
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-24 23:08:49


1 . v发现

2 . We prefer music that has great lyrics我们更喜欢歌词很棒的曲子。

3 . run the risk of doing ……

4 . ad自然的;自然界的

5 . Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?

6 . n环境

7 . 。Doyouskatemuch?=Doyouoftenskate?你常滑雪吗?

8 . He is crazy about Crazy English 他对疯狂英语很着迷。

9 . it is no exaggeration to say that……

10 . n电影


1 . What would you do if you had a million dollars? 如果你有一百万美元,你会怎么做呢?

2 . unremitting efforts

3 . I’d love to sail across the Pacific我想横渡太平洋。

4 . in the shadow of……

5 . cn无论如何

6 . ……be hailed as……

7 . Yes, she/he does No, she/ he doesn&#;t

8 . foreseeable people from different walks of life overwhelming priority it is believed to have a positive impact on …… start at the threshold of the new century

9 . I have a lot of problems 我有很多问题。

10 . My life has changed a lot in the last few years 在过去的几年里我的生活变化很大


1 . n巡游;巡航

2 . Yes, I/ we/they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

3 . Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?你能给我一些有关度假地的 建议吗?

4 . swallow a bitter pill

5 . I’m glad to see you again 很高兴再次见到你。

6 . —I usually take a shower at six forty我通常六点四十淋浴。

7 . something should be carefully treasured

8 . Yes, I/we/ they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

9 . He has … for breakfasrt

10 . n黄昏;黑暗


1 . Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?

2 . n要求,必要条件

3 . 。Shespendsatleasthalfanhourinthegymeveryday。每天她至少花半小时在体育馆。

4 . 迪斯尼乐园

5 . Do you ever get to class late? 你曾经上学迟到吗?

6 . Yes, it is No, it isn&#;t It&#;s…

7 . 导游

8 . It’s crucial that I study for it because it counts %to the final exam 关键是我必须学,因为它占期末考试的 %。

9 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏。

10 . date back go from bad to worse


1 . we will not hesitate to do……at any price

2 . on the brink bankruptcy … will be a stimulus to further the city’s development put much energy into …… …… become well—known domestically and internationally have paved a smooth way for …… … is the precondition and basis for …… in its true sense it is by no means a simple slogan for us to say that we …… play a constructive, positive role in doing ……

3 . ad外国的;外来的

4 . Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do 帮助别人不但自己感到快乐,而且我开始花时间做自己喜欢做的事了。

5 . What does it remind you of?它使你想起了什么?

6 . Yes, they are No, they aren&#;t

7 . Do you/ they like salad/ pears?

8 . spare no efforts to do ……

9 . Peter should be allowed to take the test later 应该允许彼得晚些参加考试。

10 . But I&#;m not interested in this topic


1 . How do you spell map? M-A-P

2 . What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?

3 . You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there 你如果去那里,需要带些暖和的衣服。

4 . What do you think “anxious” means?你认为“anxious”是什么意思?

5 . 玩的愉快

6 . If you have any idea where might be please call me如果你知道它可能在哪,请打电话给我。

7 . should not only …… but should also ……

8 . I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk 我想睡/散步。

9 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?

10 . Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark 明抢易挡,暗箭难防。


1 . n交换生

2 . I’m too tired to do well我太累了不能做好。

3 . How much is the big red sweater?It&#;s… dollars/yuan

4 . I don’t have a partner to practice English with 我没有搭档一起练习英语。

5 . Does she want to go to a movie?

6 . keep rubbing salt to ……

7 . If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly 如果我是你,我将和看起来友好的人讲话。

8 . How about football?

9 . I want to join the art club我想参加艺术俱乐部

10 . It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest宁穷勿贱。


1 . I would like to talk to you for a minute 我想和你谈一下。

2 . Let me explain why I was late 让我解释迟到的理由。

3 . …… turn out to be the toughest nut to crack

4 . n导游

5 . When an ant says“ocean”,he is talking about a small pool井底之蛙。

6 . long—cherished dreams of prosperity something means a lot more it appears outstanding achievements Painstaking(persistentefforts we have every reason to do …… it is our unshakeable will to do …… …… become more and more important as time goes by at this important historical moment lift themselves out of poverty and backwardness remove all obstacles and difficulties work out a blueprint for …… … have far—reaching effects on …… … is of epoch—making significance turn a new page in my life a clear—cut example put somebody to the edge of bankruptcy, under the rule of law genetic engineering a healthy cycle of development the coming society will be a network civilization make better—informed decisions

7 . When is your /his/her birthday? It&#;s March st

8 . Yes, she does No, she doesn&#;t

9 . My friends and I talked about the rules that we have in school 我和朋友们谈论我们学校的规定。

10 . What color is …? It&#;s red/white


1 . v(see的过去分词

2 . eat one’s own bitter pill

3 . He also put up some sign asking for old bikes 他还贴了一些需求旧自行车的广告。

4 . Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?

5 . Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little记流行歌曲的词也起作用。

6 . Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night? 你认为应该允许 岁的青年人在晚上工作吗? Yes, I do / No, I don’t

7 . n人口

8 . We can’t put off making a plan Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now 我们不能推迟制 订计划,清洁日离现在只有两周了。

9 . She really has something for everyone每个人的确都能从她的作品中领悟到一些东西。

10 . How much are the shoes?They&#;re…dollars/yuan




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