
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 02:02:56


1 . 世界掌握在我们人类的手中,如果我们人类不爱护地球,那么世界就会灭亡,如果世界灭亡了,我们还可以住在哪里呢?如果住在月球我们就没有氧气,如果住在火星我们就会被热死,那一个星球能比得上我们的地球,所以我们只能住在地球,地球是属于我们人类的,人类是属于地球的,所以我们要爱护地球,不能随手乱扔垃圾,要保护好地球的环境。

2 . 既不回头,何必不忘。既然无缘,何需誓言。今夕何夕,君已陌路。

3 . 我不知道他在想什么,我只记得他说过他要我欠他的更多。

4 . 平时我总是讲的头头是道,真到这时候,我只能缩起头。连乌龟都有一个壳可以躲,但我不论怎么缩头,还是暴露在外面。

5 . 我的生存有了新的意义。失败不再是我的常伴。不久前,从我开始记住微笑时起,空虚孤独无力悲伤烦恼和失望就不复存在了。别人也同样向我微笑,对我关怀。我们共同点燃爱与幸福的烛光。

6 . 再美好也经不住遗忘,再悲伤也抵不过时间。

7 . (十一)九龙湖集长江三峡雄奇浩渺之势西湖淡妆浓抹之美,是福建省内惟一的喀斯特地貌与浩瀚湖水交相辉映的风景名胜区。

8 . 就算世界荒芜,也总有一个人会是你的信徒。

9 . Death can only take life, can not take away the traces of the soul

10 . You said you didn&#;t want to have a day to let me know, you are so good to him


1 . 回忆。总是那么甜蜜却又那么的痛得让人无法呼吸。

2 . 爱,直至成伤之后就是永远的对不起,即使你感觉不到我。

3 . 我可以不呼吸空气,但没有你我根本无法呼吸。

4 . The way we travel in the best of spirits to visit, when sunset, was unable to part from

5 . As long as you are together, nothing can not be, let me take care of you for life

6 . 我和你说的世界可能不是一个。我的世界有“有所不为”,有“天大的理敌不过我高兴”,有“这件事我只为你做”。

7 . 那些顶尖人物都是不以份内之事为满足的。他们比常人做得更多,走得更远。他们不图回报,因为他们知道最终将尝到硕果。

8 . Spring rain xiaxiao, is whose eyes have revisited my season&#;s dream, like a play child doodling, longing for a good life

9 . The cherry blossoms are usually five petals, with long stamens in the center, and usually nine to ten flowers, like beautiful yellow bean sprouts The unborn baby, like a balloon that is about to explode, looks lovely

10 . Long summer gone Early autumn quietly into the mountains


1 . 月,轻柔的脚步,曼舞起,夜的芬芳。

2 . 一个人的存在往往在消失很久以后才体现得出来。

3 . In march, it is the blooming season, so let us go into march and enjoy the most beautiful and representative flower fairy!

4 . 每小节的,心跳触动,想传到你的胸口。

5 . 听悲伤的歌,看幸福的戏。

6 . 过去的一秒已成为历史,下一秒仍是期待,我们要的是做好这一秒,而正是在这一秒,我欣喜的发现:在我的世界里,一切都很美好。

7 . 从此,我将以全部的精力投入工作--不仅要完成计划中的任务,而且还要多做一些。如果我遭受苦难,正像我经常会有的命运,如果我怀疑我的努力,正像我常常想的那样,那么我仍要坚持工作。我要将整个身心倾注在工作之中,那时,天空将变得格外晴朗,在困惑与苦难中,生活中最大的快乐即将到来。让我遵循这条特殊的成功誓言:做任何事情,我将尽最大努力。

8 . Look, so many dye color cotton candy to float in the air, that is tall, the cherry blossom on the cherry trees, let people see the couldn&#;t help thinking the school gate at the bound on the stick to sell cotton candy, really want to eat a few mouth snack; Come a little closer, the cherry blossoms are in clusters, clusters, more like a branch of melting ice cream; A little closer to see it, flying in the air, still white with pink, just like the snow in the winter makeup general beauty

