
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 08:21:39


1 . 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace

2 . Don&#;t be so modest

3 . I’m broke我身无分文。

4 . 别担心。

5 . 第一四个trouble是动词,第二三个trouble是名词。

6 . Do you really mean it? 此话当真?

7 . 你去过日本吗?

8 . I’m not going to kid you我不是跟你开玩笑的。

9 . For here or to go? 再这儿吃还是带走?

10 . Don&#;t jump to conclusions


1 . Karin: you quit the job? You are kidding

2 . create a kind of peaceand harmoniousness in the warm home to achieve the combination withnature

3 . Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?

4 . 我所要做的就是学英语。

5 . 别误会我。

6 . Do you have a room available?

7 . Open your arms, hug each full of hope in the morning, let the sun from the body warm to the bottom of my heart

8 . 新年新气象: as the New Year begins, let us also start a new

9 . Forget it

10 . Be careful


1 . Dinner is on me

2 . 每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具,将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。

3 . 请把账单给我好吗?

4 . 出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go

5 . Seems to wake up in the morning after a dazzling and hazy warm light, the eyes of everything in the same place to play back, slow and sad

6 . 在早晨,我们离开家,带上我们的爱希望还有信任。当我们 在路途中遭遇了难以避免的挫折,这些就是我们的财富。

7 . 你的飞行旅途愉快吗?

8 . 不要心存侥幸。

9 . 不用麻烦了。

10 . 在某个有阳光的早晨,在晨曦中,我 们发现了白发,长在了我们的父亲和母亲的头上,那么刺眼,感觉到了某个部位,被狠狠扎了一下。


1 . 一帆风顺: wish you every success

2 . Dont take it for granted 不要想当然。

3 . Are you free tomorrow?

4 . I was deeply moved by the film and i cried and cried I just couldn’t help it

5 . 你能载我到飞机场吗?

6 . Are you used to the food here?

7 . Cheer up!

8 . our mindwill get the serenity when our minds stay together with nature,which is just the life style we are chasing

9 . Have you heard from Mary? 你收到玛丽的来信吗?

10 . 张开双臂,拥抱每一个充满希望的早晨,让阳光从身上温暖到心底。


1 . I just couldn’t help it我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:

2 . 电影里经常听到,it’s a deal, that is a good deal或是两个人打算达成某个协议或是做成某个生意会说:deal? Deal!

3 . 我能请一天假吗?

4 . Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的!

5 . Can I have a day off?

6 . Easy come,easy go 来得容易,去得快。

7 . Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗?

8 . 不要坐失良机。

9 . Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好?

10 . 高兴起来!振作起来!




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