
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-23 22:38:20


1 . cThank you

2 . Your name, my heart 你的名字,我的心事。

3 . ---Would you like to come to my house for supper??

4 . Sometimes, we are not out of the life to pain, but is learned to live with the pain有时候,我们并非走出了生活给的伤痛,不过是学会了带着伤痛继续生活。

5 . This is the place _____I have ever visited

6 . bFine, thank you, And you?

7 . Yes, I am

8 . 我们两个人都没有看这部电影。

9 . How often did he get his money?

10 . , darling, you see the crescent is on the trees, you listen to the sound insect cicada is quenched, it&#;s getting late, breakfast rest, are not allowed to kick tucking bedclothes, do a good dream, wish you tomorrow one goggle is the mood like honey, good night baby


1 . ---_________________

2 . aWill you come to…?

3 . The boy who is wearing the black jacket is very clever

4 . After the pain had not felt the pain, some will only be a cold heart痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心。

5 . What does your class timetable look like? 你的课程表是什么样的`? How about fo-rming a study group? 我们组成个学习小组怎么样? Have you finished registering? 你的注册办好了吗?

6 . A which B whose C where D who

7 . cNo, thanks/thank you

8 . None of the rooms are mine没有一间房子是我的。

9 . 看是只有他的新理论才能作出解释。

10 . Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies


1 . D How much is it?

2 . A In a classroom B In a hospital C In a clothes shop

3 . ( fetch表示的是“去取来去拿来去叫来”等意思,包含去和来两趟。

4 . C Happy birthday

5 . Of course (you may

6 . Is everybody ready?

7 . I agree (with you

8 . He brought us some good news他给我们带来了一些好消息。

9 . A Go to the cinema B Watch TV? C Go to a concert?

10 . They reached London on Friday他们星期五到达了伦敦。


1 . aMay I…?

2 . “That’s right,” said the manager after Jack told his story “I made a mistake last month For one mistake, I can close my eyes But for two, I can’t Thank you, Jack I’ve known you already I have to choose another man instead of you I think you should know what do to in the future”

3 . How should I structure my essay? 我该怎么组织我的呢?

4 . Merry Christmas!

5 . Neither of the boys is from England 这两个男孩都不是来自英国。

6 . A Watching TV less B Watching TV more C Stopping watching TV

7 . She sent for some flowers她派了人去买花。

8 . 要使用文明礼貌的语言。

9 . W: I am going to London on business Can you tell me if it rains a lot there?

10 . 如果这类名词前用了a pair of等,则往往用作单数,谓语动词的单复数形式往往取决于pair的单复数形式。例如:


1 . B The same to you

2 . Have a nice/good time

3 . Won&#;t she like it?

4 . Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all冬天是蚀刻画,春天是水彩画,夏天是油画,而秋天则是三者的美丽交织。

5 . All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers 一直以来,成就大事的人都是大梦想家。 —奥里森&#;马登

6 . Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart —— 时间可以愈合一颗破碎的心,也会伤害一颗等待的心。

7 . Thanks a lot

8 . 吉姆在分钟之内完成了所有的作业。(所有格前)

9 . 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是常用英语标志和说明。只有看到箱子上有 “THIS SIDE UP”这样的标志,才能发现箱子放倒了,才会让对方把箱子反过来。

10 . C No, I would


1 . The foreigner _________ visited our school is from Canada

2 . A both B none C neither D all

3 . II 听对话,选答案

4 . ()在“There be” 句型中,谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。

5 . Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest 别气馁,因为万事总是开头最难。

6 . You’ll be right/well soon

7 . To enter a woman s heart, only love and love is not enough, you have to understand her要想走进一个女人的心里,光有喜欢和爱是不够的,你必须要懂她。

8 . 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是如何婉拒别人的邀请。对方邀请出去散步,但因为要做家庭作业而婉言拒绝。符合这一情景的答语只有C。

9 . which we had lived in for ten years

10 . Would you like some more…?




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