
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-16 11:25:45


1 . 随着社会的发展因此,迫切需要如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

2 . make ones mind to do sth 下决心做某事

3 . 弱者说,逆境是绊脚石,碰上它,会跌下失败的深渊;强者说,逆境是垫脚石,踩着它,可以登上成功的高峰。强者说,桥是路的延续,有了它,就能胜利前进;弱者说,桥是路的尽头,没有它,就只能半途而废。

4 . Attitudes towards (drugs vary from person to person

5 . 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

6 . 记忆新单词最好的方法是每天操练这些单词。

7 . Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative All give thanks together for the good things that they have

8 . 常用的几个和不定式有关的句型:

9 . 垂柳,绿竹和碧波白浪相映成趣。

10 . It can be said with certainty that… 可以肯定地说……


1 . 毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,很可能会。

2 . I am writing this letter to express my regret

3 . According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while Obviously,______,but why?

4 . Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thank God?

5 . content in the thought that满足于的想法

6 . It’s hardly too much to say that hardly表否定,不被经常说起;我们很少谈到 What calls for special attention is that 需要引起特别注意的是

7 . encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

8 . 为什么会……?一个原因是……,令一个原因是……;或许其主要原因是……

9 . 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。

10 . The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday


1 . Thereisnodoubtthat(job-hoppinghasitsdrawbacksaswellasmerits毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点

2 . It is natural to believe that …, but we shouldn’t ignore that … 认为……是很自然的,但我们不应忽视……

3 . We should try our best to solve the problems caused by cars

4 . There is no doubt that (job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits

5 . It is high time that we did sth是我们做的时候了。

6 . I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in Beijing Youth Thursday

7 . It is +形容词 +doing sth 做某事……

8 . decide to do sth 决定做某事

9 . youth

10 . boiling water 正在沸腾的水(一般情况下水温为℃ boiled water 开水(已经烧开的水,水温可以依然很高,也可以是凉白开


1 . go hiking 远足

2 . There is a long-running debate as to whether…有一个长期运行的辩论,是否…

3 . 我对美国人民有了很好的第一印象。

4 . 那么先进一段广告。

5 . However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______

6 . My argument for this view goes as follows我对这个问题的看法如下。

7 . ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way

8 . 就个人而言,我站在的一边。

9 . It is important for sb to do sth

10 . 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。


1 . deserve to do sth 值得干某事

2 . They were amazed at the amazing facts 他们对那些令人惊异的事实感到惊奇。

3 . Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation

4 . 英雄们辛苦了,致敬!感动!背景音乐是什么,超赞

5 . I write this letter to submit my application for

6 . ______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction First,______What"s more, _____Most important of all,______

7 . 巨石脚下的缝隙里钻出来的几棵小草,在春风里欢乐地摇摆。啊,只要是种子,就要享受一下青春的醉意。

8 . Although rural emigrants contribute greatly to the economic growth of the cities, they may inevitably bring about many negative impacts

9 . 这是一条每行十排高高的钻天杨组合而成的林带。站在它们中间,像是穿行在威武雄壮的仪仗队中,头顶上,风吹着白杨树繁茂的枝叶,像无数旗帜猎猎有声。

10 . 开头


1 . prefer to do sth+ rather than do sth 喜欢……不喜欢……

2 . 与第一次见面的人握手是非常必要的。

3 . 对于一般人来说,他们常常以为掌握英语就意味着一份好的工作,然而这是真的吗?

4 . There is no doubt that毫无疑问

5 . 所有的绿荷都张扬着往日的情怀。

6 . Attitudes towards (drugs vary from person to person人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。 There are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同。 Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure 对(失败人们的态度各不相同。 结尾万能

7 . 主语+cannot emphasize the importance oftoo much 再怎么强调的重要性也不为过

8 . Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that… 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……

9 . 当比较级后接名词时,比较级前可能用冠词,此时的冠词不是修饰比较级,而是修饰其后的名词。如:

10 . 月亮渐渐西沉,星星又悄悄地眨起了眼睛。望着满天星星,我不由得想起了爸爸白天对我说的话,是啊,“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”。爸爸,请你放心,我不会让你失望的。




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