一切皆用心!

6 . 〆丶 Does not belong to me, I will let go 。 <不属于我的,我离开>

7 . To lay all one’s cards on the table

8 . 第条 我走得很慢,但我从不后退!

9 . 首先,感谢各位前来庆祝我们美中贸易协会洛杉矶分会的成立。This is a chinese lantern

10 . 第条 Life needs not only length, but also width


1 . 此外,人们并不认为,在民事上诉中其裁定被推翻的法官和其裁定被法院发回重审的行政官员没有能力公正和无偏袒地考虑案件的是非曲直。 I should like to ask you to think this over and take it into consideration when drafting the basic law You should also consider a few other things

2 . -My heart will always follow you。ζ

3 . 第条 The past belongs to the death, now belongs to oneself

4 . 第条 Failure is not dead, but disappointment will be

5 . 深居俯夹城,春去夏犹清。——李商隐《晚晴》

6 . 荷风送香气,竹露滴清响。——孟浩然《夏日南亭怀辛大》

7 . 日斜汤沐罢,熟练试单衣。

8 . To blossom blue is to blossom without you

9 . 十年寒窗,决战今朝,勤学苦练,我必成功。

10 . 第条 With heaven and earth life, with the sun and the moon


1 . 云收雨过波添,楼高水冷瓜甜,绿树阴垂画檐。——白朴《天净沙•夏》

2 . 奋战百日,三载拼搏终有回报。决胜中考,父母期待定成现实。

3 . 攀荷弄其珠,荡漾不成圆。——李白《折荷有赠》

4 . 心眼明亮"When anger Blinds the mind, truth disapears"

5 . 第条 The wise man seeks the time, and the fool moves against the time

6 . A nonce usage

7 . I want to forget everything 。 关于你,到此为止。

8 . .人生如牌局。你摸了第一张牌,最后一张就已经等在那里了;光靠摸牌是不够的,出牌也很重要;别人出的牌,也可能影响你的输赢;好牌有时反而输了,坏牌有时反而赢了;摸完牌,打好自己手中的牌是最重要的;放下牌,忘记输赢是最幸福的。

9 . 参考例句:

10 . 第条 不论成功或失败,皆存乎自己。




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