
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 14:44:29


1 . What&#;sthedifferencebetweenAandB?(A和B之间有什么区别?

2 . I&#;msoembarrassed(真不好意思。

3 . Whyarepeoplelinedup?(人们为什么排队?

4 . 世代友好永不为敌,是我们两国正确的选择。

5 . 把反问句改成陈述句。

6 . 一教学第一题

7 . (再让学生讨论研究从这多种答案中可以发现的规律。

8 . 我们应该牢牢把握中美的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解扩大共识发展合作共创未来的目标前进。

9 . Whysoglum?

10 . That&#;smycar(那是我的车。


1 . 反馈。

2 . 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。

3 . (同座互认。

4 . Howfrequently?

5 . 意思是称心如意的境遇;美好理想的“安乐窝”。例如:

6 . I&#;msorrytohearthat(听到这事我很难过。

7 . About,billionyuanisneededforfutureenvironmentalprotection,anenvironmentofficialpredictedyesterday

8 . 如果哪一天猪都能飞起来,那可真是怪了,所以这句话就用来表示某事根本不可能,纯属无稽之谈。

9 . What&#;sthedifferencebetweenAandB?

10 . 了解更多的俗语对学习英语有好处。


1 . Amajorreasonfortherapiddevelopmentofbilateraltradeandcooperationrestswiththefactthattheeconomiesofthetwocountrieshaveastrongnatureofmutualsupplementation/arehighlycompletedwitheachother

2 . 我国第一部纪传体通史是。

3 . (WhatclassesdoyouhaveonMondays?I:I’mwatchingTV

4 . Youneedarest

5 . (改成转述句________________________

6 . Whereismyhat?It_______onthedeskjustnow

7 . Oh,poorthing!(哦!太惨了!

8 . (在口译中一般应尽量避免用we或者I,除非原文中出现“我们”,中亦是如此。这种情况下主语就可以使用it或者动名词或者名词。)

9 . 例如:

10 . 小红军对陈赓说:我还要等我的同伴呢?_________________________


1 . 四大佛山:四川峨嵋山山西五台山安徽九华山浙江普陀山

2 . Manybluebloodedchildrenattendthisprivateschool

3 . 隔多长时间?

4 . Mywifeleftme(我妻子离开了我。

5 . Howshameful!

6 . Iwonderwhatthatsmellis?

7 . 以下不是复姓的`是。

8 . A.IsB.WasC.AreD.Were

9 . 作为一名少先队员,不能不讲一点文明。_________________________

10 . Youlookserious


1 . 到底怎么回事?

2 . Howmuch?([不可数]多少?

3 . It&#;smyalarmclock(是我的闹钟的声音。

4 . Somethingiswrongwithyoutoday

5 . D狄更斯

6 . Doyouknowthemeaningofthisword?

7 . WhatdoesUSAstandfor?

8 . 包括:cover/rangefrom/include

9 . 今天早上方方得做饭,因为昨晚他父亲不在家。

10 . These activities provide students with two major advantages First of all, they play a positive role in improving students studies Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy themselves with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life But the variety of the activities provides opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds and knowledge In addition, the activities also serve students living in the ivory tower have little chance to get in touch with society Now the activities open the door for participants to leave their classrooms and get to know society


1 . (哪里没有用过大兴安岭的木材呢?

2 . 猫的性格实在有些古怪。__________________。

3 . 注意句子层次的区分

4 . 公共政策评估,任何公共政策其最终结果的衡量标准是看它是否有利于生产力的解放和发展,是否求得社会的公平和公正。据此,公共政策的最高层次的评估标准应是。

5 . It’s:intheafternoon,thechildren_aremaking__________(make/made/aremaking)amodelship

6 . It&#;ssixo&#;clockalready(已经点了。

7 . What__did_________(did/does/is)thegirldothismorning?It_____willbe_______(willbe/was/is)rainytomorrow

8 . All this offers an important means for students to broaden their horizons They believe with the right kind of guidance and help campus activities will continue to grow and flourish

9 . What&#;sgoingon?(到底怎么回事?

10 . It&#;squiteashamefulstory(真太不知羞耻了。


1 . Where____was______(is/was/are)sheafterschoolyesterday?

2 . Sue__________ontheslideamomentago

3 . 例:这些信件和报纸给千家万户带来了希望欢乐和温暖。

4 . Itmustbetoughforyou*tough表示“困难的”“不容易的”“费力气的”。

5 . C荷马

6 . What&#;sthatsmell?(这是什么味儿?

7 . .Whenpigsfly无稽之谈

8 . Howbig/large?(多大?

9 . 许多有钱人家的孩子就读这所私立学校。

10 . Igotyouadoll(我给你买了一个娃娃。




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