
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-05 03:52:50


1 . 如丝的小雨从空中降落,雨点是那样小,雨帘是那样密,给群山披上蝉翼般的白纱。

2 . employer 雇主

3 . 珠烁晶莹,空气里也带有一股清新湿润的香味。

4 . 我很遗憾地说, 你的建议一点儿都不令人满意。(regret; far from)

5 . Mr Black is happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been so popular

6 . Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States

7 . initiative 主动性

8 . 说 talk

9 . 交通灯 traffic light

10 . 也 too


1 . 电视,这项从迅速变化和成长为标志的最普及和最有影响力的现代技术,正在步入一个新时代,一个极为成熟和多样化的时代,这将重塑我们的生活和世界。

2 . 十一 eleven

3 . 谁 who

4 . 知道爱雨的人无数,写雨呤雨的文章更是浩焱如烟,可我也终是一个喜雨之人,对雨有不一样的感受,也就写了。

5 . 短的;矮的 short

6 . 细细的雨丝,缓缓落入水中,泛起点点涟漪。风拂斜阳,一抹嫣红。莲动,叶生波,雨滴,池起歌,一夕雨荷伴日落,一朝秋水万里波。

7 . I think that if children are made to practise the piano, they will lose interest in it

8 . Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence

9 . Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid

10 . 毛线衫 sweater


1 . 也许在以后长大的岁月里,我们从未改变,只是越来越清晰的成为自己……看着夕阳西下,有种莫名的伤感,看着眼前的这片在白天下温暖了一天阳光的草地,在夜色慢慢来临之际也开始拥有着秋天的凉意。

2 . 第八 eighth

3 . obsacle 障碍物

4 . 当然可以 sure

5 . so that the local people lost their homes

6 . I find young people exciting They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things

7 . (we的宾格)我们 us

8 . With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors

9 . 没有“天街小雨润如酥”的缠绵,也没有“秋雨梧桐叶落时”的凄楚,更没有“潇潇一晌残梅雨”寒凉,有的是“残云收夏暑”的清爽。这便是我所熟悉的雨,是在特定的时间,特定的环境下所特有的一种雨。

10 . 桌子 table


1 . Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in , how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century

2 . 曾经为发现一个优美的句子,一首穿透灵魂的曲子,一行忧伤的诗,一幅优美的画……就会一起感动得掉眼泪。也许感性的人在大多数人眼中难以理会,都是傻子疯子。只要世间有一双真诚的眼睛陪我一同哭泣就值得我为生命而受苦。为你我愿意疯癫愿意痴狂。本想留存你的每一句话,不料被精灵瞧见偷走了。

3 . reward 奖赏;报酬

4 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母U V开头)

5 . 有病的 sick

6 . architecture 建筑

7 . 我们因为笑话而笑,但很少思考过他们是如何使人发笑的。(seldom,倒装,work)

8 . 和她多谈几次你就会发现她不像你原来认为的那么坏。(not as …as

9 . concision n切割,分离,简洁

10 . cybercrime 网络犯罪


1 . stereotype 成见

2 . public opinion 舆论

3 . 天空 sky

4 . challengingmissing equipmentembarrassedconcentratemysterious introductionadventure(suncomfortableSurprisingly donated generations supposed, punished; fault; adults; garbage; scene;; behaviour; explanation; argument; forbiddendestroyed, chatting ; boring Interest devote satisgaction athlete

5 . customer 顾客

6 . 也 either

7 . 对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。

8 . 南 south

9 . 没有可能仅仅为了娱乐或锻炼而运动:一旦有了问题,一旦你觉得你输了你和你所属团体会有失体面时,你最野蛮的好斗本能就会被激发出来。

10 . 不久 soon

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