
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-31 21:13:47


1 . Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that … 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论……

2 . It takes/took sb some time to do sth 做某事花了某人多长时间。

3 . 常用的几个和不定式有关的句型:

4 . 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来一方面……,另一方面,

5 . 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

6 . There is a growing tendency these days for many people who live in rural areas to come into and work in city This problem has caused wide public concern in most cities all over the world

7 . Theres no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认

8 . 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

9 . 月亮渐渐西沉,星星又悄悄地眨起了眼睛。望着满天星星,我不由得想起了爸爸白天对我说的话,是啊,“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”。爸爸,请你放心,我不会让你失望的。

10 . But the problem is not so simpleTherefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以……


1 . it goes without saying that we cannot be young forever (适用于自编名言

2 . feel like doing sth 想做某事

3 . Only in this way, can wei solve this problem properly只有这样我们才能妥善解决这个问题。 sth is sothat如此以至于

4 . 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

5 . 苏轼这个曾经辉煌的文人,因黄州诗案而开始落魄,流落四方,辗转难安。在赤壁的月夜,他心灰意懒,看“江上之清风,山间之明月”,做他那个神鹤翩跹而舞的梦。面对如江水般深沉的失意,他看见风在山顶呼啸,盘旋,然后带着撕身裂骨的阵痛穿越漆黑的荆棘林。刹那间,他心中郁结的块垒,缠绕的苦痛随风而散。挫折,痛苦,唯有忘记。

6 . I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of senior accountant you have advertised in

7 . 重甸甸的积雪把竹竿子都压弯了,竹梢头连枝带叶,一顺溜地贴在山坡下面,像一群披头散发的野人。

8 . 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

9 . I can tell you from experience that … 凭我的经验可以告诉你…

10 . ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……


1 . 谢谢你们,期待明年春天和你们在樱花树下相见

2 . She frittered away her time in going to the cinema instead of studying

3 . 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

4 . 选择是难的,更何况是心灵的选择。高渐离为了荆轲,他选择了死;马本斋的母亲为了革命,她选择了牺牲;祝英台为了真挚的爱情,她选择了化蝶。在这友情亲情与爱情之间的选择,他们是这样做的。

5 . 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……

6 . The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us

7 . Many people insist that

8 . As time goes by,随着时间的流逝

9 . The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday

10 . I must apologize about (not doing sth


1 . From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second

2 . 哭死我了,不敢想象没有你们情况会有多糟糕,真的真的致敬所有的医护人员

3 . I will conclude by saying… 最后我要说…

4 . In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______Only in this way can ______in the future

5 . 巨石脚下的缝隙里钻出来的几棵小草,在春风里欢乐地摇摆。啊,只要是种子,就要享受一下青春的醉意。

6 . travel by bike

7 . Its generally recognized that… 它普遍认为…

8 . I am interested in this interesting story 我对这个有趣的故事感兴趣。

9 . People’s views on … vary from person to person Some hold that … However, others believe that…人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为…… People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解。

10 . the reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us


1 . 为疫情加油正能量的句子

2 . 我对美国人民有了很好的第一印象。

3 . From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

4 . 【—辅导之动词ed与动词ing作形容词用法】关于动词ed与动词ing作形容词用法的知识,同学们认真学习。

5 . Of the two brothers, the younger is more clever 在这两兄弟中,年轻的这个更。

6 . The best way to solve the troubles is … 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……

7 . This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons First, … Second, … Third, … 这一现象的存在是有许多原因的。首先,……;第二,……;第三,……

8 . I do not choose to … merely because I feel that … 我没有选择…知识因为我觉得…

9 . There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of … 毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

10 . I am sorry that I can’tand trust that you will be able to understand




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