9 . 曾经发生过的事情不会忘记,只是想不起来而已。

10 . 一个人只拥有此生此世是不够的,他还应该拥有诗意的世界。


1 . 有多久没见你,以为你在哪里,原来就住在我心底,陪伴着我的呼吸。

2 . 逆境是一所最好的学校。每一次失败,每一次打击,每一次损失,都蕴育着成功的萌芽。这一切都教会我在下一次的表现中更为出色。我不再对失败耿耿于怀,不再逃避现实,不再拒绝从以往的错误中获取经验。经验是来自苦难的精华,生活中最可怕的事情是不能从一次的失败中得到为下一次准备的智慧。每个人都有自己的学校,得到不同的经验。除此之外,别无他法。逆境往往是通向真理的重要途径。为了改变我的处境,我准备学习我所需要的一切知识。

3 . And who will take care of all his life, it is more than a heavy burden So it&#;s not self reliant

4 . 我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾经来过这里。

5 . Cherry blossoms, as snow, but also more beautiful than snow, the cherry blossom, like a cloud, but is more pure than cloud, looking at the cherry tree that is full of campus, has deeply into its territory, unable to extricate themselves, and let the wind blowing my cheeks

6 . 其实这个世界是个胃囊,我们在里面折腾,慢慢消磨,最后归于共同的虚无。这个世界什么也不记得。

7 . Not every sentence I am sorry, can be exchanged for a no matter

8 . 爱那么短,遗忘那么长。

9 . 那一场盛世流年我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。

10 . 我们每个人来到世界上,都是独自旅行,即使有人相伴,终究各奔东西。


1 . 人生若只如初见,我情愿那个人不是你,我苦等的那个人还在来的路上。

2 . I know that you&#;re in a place where you&#;re breathing, laughing

3 . Just want to find someone to replace you, but found that no one was the qualification

4 . 本欲起身离去,奈何影子落人间。

5 . 后来想想那时我们真挺幼稚的。一辈子,一辈子,总是说的那么轻松,却又好像很了不得。

6 . 一颗说走就走的心,一个会拍照的情侣,一段甜蜜的旅程。

7 . 会不会有人,就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉!

8 . 桃花不但美丽,而且还放出一股沁人心脾的香味。

9 . 我知道,你在一个地方,在呼吸,在笑。

10 . 待在原地不要动,大千世界会主动向你走来。


1 . 有些话,你想说自然会说,不想说,听到的也只是假话。

2 . Who will smoke scattered, scattered and bond; listen to the broken strings, the three thousand are broken

3 . If life only as first, I would like that person is not you, I am waiting for the person who is still on the way

4 . To mature is experience, not years

5 . 我发现苦难有许多好处,只是很少为人察觉。苦难是衡量友谊的天平,也是我了解自己内心世界的途径,使我挖掘自己的能力,这种能力在顺境中往往处于休眠状态。

6 . 不要因为也许会分离,就不敢求一次倾心的相遇。

7 . (十)秦兵马俑一经面世,就以它撼人心魄的艺术魅力倾倒了现代人。无论武士还是军吏,都留有胡须。说到秦俑的美,千人千面的陶俑形象之美,使人回味无穷。他们中间有气宇不凡魁梧稳健的将军;有威武刚毅身经百战的军吏;更有神情各异生动传神的士兵。他们或年轻幼稚,或老练深沉,或憨厚质朴,或聪明机警,或开朗洒脱,或神情凝重。他们身穿战袍的轻柔,衣褶(zhě的飘动,飞扬的胡须,丝缕可辨的发髻,粒粒可数的鞋钉,都会使你感受到真实生活中的气息。

8 . When love becomes love, I want to how to recall those who have had the happiness

9 . 因为有了期待,我发现我的世界是美好的;因为有了结果,我发现我的世界是美好的;因为有了努力,我发现我的世界是美好的;因为有了付出,我发现我的世界是美好的;因为每一刻都是崭新的,都是新生的新鲜的,所以我欣喜的发现:在我的世界里,一切都很美好。

10 . 无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在第一次的阵痛过去之后,我要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现……这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳。在每一次困苦中,我总是寻找成功的萌芽。


