
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-09 22:04:47


1 . 陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我直都在。

2 . I am a person who often laughs, but I am not a happy person

3 . 相信有缘,就应该承认有份,有时间,就应该有距离,所以,嫁给我吧!我们的爱是没有时空界限的缘份!这辈子最大的希望,就是有你陪我一辈子。

4 . Cried enough,you will go,injury will be good

5 . 房人餐季味欲情字死还有生。

6 . 我不完美,比如,想你的时候不肯说,开心的时候脸上没有表情,为你担心却直骂你,而且从没说过爱你。

7 . 你若直在,我便直爱。

8 . 我得敬你杯,不为别的,只为这几年,论情感大家都还没到那个年纪,此去经年不再见也就化作这杯酒,敬你笑靥灿烂敬你孤勇骄傲敬我多愁善感敬我溃不成军,我会饮而尽希望你也能慢慢喝完,那岁月和痴情的味道不错,这杯以后,我们再爱也不回头。

9 . 人最好的状态是,脸上看起来比实际年龄年轻三五岁心理比实际年龄成熟三五岁。

10 . 二十一你苦战通宵游戏时,布里斯班的灯鱼已划过珊瑚丛;你赶场招聘会时,蒙巴萨的小蟹刚溜出渔夫的掌心;你写程序代码时,布拉格的电车正摇着铃晃过金色夕阳;你挤进汹涌的食堂时,哥本哈根的街头画家完成了第幅立体画。有一些穿高跟鞋走不到的路,有一些喷着香水闻不到的空气,有一些在楼宇里永远遇不到的人。


1 . Between us,please always remember me

2 . I will Lengnuanzizhi it,More will look out for themselves

3 . 五真正的爱,不会让你生病,更不会让你感到痛苦焦虑彷徨恐惧。你之所以病了,你之所以会突发这些负面情绪,是因为,你的索取自私控制占有爱比较……虽然很多人一直误解,固执地认为这都是对方造成的。

4 . I am not a cold-blooded, just afraid of too much investment will be covered all over with cuts and bruises

5 . 我还是愿你好,哪怕后来你与我全然无关。

6 . 你只需要记住件事,在感情里可以轻易放弃你的人,都是不爱你的。无论他表现出多少的不舍,表现出多少纠结和痛苦。只要是轻易的放弃了你,那这个人就定不爱你。因为相爱最重要的点,就是不放弃。挫折灾难病痛贫穷,都不能令你放弃爱情。不离不弃,才是真爱。

7 . 过度回忆痛楚,就是用过去侵蚀美好的当下,耽误你的未来。

8 . Worried about Life keep friends, keep, keep, years to keep warm, keep moving, keep blessing, keep feeling, keep warm, keep deep feeling, let you more happy, you are more successful

9 . 我遇见你,我记得你,这座城市天生就适合恋爱,你天生就适合我的身体。——杜拉斯

10 . 不要在别人面前流泪,因为不会有人帮你擦泪。


1 . 有时候,我们不得不坚强,于是乎,在假装坚强中,就真的越来越坚强。

2 . 我可以暧昧,无尽的耍酷,放肆的浪荡,但就是不想再对爱情负责,也不愿碰这个东西。

3 . Experience is in the past year mishaps from practice, success is in the past year PengPengZhuangZhuang burst out, with years of experience make, have what good afraid of, you and I will continue to blaze new kyushu, because more than one, meaning you will harvest more than last year!

4 . 所谓幸福,就是和对的人,以彼此都舒服的方式,起过日子。

5 . At the weekend, I feel a lot of beauty, and I have a lot to worry about Play shopping, be afraid of money, call friends, lead happy Rest and sleep or make merry, but the time is a little short Lonely, true friend invite, still I good

6 . 没能力遮挡你去的方向,至少分开的时候我落落大方。

7 . Cultivate, sow, reap, joy, at the end, the past, the New Year, began, come on, hard, struggle, struggle, bless you, growth, success, happiness, and fulfillment

8 . 任何事都作一个最好的打算和最坏的打算,先看看自己有没有承受最坏的结果的能力和勇气,如果没有,就最好不要把事情想得那么好。

9 . The Spring Festival is coming Wish you a full moon and a round circle The source of revenue sources, the source of the left and right; The fate of the people is fate, the margin is constant; Willing and willing to wish! Happy Spring Festival!

10 . Even if sannomiya six homes seventy-two male princess, I also only spoil you


1 . 你可以慢慢来找我,走错路或者搭错车,都没有关系,因为我会等,但是不要太慢,要在我没变得更糟之前,抵达我身边。

2 . I wish you a happy New Year! Xiao shenyang, smile, I wish you a New Year! The Spring Festival gala stars, noisy, I wish you a New Year to usher in a new era!

3 . 如果你们像夫妻那样争吵,朋友那样交谈,初恋那样打情骂俏,兄妹那样保护对方,那你们注定要在一起。

4 . Are numerous hills and streams like you, and I always pass by

5 . 这种感觉真的很糟,因为句话就高兴半天,发现了件事就心凉半截,喜欢不能太明显,不然不值钱。

6 . is going to be far away, perhaps, tired of being busy; Perhaps, lost in the chase; Perhaps, in the boredom, send oneself But don&#;t worry about it, and give it another year!

7 . 总会出现这样的场景,觉得此刻此景,从前在哪里经历过,但明明就没有过,你却对这个瞬间异常熟悉,大概每个人都有另一个自己,在平行世界里做着另一些事。

8 . 好不容易在起用来生气多可惜。

9 . It&#;s the end of the year Wishing you a job hopping and jumping into a gold and silver nest Love jumped ship, jumped into the honeycomb; Life changes, jump into happiness My blessing is also job-hopping, jump into your heart

10 . 喜欢文字,无关自身文采,无关他人看法,只为自己的喜欢。


1 . Eyes for you the rain, the heart is an umbrella for you

2 . 最讨厌男人刚开始对女人好的不行,慢慢的嫌东嫌西,态度越来越恶劣,你要疼不起,从开始你就别装!

3 . Time is always an indispensable person becomes not essential

4 . Food is a gift on New Year&#;s eve, reunion is the feeling of New Year&#;s eve, happiness is the rhythm of New Year&#;s eve, and the old is the story of New Year&#;s eve, blessing is the same as the New Year&#;s eve the same expression: happy New Year&#;s eve!

5 . In , it will be a normal past The harvest of sweat will soon become the past perfect The year-end summary, just in time for the present is the general future of hope I wish you cherish the time, strive for progress, write a wonderful future

6 . No need to deal with piles of work, no need to look at the face of the leader, and finally have a happy weekend Let go of the trouble of work, go into the free life, sing the happy song, take the hands of the family, enjoy the happiness, happy and happy Have a nice weekend!

7 . Miss有两个意思,个是思念,个是失去,我到现在都怀疑,是不是我太思念你反而失去了你。

8 . When I work, I want to invite you to dinner I am afraid that you have no time On the weekend, I would like to invite you to dinner I am afraid to disturb you

9 . 有时候感情好像就是这么突然,会因为个眼神个笑容件事情就动心。

10 . 可能还会遇见你或许在路上或许在梦里。




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