
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 19:55:09


1 . 教学重难点

2 . 播种劳动,收获成功。

3 . .出示句子:冬天,雪花似银蝶在空中飘舞。树上积满了白雪。这两句都是描写雪的句子,你会摘抄哪一个?为什么?

4 . 上中学后,我们还在继续联络,电话里,我听到改变了一点点的她,时常充斥着银铃般的笑声。

5 . 岩石圈被划分为几十个大小不同形状各异的板块,一般而言这些板块都处于相对运动之中。一道中海脊是板块之间的边界,在那里新的岩石圈的物质从下部注入。

6 . 爱并不是因为拥有得失而定位爱的本性的。能拥有这份爱,那是幸福,就算失落,也要学会坦然。无论得与失,难道我们就否定其爱的过程中,那份美丽的感觉吗?难道我们就该否定其爱的真假吗?

7 . The theory of plate tectonics describes the motions of the lithosphere, the comparatively rigid outer layer of the Earth that includes all the crust and part of the underlying mantle The lithosphere(n[地]岩石圈is divided into a few dozen plates of various sizes and shapes, in general the plates are in motion with respect to one another A mid-ocean ridge is a boundary between plates where new lithospheric material is injected from below As the plates diverge from a mid-ocean ridge they slide on a more yielding layer at the base of the lithosphere

8 . .了解怎样摘抄,摘抄些什么。

9 . 你何处归?

10 . 战胜自我不服输,高考场上显身手


1 . 生活,就是面对现实微笑,就是越过障碍注视未来;生活,就是用心灵之剪,在人生之路上裁出叶绿的枝头;生活,就是面对困惑或黑暗时,灵魂深处燃起豆大却明亮且微笑的灯展。

2 . The marine biologists discovered that by raising the temperature of the water, they could induce oysters to spawn not only in the summer but also in the fall, winter, and spring Later they developed a technique for feeding the larvae and rearing them to spat Going still further, they succeeded in breeding new strains that were resistant to diseases, grew faster and larger, and flourished in water of different salinities and temperatures In addition, the cultivated oysters tasted better!

3 . 原来的琳是个很小气的人,怎么会……我持着怀疑的态度去找她,她却笑着反问我:“改变了小气的我不好吗?”不是如此吧?改变一点点,有时是会有新发现的。

4 . 重重叠叠的高山,看不见一个村庄,看不见一块稻田,这些山就像一些喝醉了酒的老翁,一个靠着一个,沉睡着不知几千万年了,从来有惊醒它们的梦,从来没有人敢深入它们的心脏,就是那最爱冒险的猎人,也只到它们的脚下,追逐那些从山上跑下来的山羊野猪和飞鸟,从不攀登它的峰顶。

5 . IF responded,"If my computer didnt break down last week, I would have applied But, mycomputer is not working, so I could not type my resume"

6 . 那天空舞蹈的美丽精灵,

7 . 学则智,不学则愚;学则治,不学则乱。

8 . 爱,原本没有错!虽然面对现实,太多的世俗伦理道德法规禁锢着爱的演绎。但如果我们冷静一想,这是对爱的一种负责与保护。因为爱是需要呵护与珍惜的,正如没有规矩,如何能画出一个完美的圆呢?

9 . 秋天,是一个取得了成功的科学家,他在悄悄地回顾着以前的成长道路;秋天,是一个战场上归来的军事家,他在默默地思考着刚才的指挥过程;秋天,是一个赢得了大选的政治家,他在静静地考虑着未来的施政纲领。

10 . 秋天的落叶随着秋姑娘翩翩起舞;秋天的落叶随着秋的旋律摇荡;秋天的落叶随着秋的微风留下一片光明的大道。


1 . 爱,从来就没有错!爱是一种情感的真切与灵魂的那份悸动!

2 . 认识你第天的时候,我抛却所有理智的想法,带上了一封一字一句道尽我真诚的信,挑选了一份包裹我浓浓柔情的礼物,踏上了去往益阳的火车,在爱情里第一次义无反顾选择了做个身披铠甲的勇者。你大抵从来不会知道,爱情观里我偏执矜持和骄傲,可是遇见你,所有都瓦解,好像出现了另一个全新的自己。你带给我的那束光芒,那么巧,刚好照进我内心最冰凉的角落。此后,一片炽热。

3 . 勇于进取,敢于创新

4 . 今天的`努力,明天的实力。

5 . 爱是一种意识与情感,或许最初的爱意,原本没有过多的去计较是否有得有失。不可否认的是,爱之深处无论结局是什么,谁能否定这爱之情感的那份真切呢?

