
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-23 02:48:42


1 . Enjoy the challenge, it&#;s making you better!——享受每一次挑战,你会因此变得更优秀。

2 . Some habits, however, was to change~~~ 有些习惯,无论如何都改不了。

3 . Its joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。

4 . If two past lovers can remain friends, it s either they were never in love or they still are如果分手的恋人还能做朋友,要不从没爱过,要不就还在爱着。

5 . warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year

6 . It is not necessary to find fault with the life, but it is the reality of our society that is the result of our own naivety Prejudice is better than understanding; complaining is better than letting go

7 . Real love begins where nothing is expected in return真爱,源自那颗不求回报的心。

8 . Sometimes, you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to 有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否真的值得拥有。

9 . may the beauty and joy of new year remain with you throughout the new year!

10 . may the glow of new year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your new year brighthave a love filled new year!


1 . There are many impossible things in the world, but don&#;t jump to conclusions before you try your best The classic good night heart

2 . Never give up on the one you love especially if they are pushing you awaySometime they re pushing to see if your love will stand firm永远都不要放弃你爱的`人,尤其是把你推开的爱人有时候他只是想试探你对他的爱是否坚定不移。

3 . 祝福您及全家新年快乐。

4 . If I cried a tear of painful sorrow,If I lost all hope for a new tomorrow,Would you dry my tear and ease my pain,Would you make me smile once again?如果我因深深的悲哀而痛哭,如果我已对明天失去了所有的希望,你是否会为我擦去泪水,抚平伤痛,你是否会让我欢颜依旧?

5 . 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

6 . You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind 你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。

7 . One day, one day someone will walk into your life, you will understand why, on the other people有一天,当那个人走进你的生活,你就会明白,为什么对其他人都不来电。

8 . and that she wants is not a word and a word I love you, said many, is cheap, weak, she need you occasionally more careful, let her know, in fact you have been worried about this, she did not forget

9 . 当你还是个孩子时,骑在某人肩上。回首那些骑着大人肩膀在后院丛林狩猎的模糊记忆,那些激动人心的升起俯瞰睁大眼睛……感觉妙极了!——《生命中最美好的事都是免费的》

10 . I want to hold your hand on Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie我想在情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,情人节快乐。


1 . 我将满满的祝福塞在信里,在国庆节之际,寄与远方的您。祝您国庆节快乐,心想事成,事业蒸蒸日上!

2 . When you are naive and ignorant, you are always with the people around you, who are the people of your life

3 . What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears? 什么是勇气?是哭着要你爱我,还是哭着让你离开。

4 . I don t know your value until I have lost you I don t know how beautiful you are until I have fallen in love with you 失去才知道你的可贵,爱过才知道你有多美…

5 . Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all冬天是蚀刻画,春天是水彩画,夏天是油画,而秋天则是三者的美丽交织。

6 . 你的心上人献给你一个温柔的新年之吻。

7 . Miss than Miss, miss read as offering, offering read do not read想念不如怀念,怀念不如祭念,祭念不如不念。

8 . My cell phone is dead I can&#;t wait for my sister&#;s text message Is my sister as sorry as I am? But I wish my sister could feel me, too Good night to you, good luck! See you tomorrow

9 . 以真诚为半径,用尊重为圆心,送您一个中秋圆圆的祝福……愿:爱您的人更爱您,您爱的人更懂您!the radius in good faith with respect to central, to send you a round of the mid-autumn blessing to: people love you more love you, you love the people

10 . In fact, the sky is very blue, the clouds are always scattered; In fact, the sea is not wide, the other shore connects this shore; In fact, the dream is very shallow, everything is natural; In fact, tears are sweet, when you wish


1 . 名列前茅: always come first in examinations

2 . 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。

3 . 在这馥郁芬芳的季节,举国欢腾的日子,有一种心情叫牵挂,有一种思维叫想念。衷心祝你,国庆快乐。

4 . in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking Sincerely wish you a happy National Day

5 . Standing on the balcony, enjoy you from behind to hold my feeling 站在阳台上,享受你从背后抱我的感觉。

6 . My love for you is like diarrhea, I just cant hold it我对你的爱就像是泻肚子一样让我把持不住

7 . Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine Happy the day!送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!

8 . Real happiness, not ecstasy, also not pain, it is slow, the big wave—— 真正的快乐,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是细水长流,碧海无波。

9 . wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas season

10 . Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction生活告诉我们,爱情并不在于互相凝望对方,而在于双方朝着同一个方向眺望。


1 . how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you ive missed you, and let you know im here?我如何说我爱你?我如何告诉你我在乎你?我如何告诉你我一直都在想你?如何让你知道我就在这里?

2 . 祝节日快乐,新年幸福。

3 . Love is take one s ease, and take one s ease of love is the most real爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。

4 . the traditional festival, we will always be a very traditional kind of desire: a regular flower, yuan, chang, who often happy mid-autumn festival

5 . my arms are wide open for you this new year

6 . Keep love in your heart A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring

7 . Thinking of you still makes my heart beat fastest!想到你依然叫我心跳骤然加快!

8 . Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not (Ana Monnar —— 该发生的总会发生,不管你是否为此焦虑。

9 . 风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest

10 . Focus on your long-term goal Good things will soon happen 专注于你的长期目标,美妙的事情很快会来到。


1 . But through all this time,Remember one thing Ill love you forever, coz to my life, Love and Light, you bring在往后的岁月里,请你记住一件事,那就是,我将永远爱你,因为你为我的生活,带来了爱与光明。

2 . The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you! ~Coco Chanel 最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。

3 . May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through。 Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度马年!

4 . wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful new year season

5 . autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment If you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers

6 . Smile, let everyone know that today you&#;re much stronger than you were yesterday : 笑一笑,让每个人都知道今天的你比昨天坚强得多。

7 . All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers 一直以来,成就大事的人都是大梦想家。 —奥里森&#;马登

8 . best wishes for a wonderful new year

9 . Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies

10 . Life is full of tribulations, you must look to the wider; Worry and worry forget, the open-minded attitude always has; Don&#;t put the blame on your mouth Put down the day and complain, clear the mood: "good night"!




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