1 . A person&#;s existence is often disappeared after a long time to come out

2 . 不爱的爱情,永远不会变坏。所以,我们调情,我们暧昧,却永远不要相爱。

3 . 童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。

4 . Spring&#;s favorite flower is cherry blossom Often overnight, it&#;s open Sudden, overwhelming Then fall in the wind There is no nostalgia The Japanese call it flowers blowing snow At dusk, walking through the cherry trees, the white petals are still fluttering It suddenly occurred to me that this was the most extravagant flower Because it dies early

5 . 当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候,睁大眼睛,千万别眨眼!你会看到世界由清晰变模糊的全过程,心会在你泪水落下的那一刻变得清澈明晰……

6 . (一)伫立在宽阔的城垣上,极目远望。在广阔的天宇下,这古老的砖墙随着群山万壑绵延伸展,跌宕起伏。那高大的城堡,有的像奋起的勇士,傲视长空;有的像沉思的巨人,默对苍穹。我脑海里浮现的是伟大雄浑。多么难忘的画面啊!那是我们伟大祖国的形象第一次在我心灵的胶片上感光。

7 . Maybe one day we are old, but I still remember the way you let me move

8 . 我们一路上兴致勃勃地旅行参观,当夕阳西下时,才恋恋不舍地离开。

9 . Cherry blossoms are beautiful and beautiful They are important ornamental plants for early spring They are often used in garden viewing, and they can be planted in groups or in front of roadside buildings in hillside courtyards Blooming time flowers are gorgeous, full of trees, like clouds, extremely spectacular The landscape of flowers and sea can be planted in large areas, and the three or five clusters of trees can be planted in the green space to form a brocade, which can also be isolated to form a little red color among the green clusters Cherry trees can also be used as path trees and hedges or bonsai In addition, bark and fresh tender leaves can be used medicinally Some people make jam and condiments in Japan by grinding the flowers of cherry blossoms into nectar

10 . I&#;m going to see the farthest place But who dream of dancing


1 . 人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年,如我一瞬。

2 . Don&#;t be too sure of your eyes, because it&#;s just the surface

3 . Area has come to cafe DE jack cherry blossoms, maybe this time missed the cherry blossom the most splendid time, a lot of cherry blossoms fade, falling slope, steps on the flower piece, formed the strips trail was paved with flowers, people walk while watching the cherry blossom, also another scenery! Although there are a lot of flowers, but there are still a lot of cherry trees, still bright, they spread a beautiful smile, welcome guests

4 . I have to force myself to forget you, when you have no relationship with me

5 . Cherry blossoms, will be allergic to the spring season, open-minded heaven, smoothing out the blundering heart, be familiar with simple words said to people will understand, silly childish tomorrow, dancing like you hair, allow me to cherish not small rely on silent in uproar, want to meet spring flowers and plants leave will have new harvest, waiting for the spring the filar silk like subtle miracles will happen, I heard that day there is cloud in nestle, and found that the accumulation of change, faintly see the tail of a lion, believe think again beautiful also learn the scene ahead in the dawn of the garden Yang, I feel special, I understand you have a window, you will see the melting love, no plan no adventure, happy every day, a warm glow

6 . Cherry blossoms are a natural reward, but they are also a spectacle In the cherry blossom, even if it is not for the flowers, but also unconsciously do the flower

7 . 我的表情并不多,心也不痛。我只不过是不懂,世界在热闹什么

8 . Remember the first time to see the cherry blossom, a spring rain like a date, the petals rain wind blowing The flowering period is just over a week, so brief and so gorgeous The ancients say: cherish the flower often afraid the flower opens early, how much more to fall red innumerable The cherry blossoms floating in the spring water have gradually become trapped in the mud Unfortunately, there is no Lin daiyu in the world, where to find the flowers Flowers and flowers fly all over the sky, even if there is the heart of burying flowers, also really dare not show off the melodramatic

9 . 多少美好的东西消失和毁灭了,世界还像什么事也没有发生。是的,生活在继续着。可是,生活中的每一个人却在不断地失去自己最珍贵的东西。生活永远是美好的;人的痛苦却时时在发生。

10 . A walk on the heart, one will take pictures of lovers, a sweet journey




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