
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-19 03:10:59


1 . The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed

2 . 忠心的祝愿你能取得优异的成绩,如愿以偿,金榜题名。因为这一年你付出了好多,也吃了不少的苦,受了不少的累。咱们想,“天道酬勤”是对的。老天不负有心人嘛!通知书一定会飞到你的手上的!

3 . Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris

4 . 科学家曾相信:氙气是不能形成化合物的。

5 . 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。——日本丰田汽车公司广告口号

6 . 国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。

7 . Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others

8 . 受当代灌溉(技术设施之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长。

9 . 又到年末了,马上就要迎来艺考考试了,让我鼓励你,祝福你,祝你考出好的成绩。

10 . 当有关西部铁路的说服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作。


1 . Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois

2 . That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists

3 . Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied

4 . 记住图片的宽和高,备用

5 . The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair Its muscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm

6 . 一个国家的主要食物是什么,大体取决于什么作物在其天气和土壤条件下生长得最好。

7 . 音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音量经久不衰。

8 . The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse

9 . 给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了Elizabeth Williams的热情。

10 . 昆虫就将会使我们无法在这个世界上居住;如果我们没有受到以昆虫为食的动物的保护,昆虫就会吞嚼掉我们所有的庄稼并杀死我们饲养的禽兽。


1 . Television is more than just an electronics; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings

2 . 科学家不知道恐龙为何绝种了,但是一些理论推断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的。

3 . 北美远古的Hopewell人很可能种植了玉米和其它农作物,但打猎和采集对他们的经济贸易仍是至关重要的。

4 . 爱是正大无私的奉献。——正大集团广告口号

5 . 树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。她的肌肉不能让他哪怕在很短的距离以内以每小时一公里的速度移动。它能做的最敏捷的动作就是挥一挥它弯曲的胳膊。

6 . 水獭啃倒树木,以便取食物并获得造窝的材料。

7 . 每次我听说体育运动能够在国家间建立起友好感情,说世界各地的普通人只要能在足球场或板球场上相遇就会没有兴趣在战场上相遇的话,我都倍感诧异。

8 . In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center

9 . 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比。

10 . 将本文“工具/原料”给的那组代码复制,粘贴到编辑器;


1 . Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of inFORMation on a single map

2 . 大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以他们的密度在固态时高于液态。

3 . The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil

4 . 点“显示源代码”,转到代码编辑状态。

5 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

6 . 人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。

7 . 你有你的赤橙黄绿,我有我的青蓝靛紫,天空同属于咱们,因为咱们年轻。

8 . “在错的时间,遇见对的人。”就像是你曾经觉得很不重要的一个东西或一个人,后来却觉得他很重要,但是那时的你已经不可能再去拥有一样。这在人的一生真的算是一大遗憾。所以,我在这里希望每一个人要珍惜自己所拥有的东西,所拥有的人,不要在失去的时候,再去后悔莫及,那样会很痛苦。

9 . The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support

10 . 黄菊花通常令人生厌,它挤走不那么顽强的植物,并找来很多害虫。


1 . Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals

2 . 艺考在即,紧张难免;适量放松,方位上策;书本暂放,好好休息;临阵磨枪,效果甚微;心态良好,至关重要;平常心待,万事皆宜,愿你艺考,取得佳绩!

3 . I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield

4 . Three years of research at an abandoned coal mine in Argonne, Illinois, have resulted in findings that scientists believe can help reclaim thousands of mine disposal sites that scar the coal-rich regions of the United States

5 . 生命之中最快乐的是拼搏,而非成功,生命之中最痛苦的是懒散,而非失败。

6 . The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences

7 . The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken

8 . 要树立信心,一定要争取成功!相信自己永远是最棒的!明天的阳光将因你而更加灿烂!

9 . In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable

10 . Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs


1 . The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years

2 . 生活中,咱们每天都在尝试中,咱们走向成功,品味失败,走过心灵的阴雨晴空。运动员们,不要放弃尝试,无论失败与否,重要的是你勇于参与的精神,付出的背后是胜利。无论是否成功,咱们永远赞美你,你们永远是咱们的骄傲。

3 . The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives

4 . Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating

5 . 十年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你艺考拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油!

6 . It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles------or locate flying insects on which they feed This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar

7 . Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid

8 . 艺考着实是一种丰收,它包蕴着太多的内涵。无论艺考成绩如何,你的成长与成熟是任何人无法改变的事实,这三年的辛勤走过,你获得的太多太多。

9 . 将图片宽和高调整,和第三步图片的宽和高一致;

10 . People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into power and then adding water


1 . 高三不再有,劝君珍惜之。一年之经历,终身之财富。

2 . 将被祝福朋友的名字,添加到“亲爱的好友”那里,替换。

3 . The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter

4 . Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary

5 . 超越自己,向自己挑战,向弱项挑战,向懒惰挑战,向陋习挑战。

6 . 接下来我们要作的事情是使用其他一些图片来挡住背景中的两个人物的背影。

7 . 相信自己吧!坚持就是胜利!

8 . By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art

9 . 理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达。

10 . 父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。


1 . 电视不仅仅是一件电器;它是表达的手段和交流的载体并因此成为联系他人的有力工具。

2 . 其实本来这只是一段关于爱情的话,但是我觉得他又诠释了四种不同的人生,不知道你人生属于那一种?

3 . It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, that is the main focus of social psychology

4 . 祝愿天下所有考生开心度过艺考。祝福你们旗开得胜,取得美好佳绩。平心对待艺考,你们是最棒的!仁慈的上帝会祝福你们的,相信自己,一定能行!

5 . Stone does decay, and so tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the man who made them have disappeared without trace

6 . 开启艺考成功之门,钥匙有三。其一:勤奋的精神;其二:科学的方法;其三:良好的心态。

7 . Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

8 . 厚德载物,天道酬勤。你我不是一直都相信吗?!呵呵,所以你已经付出了这么多了,就不要怕了(虽然嘴上没说),呵呵,绝对没有问题的

9 . 孩子,你是爸爸妈妈生命的延续,也是爸爸妈妈未来的希望,你的一举一动时刻牵动着爸爸妈妈的心。今后的路还非常长,你要勇敢地面对任何挑战,爸爸妈妈是你坚实的后盾。

10 . John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。


1 . 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。

2 . 师生莫等闲,协力齐心,共同铸就新辉煌。

3 . 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。

4 . 石头不会腐烂,所以以前的(石器工具能保存下来,虽然它们的制造者已经消失的无影无踪。

5 . 图形图像的处理工具很多,常用的有PhotoShop等,一般的图像处理都有相似的地方,下面我们通过Photoshop制作一个贺卡,了解一下Photoshop的简单使用。

6 . 首先是寻找素材,根据你要制作的主题内容寻找到需要的`素材,素材的获取途径有很多,上一节课我们已经讨论过了,下面的练习可以使用这里的素材:素材下载

8 . 伊莉萨白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部。

9 . When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous

10 . Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律保护。




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