
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-29 11:13:09


1 . , passion burning hope, success to win!

2 . , carry forward the spirit of sports, improve the quality of teachers and students!

3 . , the current hard hard, Ming Yue Longmen

4 . Class , class : Class , class , three!

5 . , strong physical fitness, determined to become material

6 . 睡眼惺忪迎接黎明,刷牙洗脸手要轻。阳光给我好心情,享受清新好空气。一杯热饮好甜蜜,家有人伴好温馨。新的一天,新期待,美好生活常伴您!

7 . (振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。)

8 . Youth is fearless, dream-driven, self-improvement, never give up

9 . 想的事太多了,放不下曾经的过往,太想他了。

10 . Although the ant nest is small, it collapses thousands of miles


1 . 烦心的事一遍又一遍在脑海中,头疼。

2 . I am always here to support and encourage you along the way

3 . Without regrets, passion is infinite

4 . 三年同窗不能忘记那灯下的苦读,三年同窗校园后那片碧绿的麦田至今犹记。十余年过去了操场上的加油声仍萦绕耳畔,十余年过去了还能想起白水煮冬瓜,风吹粉尘落满地。

5 . , one point ploughing, a point harvest, not necessarily; nine points ploughing, will have a harvest, certain!

6 . Old trees are half hollow, old people know everything

7 . , show yourself and create a new high

8 . The secret of success is to keep its purpose unchanged

9 . 别害怕丢弃,这是你的人生,也不要以为非得抓住个什么才会有安全感。尽情的丢掉那些只会拖住你,让你无法继续往前走的负面事物/情绪/人。

10 . 有一种感情,不再浓烈,却一直存在。


1 . Grasp one today, more than two tomorrows

2 . 生活就是这样,从来不彩排,不回放。

3 . Class , Class : the class, the soul of Class !

4 . Instead of justifying failure, find ways to succeed

5 . , singing the youth melody, to express the pleasure of movement!

6 . 人生本来虚无,怎样把它潇洒的浪费掉,浪费得毫无遗憾。才是唯一对我有意义的事情。

7 . , the spring breeze blowing, drums beat, we class fear who!

8 . 都说一辈同学三辈亲,友情堪比亲兄弟。

9 . 黄昏的云轻悒飘零,朵朵红云是我的心,再这一天爱你千回,再这一夜想你万遍,一句晚安带你入梦,一句爱你带走,劳累,烦恼,与忧愁。

10 . Management is to stimulate peoples potential in order to win goals


1 . I must face the music and accept responsibility

2 . , I exercise, I am happy I exercise, I improve

3 . , not bitter, not tired, high three tasteless; not spelling the fight, equal to the white life

4 . 谁能改变人生的长度,谁知道永恒有多么恐怖,但现实往往比命运还残酷,只是没有人愿意认输。

5 . , in order to reach the end of the glory of the moment!

6 . , revitalize the Chinese, carry on my bank

7 . , twenty-first Century what the most precious, talent, and talent is what, a good diploma

8 . , aspire to innovate the school record and win the first Olympic Games

9 . (你需要勇敢地面对困难。)

10 . , the challenge of the limit, no regrets to strive hard in life, to write a chapter


1 . Don&#;t complain when you are in trouble Since you can&#;t change the past, try to change the future

2 . Always believe that you are the best! Spread your invisible wings and fly high!

3 . 因为想念着一切,所以睡不着,所以会头痛。

4 . , strong body, determined to become material

5 . 真的好累啊,已经失眠好久了…可有些东西真的无法放下,所以只能默默承受…

6 . 总是在不经意间流走,只想和你在一起,没有任何的杂念,不许沧海桑田不许海枯石,也不在三生石上许下誓言,只想倾尽一生爱着你,守着你,陪着你,静静走完。

7 . , do not give up, give up today is to give up a lifetime

8 . 爱一个人就会心疼一个人,而心疼一个人,你会心甘情愿为他的幸福和快乐而付出,无怨无悔当你心疼一个人的时候,爱其实就在你心里了。

9 . Go in and make resplendence

10 . 人的这一生有太多的来来往往,有些我们转瞬即忘,有些我们刻骨铭心。友谊就在那些刻骨铭心中滋长,心中的思念联系莫忘,晚安,愿幸福放心上!


1 . Try to cheer up We all support you the same

2 . There is no victory in the game, and the most important thing is to participate

3 . 我们不能第一时间分享彼此的快乐与不快乐,好像变的冷漠沉默了。

4 . 我睡不着,我的灵魂经常找你在哪里,可是什么也找不到。

5 . If you dont work hard, dont try to succeed

6 . , learning, thinking and innovating, creating productive forces with knowledge

7 . 同学是总角之交不受世俗污染的情感,同学是没有血脉的情缘,同学是没有地位之分的挚交,同学是相濡以沫的纯洁友谊。

8 . 忘不了包子熟了售饭窗前那高高的叠罗汉,哪个女生没有体会到从男生手里接过来的那份怯怯自喜。十余年容颜虽老音未改,十余年相见仍能道一道。

9 . , one point high one point, one score a lifetime

10 . , the youth is fearless, and the dream is carried out


1 . 将心情放开,将烦恼放走,将身体放松,将快乐放入,将睡眠放沉。睡个好觉,晚安,女朋友。

2 . , unite to strive for success

3 . 上帝之所以创造指纹,是因为他想让人们知道:其实,每个人都有伤痕。

4 . , in order to change to change, in order to change

5 . Its not good to wait for opportunities, but to create them

6 . , as long as the road is right, is not afraid of the road

7 . 人生如命吧。有的事情不放下对自己是伤害。放下是痛苦的。不能不放。

8 . 布兰克说,别小看那些堆在你家里的无用杂物,那些东西经常也是绊住你人生的元凶。因为,我们之所以舍不得丢,是因为对那些东西有感情,但是,这份感情却未必是正面的,也许正是捆绑自己的负面情绪,例如已经分手多年的前任男/女朋友的东西,迟迟不愿丢掉,而且每次看到都伤心难过,心情萎靡,结果让人提不起劲展开新恋情。

9 . Dont think about making the ocean, you must start with the rivers

10 . , transcend the limit, transcend the self




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