
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 00:01:23


1 . Computers range in variety and size,from the simple game-playing computers to

2 . advanced hand-held computers,larger portable computers,desk-sized models,and free-standing units that pull down more power than the Hoover Dam puts out during any given hourAny of these things can be called a computer

3 . 没有借口谎言,没有不兑现的诺言。

4 . 文博电脑华鑫电脑人和电脑鹏程电脑

5 . To begin with, excessive use of the Internet to learn information may become an addiction in the long run Some experts say that the Internet is as addictive as alcohol, and neither is easy to go away With the help of the e-learning, more information is made available more quickly, of course But it is also true that sitting long hours in front of a computer screen, surfing for answers in an ocean of digital information, only to be drowned therein In terms of speed learning, the Internet may symbolize a giant step ahead on the information superhighway leading to anywhere In this sense, teenagers obssessed with the Internet are not very unlike getting trouble physically with drunk driving

6 . 用智慧点亮生活的画面,用键盘敲出靓丽的人生;用字符谱出幸福的程序,用灵感创造网络的精彩;用热情投入冰冷的电脑,用语言激活网络的世界。程序员节,愿你活出自我风采,编写出属于自己的幸福快乐人生!

7 . ·Speaker:喇叭

8 . "运用灵感的代码,编辑智慧的程序,发送抽象的指令,念动网络的密语,便将梦幻的理想变成神奇的现实:神州升天,嫦娥奔月,蛟龙下海,瓦良格号起航……程序员节到了,祝福你们能再铸辉煌,精彩不断。"

9 . 二路平衡归并排序 balance two-way merging sort

10 . 感情不是够努力够付出就一定留得住幸福。


1 . 直接存取文件 direct access file

2 . 最大匹配 maximum matching

3 . bit 比特,二进制的一位

4 . 编写一段程序,让“蛟龙”探海;编写一段程序,让“神九”上天;编写一段程序,让世界有爱;编写一段程序,让世人平安。你们用知识编写未来,你们用科技造福人类,你们让社会不断进步!程序员节,愿你们再接再厉,用灵巧的双手编写美好的生活!

5 . Working knowledge of Novell Lan, NUIX, Foxpro, C++, relational detabase

6 . 向前一步或许你会得到向后一步你会永远的失去

7 . Having experience in pC operation(Lotus, Wordperfect

8 . 十字链表 orthogonal list

9 . keyboard 键盘

10 . 维修好帮手,捷尽我所力。


1 . Warning to students: over-using technology to learn information can be dangerous to your body and mind Behind this warning is the fact that new electronic devices, particularly computer and with it the Internet, have become unhealthy among those &#;&#;mouse potatoes&#;&#; who rely entirely on technology for easy acceto information This may cause them to be gradually more addictive and leimaginative

2 . 一条网线连接四面八方,敲打键盘帅气的模样,“蜗居”生活胸怀天下,编一套快乐的程序,让世界欢畅,程序员日愿程序员朋友好好休息,身体健康,“不着病毒”,祝福你们明天再次创造辉煌。

3 . 稀疏矩阵 sparse matrix

4 . drum 磁鼓

5 . 了解微电脑及软件编程。

6 . I/C systems design experience background

7 . 幸福与我无关,陷在爱里的人都那么疯狂

8 . 以列为主的顺序分配 column major order

9 . frame 帧

10 . 计算机-数据结构基本英语(


1 . 请用真情研制一个爱心程序,让世界温暖长存;请用智慧设计一个和平程序,让人间充满安宁;请用勤劳开发一个医学程序,让人们无病缠身;程序员日,愿所有程序员们工作顺心,快乐开心!

2 . 兑现承诺,满意而归。

3 . The word computer is a general term applied to the entire "family" of computing devicesBasically,a computer is like a super calculator with a really big

4 . 增广路径 augmenting path

5 . 生活想要过得快乐,而不是靠嘴说,而是靠自己的双手去打造

6 . instruction 指令

7 . Have experience in computer operation, proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel

8 . 会数据库编程并具网络知识。

9 . ·POST:开机检测Power On Self Test

10 . Some familiarity with personal computers




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