
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-18 04:25:00


1 . ()这支部队的先头连就匆匆占领了汽车路边一个很低的光光的小山冈。

2 . A.isn&#;tB.aren&#;tC.wasn&#;tD.weren&#;t

3 . ( At the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________ A what is the spaceship like

4 . Have you found the book _______she often talks?

5 . He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him =______________________________________________

6 . ( The second book__I want to read is Business at the Speed of Thought A which B what C that D as

7 . TomandMary___________(cometoChinalastmonth

8 . )I will never forget the day __________ I joined the army

9 . ( Everyone can play an important role in the society.As members,we should try our best to do__

10 . ()我们把一串串果实剪下来放在筐里。


1 . ()在一天夜里,他被一陈尖叫声惊醒了。

2 . D感觉良好完全彻底修饰限制搭配适当

3 . ( The young lady ___ we met yesterday is our new math teacher A what B whose C whom D which

4 . C苏州园林布局幽雅。

5 . 风俗习惯(

6 . ( Her sister__ you met at my home was a teacher of English A whom B that is C which D who is

7 . ()这时候,他吓得连呼吸都停止了。

8 . ()我在寒假中读“五角丛书”《开发人的右半脑》时,了解这一学习方法,觉得很好。

9 . ( -- Could you tell me ____?-- She is a student in Eton School

10 . ④认识了,忏悔了,又改了,更难!


1 . ( Is this museum_ they visited last month? A that B where C which D the one

2 . ( I&#;m one of the boys ______never late for school A that is B who are C who am D who is

3 . Youmustremaininbed你必须得卧床休息。

4 . ()从岁起,华罗庚开始写数学论文。

5 . .末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped

6 . ThismorningFangfang____________________________becausehisfather_______________________yesterday

7 . ()我应该感谢这些我不知道姓名的人家的灯光。

8 . ( --Excuse me, could you tell me ____ the book about aliens? --Sure, take the escalator to the second floor

9 . 竞选州长(

10 . 否定句:didn’t+动词原形,如:Jimdidn’tgohomeyesterday一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:DidJimgohomeyesterday?


1 . ( The building that ___new is our school A is B are C was D were

2 . ()当时的人,都惊讶他的音乐天才,争着要为他出版呢。

3 . ---Who is your new English teacher? ---Elena, the woman ____ is wearing a red T-shirt over there

4 . ②人生须知道负责的苦处,才能知道有尽责任的乐处。

5 . ②蝙蝠飞行时利用它特有的喉头产生高频率的超声波,通过口或鼻孔向外发出。

6 . ()蓝蓝的天空飘着一片片白云。

7 . -Children who often ____(eat junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy

8 . ()上课的时候,老师认真地讲课,同学们专心地听讲。

9 . (主谓

10 . (.______yourparentsathomelastweek?


1 . ()爸爸带我到浅海处游泳。

2 . ()他觉得奇怪,鱼一向是生活在江河湖海里的。这里既没有江河,也没有湖海,哪来的鱼呢?

3 . ()土整了,辅导员有带领我们种树。

4 . A纯洁高尚全面衡量热烈响应热切希望

5 . 8难道你要违背人类的真理吗?

6 . ()勤劳勇敢的中华民族几千年来创造了光辉灿烂的文化。

7 . ()我们中华民族有悠久的历史和优秀的文化传统。

8 . 雪花飘落。__________________________________________________

9 . 把下列句子改为拟人句。

10 . 禁止吸烟(


1 . ()西起九江(不含),东至江阴,均是人民解放军的渡江区域。

2 . Your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is A after B unless C while D since

3 . ()据老农说,一个下雨的夜晚,笋都张高一尺多高呢。

4 . ( —Can you tell me ______? —By doing more speaking A how I will improve my English

5 . ( ---Do you know ____ the MP yesterday? -- Sorry, I’ve no idea about it

6 . ( I’m new here Could you tell me__, please?A when does the first bus arrive B when the first bus arrives

7 . ()天空被暗灰色的云块密密层层地布满了。

8 . C这个句子的主语中心语是“情景”,谓语中心语是“出现”,补语是“在眼前”。

9 . .以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied

10 . He was the first person _______passed the exam




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