
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-09 13:52:16


1 . 花瓶 vase

2 . occupation 职业

3 . 鞋店 shoe store

4 . discontent 不满足

5 . 谢谢你 thank you

6 . 工程师 engineer

7 . 十一 eleven

8 . 科学 science

9 . 好吃的;可口的 tasty

10 . 他/她/它们是 they’re=they are


1 . 冬天 winter

2 . 三十 thirty

3 . amusement 娱乐

4 . approach 鼓掌

5 . employee 雇员

6 . Children are ___________ ( 禁止 to smoke

7 . 温暖的 warm

8 . miscondust 行为不端

9 . All things come to those who wait苍天不负有心人。

10 . Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in , how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century


1 . 吃 eat

2 . 每次我听说体育运动能够在国家间建立起友好感情,说世界各地的普通人只要能在足球场或板球场上相遇就会没有兴趣在战场上相遇的话,我都倍感诧异。

3 . apathy 冷漠无情

4 . Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of inFORMation on a single map

5 . The tsunami ( 海啸 _________(毁坏)many trees and buildings

6 . Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

7 . excision n切除,删除,(医切除(术,(宗逐出教会

8 . It is said that the mboy has not been found yet

9 . 茄子 eggplant

10 . 当她躺在医院的时候,她后悔没有听从母亲的劝告。(regret doing


1 . 有病的 sick

2 . (狗)摇尾巴 wag its tail

3 . 照耀 shine

4 . We have a good plan for the weekend, but we don’t know whether the teacher will agree to it or not We are trying to get his a____________

5 . adaptation 改写;适应

6 . conssensus 同意

7 . "Where there is love, there are always wishes哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。"

8 . 向右转 turn right

9 . decide v决定,判决

10 . 根据默默无闻的小说制作优秀影片在美国由来已久,已经成为传统。


1 . duration

2 . 老人和年轻人之间只有一个区别:年轻人的前面有辉煌的未来,老年人灿烂的未来却已在它们身后。这也许就是困难之所在。

3 . 这户人家打算重建他们简陋的木屋,并用他砍的树另建一个新房子。

4 . The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken

5 . Hanson is going to study lin a university because he wants to be a writer in the future

6 . 确实,他们在探险中遇到了极具威胁性的困难和危险,而他们的装备会让一个现代登山者想一想都会浑身颤栗。不过他们并不是刻意去追求刺激的。

7 . As a result of what is now know in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine

8 . temper 性情;烦躁

9 . correlation 相关性

10 . All the children listened to his thrilling a___________ in Africa with eager attention


1 . clerk 职员

2 . 节目 show

3 . Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion

4 . Inthesparkingpark,thedarlingdarkdogbarkedattheembarkedlarks

5 . 无政府主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信政府是有害的,没有必要的。

6 . decision n决定,决心,决议,结果,果断,坚定

7 . promotion 提升

8 . The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments

9 . gallery 美术馆

10 . troblemaker 捣乱者


1 . prerogative 特权

2 . 瘦的 thin

3 . 春节 Spring Festival

4 . 任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。

5 . 十三 thirteen

6 . Not until was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid

7 . Television is more than just an electronics; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings

8 . 鲨鱼 shark

9 . penalty 刑罚;处罚

10 . assault 攻击


1 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

2 . Talk to her more, and you will find that she isn’t as bad as you thought she was

3 . I can’t _____________(集中精神 with all that noise going on

4 . it is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。

5 . 十二 twelve

6 . Although badly hur in the accident, the driver was still able to make a phone call

7 . indictment 控告

8 . 更让人吃惊的事实是监禁的数目和比例在过去的二十年中翻了一番还有余,以及累犯率——即再次拘押的比例——为百分之六十强。

9 . cruelty 残忍

10 . 唱 sing




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