
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-27 08:26:07


1 . 几十年的经验使我懂得,多想到别人,少想到自己,便可以少犯错误。——巴金

2 . 对母校的回忆是温馨而美好的,对母校的感激是真挚而无尽的。让我再和母校道一声再见!

3 . love for you is more light than Sima For your love, than Zhuge hailiang The heart of you is longer than the cloud What you want to do is to speak more about it Simple one: the new spring is happy and healthy

4 . , Hello, teacher, thousands of words can&#;t express my gratitude I just want to say one thing in my heart: Happy New Year&#;s day, I hope you have a better tomorrow Hello teacher! Is your blood spilled over the majority of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of God&#;s favored one, I wish you a happy new year, good health

5 . 如果你爱一个人,先要使自己现在或将来百分之百的值得他爱,至于他爱不爱你,那是他的事。

6 . 你可以疑心星星是火把;你可以疑心太阳会移转;你可以疑心真理是慌话;可是我的爱永没有改变。——佚名

7 . Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

8 . 爱叫懦夫变得大胆,却叫勇士变成懦夫。——莎士比亚

9 . 这是一种非正式表达法。This is an informal word

10 . 对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。——爱因斯坦


1 . , in the whole year, I was happy in the sea of Shanghai I was glad to have some fun in the river of Hebei The forest in the Guilin was cool and refreshing Good luck was found in the Jiangxi river The clouds in Yunnan were lucky to send you, just to wish you a happy Spring Festival

2 . 参考例句:

3 . 有事实根据的判断。This is an informal expression

4 . , if there&#;s a star blinking tonight, that&#;s to wish you peace There are millions of stars shining, that&#;s to wish you happiness If a star doesn&#;t exist, it&#;s blessings too many stars Happy New Year!

5 . 你的爱浸润着我们的家室,

6 . 忆往昔,博学石旁,母校的一草一木,老师的一颦一笑,仍记忆犹新。在那绿色的校园里,我们手握春光烂漫的年华,编织着人生的七彩之梦。

7 . upcoming Spring Festival Christmas By the end of the opening year of bursting with happiness, wonderful The festive atmosphere around us was over a wave When I look back the past, a full year The new year opens the hope and wishes the good things to be double

8 . The world looks bleak without you here by my side

9 . new year, the God of wealth Is the beginning of the five month and treasure Happiness is a treasure, health is a treasure, baby with you all the time to the old I wish you: life is rising and the bills are rolling Congratulations on making a fortune, the money is rolling!

10 . Happy birthday with all my love!


1 . 爱如果为利己而爱,这个爱就不是真爱,而是一种欲。——爱德门

2 . 爱情是两个亲密的灵魂在生活及忠实,善良,美丽事物方面的和谐与默契。——别林斯基

3 . 刻在木板上的名字未必不朽,刻在石头上的名字也未必流芳百世;母校,您的名字刻在我们心灵上,这才真正永存。

4 . Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

5 . 感谢你一年到头辛苦劳碌,

6 . in your class every time fondly meanders to us as if in the literature of the world, from the stream of consciousness novel to Kafka broadened our horizons, we realize that literature should not have borders Thank you for your smile in class, and thank you for your thorough explanation At the time of the coming new year, I wish you a happy new year and a smooth work

7 . 五十年,岁月如歌,一甲子,沧桑砥砺。五十年,华理和祖国一起成长,五十年,华理为祖国发展助力。华理,祝福您!我们因您而感动!

8 . The Spring Festival will come, still cold attack, send text messages to remind you to pay more attention to: go out more clothes, do not let the cold attack; take good care of yourself, keep in good health; friends, happy heart I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

9 . I heel over head fall in love with you 我为你神魂颠倒

10 . 爱情之中高尚的成分不亚于温柔的成分,使人向上的力量不亚于使人萎靡的力量,有时还能激发别的美德。——伏尔泰


1 . 忘不了学校的每一处土地,忘不了学校的每一处笑声,今天我们以你为荣,明天你以我们为荣!

2 . 神山欢笑,百年名校喜庆华诞;宁水高歌,国庆校庆双喜相连。一百年整整一世纪,一百年弹指一挥间。一百年桃李芬芳,一百年群星灿烂。

3 . With love to my wife,

4 . 苍天冷,炉火自融融。蔬果菜肴兼碗盏,陈年佳酿夜朦胧,相聚校园中。诗纵酒,满座赛真龙。遥问同窗说近事,连天战况气如虹!来日定成功。

5 . I long to see you, kiss you, and hold you in my arms again

6 . 真诚的爱情的结合是一切结合中最纯洁的。——卢梭

7 . happy wind blowing from all sides, happiness is like the snow shining bright light, happy like Yang touched every corner of the world, happiness is the gentle autumn rain, may happiness accompany you to the old, I wish you a happy new year!

8 . It is painful pining after someone and boy I do pine for you

9 . 爱是苛求的,因为苛求而短暂。友谊是宽容的,因为宽容而长久。——周国平

10 . 一所学校,往往就是一种价值的标杆,一种精神的象征。而一所几十年的学校,培养了芊芊学子,更是因熔铸了无数辉煌记忆,无数沧桑与热忱而珍贵。


1 . 百余年风雨沧桑,培育出万千栋梁,感谢你——我的母校,给了我知识和力量,祝福你永铸辉煌!