6 . 哦,燕儿,

7 . 同心合力,创造辉煌

8 . 自然世界的夜,它看似美妙,恬静,却又有无数自然界的生灵在窃窃私语;自然界的夜,又仿佛是一台大机器,它看似安静生动,却又有无数自然世界工作者在舞动,欢歌。

9 . Until recently the supply of wild oysters and those crudely farmed were more than enough to satisfy people’s needs But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance The problem has become so serious that some oyster beds have vanished entirely

10 . 母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净。


1 . 文学来自勤奋,高分源自拼搏。

2 . He looked towards the sky and cried painfully,"h youth, return! Oh, my father, place me oncemore at the entrance to life and III chose the better way!

3 . 学之染人,甚于丹春。

4 . 严谨代替松散,行动代替愿望

5 . 人世间有太多的不如意,其中许多皆是因为我们追求错误的东西。我们的心只有拳头般大小,却装满了太多的烦恼。在生活中,我们嫉妒别人有钱有车有房;在工作中,我们抱怨老板苛刻严厉,福利待遇低;夫妻之间,我们埋怨对方不理解自己。我们被世俗的尘垢蒙蔽了双眼,以至于我们看不清正确前行的方向。

6 . 一次专心学习胜过百次囫囵吞枣;一次深思熟虑胜过百次轻率行动;一次真诚相助胜过百次怜悯同情;一次见义勇为胜过百次豪言壮语!

7 . 一项对名成年人开展的调查显示,情侣们在一起到了七个月时,便开始觉得可以不再注意定期刮毛和修指甲这样的细节问题,而且还会渐渐暴露出自己的坏习惯。

8 . 它在杂货店中出售由人挨户推销。世纪八十九十年代炼油者们懂得了生产其它石油产品,如蜡和润滑油。那时石油还没有被用来制造汽油或采暖装置用油。

9 . 让我们走向原野吧。看,一片片碧绿的草地,一望无际,上面又长出一朵朵美丽的野花。原野上的小草像千万个绿色的卫士,守护着花朵。就算人们怎样压他们踩他们,都决不低头。

10 . 一种重要的新兴工业——炼油业在国内战争后成长起来。未加工的石油,或原油——种深色的地下的稠浆——数百年来一直为大众所知,但是人们却很少使用过它。


1 . 自重自信,自强不息

2 . 七年级四班:放飞理想,勇于高攀。走进鹤中,走向成功。

3 . Love does not have a gain or loss because of the nature and positioning of love To have this love, it is happiness, even if the loss, but also learn to calm Regardless of gain and loss, are we to deny their love, the beauty that the feeling of it? Are we on the negation of their love is true or it?

4 . 认真做事,坦荡为人

5 . 他仰望星空,痛苦地大喊:“啊,青春,回来吧!啊,父亲,再一次带我到人生的岔路口吧,我会选一条更好的道路。”但是,他的父亲和他的青春岁月都已一去不复返了。

6 . 生活总以一种高压的姿态肆意考验着我们脆弱的神经,让我们叹息或者窒息这个世界真的很拥挤,我们难以寻找一方精神的栖息地。与其在风雨中逃避,不如在雷电中舞蹈,即便淋得透湿也是领略生命的快意。不要抱怨与哀叹不必嫉俗与愤世,只有当心灵坚强了心头那些洪水才会慢慢退去。

7 . 走到乡间的小路上,有着牧羊人的足迹,在田间呼吸着新鲜的空气,看着花絮飞飞,走到乡村,看着错落有致的房子,在乡村里闻一闻那泥土的芳香,听着蛙鸣,听着流水潺潺。

8 . In the oysters were raised in much the same way as dirt farmers raised tomatoes- by transplanting them First, farmers selected the oyster bed, cleared the bottom of old shells and other debris, then scattered clean shells about Next, they ”planted” fertilized oyster eggs, which within two or three weeks hatched into larvae The larvae drifted until they attached themselves to the clean shells on the bottom There they remained and in time grew into baby oysters called seed or spat The spat grew larger by drawing in seawater from which they derived microscopic particles of food Before long, farmers gathered the baby oysters, transplanted them once more into another body of water to fatten them up

9 . He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness, and these were the days of his wasted life; he saw astar fall from the sky and disappeared, and this was the symbol of himself His remorse which waslike a sharp arrow struck deeply into his heart Then he remembered his friends in his childhood,which entered life together with him But they had made their way to success and were nowhonored and happy on this New Years night

10 . 年轻时忍受不了清风白水的简单,总想与人竞争什么,总想在某个光圈里成为聚光点。所以就像上了发条的玩具马,太过疲劳地奔忙,晨昏,日夜,忙得很疲倦,很乏力,很讨厌,似乎有许多事情来不及做,非赶着点不可。……然而,当满载着自信的小舟在生活中被起伏的暗流搁浅在迷蒙的荒滩上时,当一次次的努力被生活的更选退成遗憾时,却又开始痛呼上帝不公,命运不平。




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