
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-28 13:12:27


1 . PeaceandloveforyouatNewYearfromallyourstudents

3 . He doesn&#;t have to go through this elaborate display for my benefit!

4 . 圣诞节是欢喜和快乐的时光,因为不用上课。

5 . 祝福加祝福是很多个祝福,祝福减祝福是祝福的起点,祝福乘祝福是无限个祝福,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你生日快乐!

6 . The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents

7 . Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions

8 . When I met you I knew I would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love

9 . Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year

10 . 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。


1 . With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines

2 . Let the rain of spring, the showers of summer, the freshness of autumn, and the passion of winter surround you I wish you a happy birthday and warmest wishes for your birthday

3 . 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,新年快乐。

4 . 不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善。

5 . 通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。

6 . 不要等到分开了,才想到去挽回。

7 . 本公司认为,您所展示的已婚妇女服装最适合我们的市场需求。

8 . Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

9 . Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

10 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day


1 . Love without end hath no end

2 . May you have the best Christmas ever

3 . Hope all your New Year dreams come true!愿你所有的新年想都成真!

4 . Wishing you && glad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness to last throughout the year! Have a wonderful brithday

5 . One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love

6 . The cushions, shown left, measure × inches and cost $

7 . 姐妹日到,祝我亲爱的姐妹,打扮自己靓靓滴,心情保持美美滴,幸福生活甜甜滴,日子过滴晕晕滴,财源滚滚旺旺滴,愿姐妹开心大大滴!生日快乐!

8 . 整个展示中最吸引我的`地方,是展示末的造景。

9 . make up 弥补;赔偿;编造;组成;虚构

10 . I&#;m glad to learn that you won first prize in the composition contest held at your schoolI&#;d like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on your success非常高兴得知你在学校举办的比赛中荣获一等奖,我想借此机会对你的成功表示祝贺。


1 . 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。

2 . 今天是你生日,我为你做了一碗长寿面,每根面条里都有一份快乐,最后浇上开心的汤汁放上幸福的煎蛋。愿你吃在嘴里,美在心里。生日快乐!

3 . Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you

4 . Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful

5 . We won&#;t forget you this holiday season

6 . 圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

7 . 我们的照片展示了植物的生长状况。

8 . 真诚祝福传递你,愿你开心永如意,生日快乐歌一曲,愿你幸福没问题,每年这天祝福你,望你健康又美丽,幸运永远追随你,生日快乐!

9 . In love folly is always sweet

10 . greenbelt 绿地


1 . to prefabricate 预制

2 . Best of luck in the year to come愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。

3 . 让春天的雨露,夏天的甘霖,秋天的清爽,冬天的激情围绕着你。在你生日来临之时,送上我深深的祝福,祝你生日快乐,四季温馨。

4 . 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

5 . 您对我的爱是这样深,言语的表叙显得实在无力。母亲,我希望这句话能告诉您我最想说的事&&我多么感谢您,又多么自豪,因为我有像您这样慈爱的母亲。

6 . In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的新年比往年更璀璨。

7 . 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

8 . 茫茫人海相遇是一种缘,寒窗共度整三年,如果我是姐,那你就是妹,妹妹是咖啡,姐姐是杯子,妹妹永远在姐姐的心里,愿我们永不分离在一起。生日快乐!

9 . Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic

10 . 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。


1 . Where there is love, there are always wishes

2 . 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。

3 . Don&#;t wait to have a lot, to share a bit

4 . 不要等待,因为,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间。

5 . 祝你生日快乐,你的善良使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带给你快乐,愿 未来的日子锦上添花!

6 . ANewYeargreetingtocheeryoufromyourdaughters

7 . MaythejoyofNewYearbewithyouthroughouttheyear

8 . 从来没有一个人像你这样爱我,谢谢你!

9 . 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

10 . 那个国家将要展示埃及木乃伊。


1 . 女性被认为不应该赤裸裸地展示其雄心。

2 . 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

3 . 不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些。

4 . arch 拱

5 . The best and the brightest pupils competed to demonstrate their intellectual prowess

6 . Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

7 . 展示的双语例句

8 . get up 起床;起立;(风浪火)大起来;打扮;安排;组织

9 . 圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!

10 . Let us embrace life,create life,seize today and wake up tomorrow with all fervor拥抱生活,创造生活,把握住每一个今天,让我们用全部的热忱,去唤醒明天。




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