2 . , tell you not to tell him, because he told me to tell me not to tell you, now I tell you, don&#;t tell him, I told you, if he asked you, did I tell you, you told me that I didn&#;t tell you happy Spring Festival!

3 . 祝我的夫君生日快乐,

4 . The is that you purify my mind with a blackboard, and you add the wisdom to my blackboard with chalk, and sincerely wish you happiness forever

5 . 我的母校,屹立东方,双五华诞,美丽辉煌;辛勤耕耘,桃李出墙,精心哺育,永生难忘;长江后浪,更加光芒,科大强壮,直上九霄。

6 . 爱整个人类可能是一件易事;认真地去爱上一个人却很难。——谚语

7 . , I don&#;t know why I want to be the first student to send you New Year&#;s greetings every year I don&#;t know why I always miss my college teacher It&#;s because you deserve to be trusted by my friend Your teaching and greeting are always the driving force for our growth It is a snow, is an old welcome new day, only in a greeting card to bless for me: in the new year, good health, good luck

8 . (十四)我特别羡慕那些活的特别真实的人不在乎别人的看法自己过的好就好

9 . (十二)说完全不在乎别人的看法是不可能的,毕竟我们每个人。想要变的更好的心情是一样的……

10 . 百年学府经风雨,几般迁移岁月稠。宁水泱泱成伟业,桃李芬芳夙愿酬。金色秋季同欢唱,万千师生庆丰收。前辈后生齐努力,再创辉煌新征途。


1 . 爱之花开放的地方,生命便能欣欣向荣。——梵高

2 . 没有太阳,花朵不会开放;没有爱便没有幸福;没有妇女也就没有爱,没有母亲,既不会有诗人,也不会有英雄。——高尔基

3 . on the journey of life, you light the light of hope for me, give me the ideal wings and soar on the ocean of knowledge Thank you, teacher!

4 . 你可看见,在这春风习习的夜色里,在这月光融融的庭院里, 我默默地拣,默默地拣起的都是对你的思念。 Have you ever seen I am picking up the missing for you in the night spring breezing in the yard full of moonlight

5 . 爱情原如树叶一样,在人忽视里绿了,在忍耐里露出蓓蕾。——何其芳

6 . You probably know that I love you but do you know just how much I&#;ve missed you?

7 . 爱是戴着眼镜看东西,会把黄铜看成金子,贫穷看成富有,眼睛里的斑点看成珍珠。——法萨尔丹

8 . 我没法停下来不想你。

9 . 为了你带给我生活中的玫瑰,

10 . 让我最快乐的地方是母校,让我丰富了知识的地方就是母校,相信每一位度过这个小学的同学,都是会有一个美好的童年。


1 . (二)你越不在乎别人的看法,生活就会变得越简单。

2 . 四十五年春秋,四十五年风雨,四十五年的漫漫长路,在这个小小方圆中磨砺了不一般的傲岸与博大。今天是您的生日,我的母校。我们要将心中的千言万语,化作一支心曲,为您默默歌唱,我们要把思念,化作祝福,陪伴您走过每一个日日夜夜。祝福母校:年年桃李,岁岁芬芳!

3 . 完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。——达尔文

4 . For all you mean to me each day,

5 . 服务器信息指定漫游访问服务器的信息The informant is expected to provide the information about the deceased

6 . (十九)活着,要是不在乎别人感受,不考虑别人看法,尾巴应该可以一直摇着的。

7 . 心灵不在它生活的地方,但在它所爱的地方。——英国谚语

8 . 光阴似箭,日月如梭。眼看着我们就要离开母校。在这里祝母校“桃李满天下”。

9 . 了解爱情的人往往会因为爱情的升华而坚强了他们向上的意志和进取的精神。——培根

10 . I&#;m grateful for the special love you give to me all year


1 . 教育百年风,你我传承,同为母校争殊荣。身在他乡不问远,感念师恩。聚散多匆匆,各自从容,前学不忘后来人。今日恰逢时光好,恭贺诞辰!

2 . 兴致苗圃赏秋风,宁奉砖瓦筑围城。一声感慨硕果美,中华何处无收成?母乳哺得万千子,校园仍旧创新生。百载难逢同窗友,岁月依然再庆功。

3 . You&#;re always on my mind

4 . this brings world of love to you

5 . 我祝愿你生日幸福,欢天喜地。

6 . 我想象着自己如刚学会飞翔的雏鹰在广阔的天空翱翔,是母校给了我飞翔的动力和能力!

7 . 爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。——泰戈尔

8 . The Festival is a happy episode, and work is the same subject At the end of the day, the wonderful and slow taste, good sleep, happy and happy, keep the power to continue the life May you come back to work with a good mood!

9 . 走过的十年灿烂时光,万名学员不仅收获了知识的芳香,更收获了人生的芳香,十周年校庆,愿长沙燕园教育有一个更辉煌的前程。

10 . 那种用美好的感情和思想使我们升华并赋予我们力量的爱情,才能算是一种高尚的热情;而使我们自私自利,胆小怯弱,使我们流于盲目本能的下流行为的爱情,应该算是一种邪恶的热情。——乔治·桑




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