
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-11 02:03:04


1 . ┃ Who │knows │the answer? ┃

2 . 人生如梦,付一叹一笑间。

3 . 状语:用来修饰v, adj, adv, or 句子。

4 . She put the eggs into the basket with great care(方式状语)

5 . He is our friend (代词

6 . 他们吃了剩饭。 他说:“早上好!”

7 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson(形容词

8 . Let the fresh air in(副词)

9 . 人生如梦,梦醒了,一切都会烟消云散……

10 . I’ll have my bike repaired (过去分词


1 . 十大门派 牢记于心

2 . If you study hard, you will pass the exam He goes to school by bike

3 . Wait a minute(名词

4 . If you study hard, you will pathe exam

5 . 大部分代理人我都认识。

6 . Please make yourself at home (介词短语

7 . 我想知道她现在在哪儿?

8 . The speech is exciting(分词)

9 . He has lived in the city for ten years(介词短语)

10 . 句子结构----简单句的五个基本句型


1 . (三)并列句的分类

2 . He was elected monitor

3 . ┃ The sun │was shining ┃

4 . The food smells delicious The food tastes good

5 . )陈述句(肯定否定):He is six years old; She didn&#;t hear of you before

6 . ┃ She│ordered│herself │a new dress ┃

7 . 与定语的关键就是看其所修饰的部分,定语修饰名词,且起说明限制作用。

8 . Our monitor is always the first to enter the classroom(不定式短语

9 . call in召集,请某人来

10 . 我们不明白你刚才说的话。


1 . 我告诉他汽车晚点了。 他教我开机器。

2 . It sounds a good idea

3 . 连词是用来连接词与词词组与词组或句子与句子表示某种逻辑关系的词。

4 . 这句话中 a book 为直接宾语, me 为间接宾语。

5 . We should help the old and the poor I enjoy working with you (动名词)

6 . ┃ The pen │writes smoothly ┃

7 . ┃ I │gave │my car │a wash ┃

8 . Are you afraid of the snake?

9 . 名词是指待人物事时地情感概念等实体或抽象事物的词。

10 . ┃ He│asked │me │to come back soon ┃


1 . Mr Smith lives on the third floor(地点状语)

2 . 复合谓语:(由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks He has caught a bad cold (由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students

3 . )感叹句:How clever the boy is!

4 . 定语用来修饰名词或代词。

5 . 注:其他各种句子都可由这一种基本句型扩展变化或省略而构成。

6 . Now I feel tired

7 . The trees planted last year are growing well now (过去分词

8 . They have lived here for more than ten years(对画线部分提问)

9 . 注意呼语与同位语的区别:同位语指一个名词(或其它形式对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,

10 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson wwwohcom


1 . 提高公众对走私负面影响的认识。

2 . 此句型的句子的共同特点是:动词虽然是及物动词,但是只跟一个宾语还

3 . To wear a flower is to say “I’m poor, I can’t buy a ring ” (不定式

4 . The food smells delicious

5 . 一般情况下主语都在谓语前面。否则是倒装结构。

6 . 完整的句子是主谓完整的。

7 . ┃ He│brought│you │a dictionary ┃

8 . How many dictionaries do you have? I have five(数词)

9 . Are you afraid of the snake? Under the snow, there are many rocks

10 . To swim in the river is agreat pleasure(不定式


1 . 这句话由介词短语 in China 作live的状语。

2 . Please wait for me at home I&#;ll call _______ you at your house at seven tonight

3 . 有的动词能够接双宾语,直接宾语指的是动词所涉及的物,间接宾语是指受益于动词所表示行为的人。

4 . 按句子的用途可分四种:

5 . 宾语种类:(双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语,例如:Lend me your dictionary, please(复合宾语(宾语+宾补,例如:They elected him their monitor

6 . ┃ He │has refused│to help them ┃

7 . ┗━━━━┷━━━━━┷━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

8 . )疑问句(一般特殊选择反意):Do they like skating? How old is he? Is he six or seven years old? Mary can swim, can&#;t she?

9 . 这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词介词短语状语从句等。

10 . 人生如梦,梦里不分西东,片刻春风得意,未知景物朦胧。




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