
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-24 00:50:12


1 . (先后发生)(没见到)

2 . “字”原则教你写出英语“一等文”

3 . 初一英语作文:我的新牙刷

4 . After I finished, I went home

5 . 愿您在新的一年里充满快乐。

6 . I’ll go wherever you go 不管你去哪儿,我就去那儿。

7 . He hadn’t finished by yesterday evening

8 . 老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。简单网名女生

9 . 新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。

10 . 表语:The fact is that he has not been seen recently 事实是近来谁也没有见过他。


1 . ②表示不确指的可数名词单数前要用不定冠词a或an,确指时要用定冠词the;

2 . /s/结尾,es不离后,

3 . He asked me if/whether I knew John 他问我是否认识约翰。

4 . 名词是秃子,常要戴帽子,

5 . finally we chose a blue one there is a blue bird in it it made in guangzhou it is ten yuan it&#;s too expensive but it is so beautiful and i like it very much so we bought it my mother said that it is good for my teeth then we went home i can brush my teeth now how happy i am 初三!

6 . Suddenly I got an idea I ran home and opened my computer I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet then I began to make supper When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table then I asked him to check his e-mail He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box

7 . It is a fact that… 事实是……

8 . ④英语中还有些单词没有规则,需要特殊记忆,如child—children,mouse—mice,deer—deer,sheep—sheep,Chinese—Chinese,ox—oxen,man—men,woman—women,foot—feet,tooth—teeth。

9 . Don’t forget the tickets and an unbrella 别忘了带戏票和雨伞。

10 . Oh, I’ve left my wallet at home 噢,我的钱包放在家里忘记带了。


1 . 【—:特殊复数形式的名词】下面是对几种特殊的复数形式的名词知识讲解,希望同学们都能很好的掌握哦。

2 . 比较:

3 . 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

4 . Since everybody is here, let’s begin 既然大家都到了,咱们就开始吧。

5 . 结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong 观点明确,这一句足矣。第二段:分-点说为什么他强壮。 每天吃顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。 每天运动小时,He does exercise hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day!

6 . 愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。

7 . 只要把这十个字都搞定了,那么初中英语写作就一定能搞定!

8 . 老师,如果把您比作蚌,那么学生便是蚌里的砂粒。

9 . 咱们是祖国的花朵,老师是辛勤的园丁。

10 . <酬问师>


1 . A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!

2 . 唐·刘商

3 . 这两道题的答案分别为C和B,即答案均选left。许多同学也许会弄不明白,因为根据句意,这两道题均应填表示“忘记”的词语,为什么不可以用forgot而非要用left呢?下面我们就来分析一下它们在表示“忘记”时的区别。

4 . by the end of +过去时间 ; by + 过去时间

5 . 近来谁也没有见过他,这一事实令办公室所有的人不安。

6 . 是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,

7 . ③如复数名词表示泛指,名词前有this,these,my,some等时就不用冠词。

8 . Though/Although she is rich, she’s not happy 尽管她富有,但她并不幸福。

9 . I locked the door in order that we might continue our discussions undisturbed (=I locked the door in order to continue our discussions undisturbed 我把门锁上了,以便我们可以继续讨论而不受打扰。

10 . This morning I went to work in such a hurry that _____ the key to my office at home (青岛市中考英语


1 . Can you tell me where he is? 你能告诉我他在哪儿吗?

2 . 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!

3 . May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness

4 . 一日为师,终生为父。

5 . A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all theyear through Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year

6 . 词尾有s,仅把逗号择;

7 . I won’t help her unless she asks me to 除非她要求我,否则我不会帮她。

8 . 十年树木,十载风,十载雨,十万栋梁。

9 . 师友交情从此绝,衔恩暂遣分龙节。兵果难将胜负论,他生莫忘灵山别。

10 . Those who leave parcels on the train cannot expect to get them back 把东西遗忘在火车上的人,别期望能找回失物。




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